I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 499 The Curse of the Tokugawa Family

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. The'Yin Yang Tai Chi Array' suppressed the Tokugawa family's luck, and naturally there is a price that must be paid."

"For this place, the Yin Yang Liao and the Spirit Eliminator Association are both routinely'cleaning up'. However, due to the constant accumulation of grievances, the chances of the spirit body becoming a resentful spirit are extremely high, which is the same as the natural climate change. It cannot be changed from the root cause."

As they were talking, the two came to a wooden sign with "Hushan Park Case Map" written on it.

"So, this is still the place where you have the most chance to meet a spirit body. It's probably for this reason. Sister Hanyu would suggest that we start to investigate from here..."

On the wooden sign, the terrain of the entire Hushan Park is very strange, like a huge deformed frog.

"Toyama Park is divided into two areas, east and west. West Toyama Park, where we are currently located, is actually a relatively ‘clean’ place because of its flat terrain, proximity to many popular universities and business circles."

Toriyu Mayumi's thin onion-like fingers were placed on the back of the "frog", a round area like a tumor.

"The most grievance area is the artificial rockery and garden built by the Owari Tokugawa family who spent a lot of people and property, imitating the hot spring resort of Hakone Mountain in Kanagawa Prefecture, and is also named'Hakone Mountain'. The site of the army facilities mentioned earlier, Almost all on that mountain..."

Starting from the wooden sign with the map, the two of them passed several roads and walked along a small road for about ten minutes, and they came to the entrance of Higashidoyama Park.

"Man-made Hakone Mountain...This Tokugawa family is rich. Can such a big mountain be man-made?"

Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking at the "Hakone Mountain" in front of him, Sousuke Araki couldn't help but sighed "Jumen wine and meat are smelly, and there are frozen bones on the road."

Mt. Hakone has lush vegetation and a vast area, with no end in sight in the dark.

Although for modern people who are accustomed to high-rise buildings, the height of Mount Hakone in Toyama Park can only be regarded as a small soil slope.

However, if you understand that it is just an artificial rockery that rises from the ground in the backyard of the Tokugawa family's residence, you can't help but be stunned at the financial resources of the Tokugawa family in the midst of heaven.

You know, to this day, this small hill less than 50 meters above sea level is still the highest mountain within the range surrounded by Tokyo's Yamanote Line...

If we go back to the past, there are no high-rise buildings around, standing on the top of the mountain will definitely have a breath of overlooking the entire Edo.

This made Araki Sosuke feel how small and pitiful the "rockery, fish pond, and sex swimming pool" that he had planned in the backyard but completed without the funds and time.

"Let me see, is this place that is so mysterious and mysterious is really so fierce?"

Out of curiosity in his heart, Sosuke Araki lifted a corner of his blindfold, and reconsidered Mount Hakone at night.

"Oh... the information of the Spirit Slayers Association is indeed correct, the resentment from all of Tokyo is surging here..."

In the sight of the left eye, the pitch-black Hakone Mountain and a thick "black cloud" on the sky are connected with a chain-like slender resentment.

However, for the two people who have experienced the "Hell's Gate" incident, this bit of resentment can only be regarded as "smog", the "sharin-induced hallucination gas" flowing down the Hell's Gate that night. It's still a thousand miles away.

"Sure enough, there are many traces of spiritual activity. However, I haven't seen any suspicious things for the time being..."

Human, animal, unknown...

Dark red, black, gray, white...

Hands, feet, face, buttocks, chest, somewhere on the lower body...

From the entrance to the foot of the mountain, you can see the colorful and messy traces left by the spirit body using various parts of the body in the past.

"The Owari Tokugawa clan, the Owari clan who was in charge of governing in the Edo period, that is now the Nagoya area, is very financially rich. However, like the Tokugawa clan, they did not escape the'curse of the Tokugawa clan'... "

The two prudently walked up the ramp up the mountain. Toriyuki Mayumi seemed to be in a good mood, and enthusiastically began to make up for someone’s evil spirits.

"The curse of the Tokugawa clan? What is that again..."

The temperature at night in Tokyo is already extremely low, let alone Hakone Mountain where the grievances are the heaviest, but just after entering the foot of the mountain, the two feel like they are in early winter.

Suddenly talking about the topic of "curse" in this environment will only make the chill in the forest even more bitter.

"As the ruler of the Tokugawa shogunate, the reason for the establishment of the'Osanjia', and even the subsequent'Osanqing', is said to have been cursed by the severance of blood."

She seemed to be very adaptable to this environment, the girl didn't feel the "atmosphere is wrong" at all, and she told her what she knew.

After Oda Nobunaga's death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who took over from him in the position to unify Japan, had his dreadlocks before his desire to capture North Korea was fulfilled.

Instead, Ieyasu Tokugawa, who had been dormant for decades and had been a horse for Nobunaga and Hideyoshi for a lifetime, became the overlord of Japan and opened the era when the Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan.

However, under the rule of fifteen generations of generals before and after the Tokugawa shogunate, it is said that they were cursed by the blood of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Within three to four generations, the Tokugawa clan would "cut off offspring and extinct grandchildren" and had to inherit the position of general from the adoptive adopted son of the three imperial clan.

And when it comes to the curse of the Tokugawa family, there is another rumor among the people, that is, "Demon Sword Murakami."

"Mura Masa" is not actually a knife, but a kind of "sword inscription" printed on the knife like a trademark.

In Ise Kuwana, the family of Muramasa swordsmiths who have been handed down for hundreds of years, their long knives, short knives, and spears will all be engraved with the "Muramasa" sword inscription.

Because the weapons produced by the "Mura Masa" clan were of high quality and unstoppable, both the daimyo and the samurai rushed to collect them.

However, these weapons with "Mura Masa" inscribed, but they can't live with the Tokugawa clan.

First, Ieyasu Tokugawa's grandfather was stabbed by his retainers during the battle with the Oda family, and he used "Mura Masa" to cut through his right shoulder to his left abdomen.

Then Tokugawa Ieyasu's father was stabbed in the back by his own person and cut his thigh with "Mura Masa".

Then Tokugawa Ieyasu's child committed suicide by Caesarean section "Mura Masa" because of political struggles.

Finally, when Tokugawa Ieyasu himself was fighting, he was also cut his finger by "Mura Masa" in his hand.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was convinced that the village was cursed and killed the people of the Tokugawa family, so he issued an abolition order, announcing the nationwide ban on wearing the "Demon Sword Muramasa", otherwise he would be killed without pardon.

Since then, there have been various rumors in the folk stories that the people who won the village are suddenly mad and hacking people with knives, and even the "monster sword village is" has spread far and wide.

However, many aspiring people who fell to the shogunate and thwarted the barbarians, out of hatred for the shogunate, rushed to take pride in the collection of "Mura Masa", which led to rising prices and making it difficult to find a single knife.

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