I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 503 Army School Site

"Thanks to you, I have been training hard for a day, and I just bought the'One Hour Kneading Package' at the upper body beer house. I guess I will have to work overtime all night..."

Twenty minutes later, in front of the dilapidated Hushan Park toilet, Erqian Ryoma and a few class 9 agents with a tired look put the two strong men who woke up halfway and stunned into a black car. business car.

"Hey, Zongsuke, since these desperadoes are watching, you have to be careful not to protect you from the rear."

After throwing a cigarette to Sosuke Araki, Ryoma kindly suggested before the second: "Otherwise, go back to the police station with me to evacuate tonight? At least let the people in the information team figure out how they got you. Location."

"You were right before the second, it's better to be first tonight..."

Yu Mayumi, who was next to her, also proposed anxiously.

Although she knew the strength of Mr. Araki, the little maiden inevitably felt anxious when she thought of someone secretly trying to hurt him.

After all, bright knives are easy to block and secret arrows are hard to guard. No one can guarantee that there will be no time to relax.

"Hey, I can't do things like Thousand Days Defending Thieves with a shrunken head and turtle."

Araki Zongsuke smiled grimly, and raised his eyebrows to Ryoma before the second.

"If you say, I want to go up the mountain to remove spirits?"

"You guy who doesn't listen to persuasion... Wait, you mean..."

Seeing the cunning flashing in his friend's eyes, Ryoma was slightly taken aback before the second, and the same grin gradually appeared on his face: "Fishing law enforcement?"


Halfway up the mountainside of Mt. Hakone, it is always shrouded in thick black fog at night.

While making it difficult for the people in it to see things, they only feel cold all over the body.

At this moment, the black "fog" is moving with the wind, and if there is life, it slowly rushes towards somewhere on the mountainside.

At the end of the "black mist", a man and a woman were walking side by side on the gravel-paved mountain road.

When the distance is closer, you can see countless slowly flowing black air, which is constantly disappearing from the man's back, like a pair of wings that cover the sky and the sun.

As the man moved forward, the resentment surrounding him became thinner, and the mountains and forests in the night became clearly visible.

The girl in the red and white witch costume and carrying a huge cloth bag was one step behind, looking at the "black wings" of resentment on the man's back.

These two people are precisely Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori who continue to move towards the top of Hakone Mountain and "dispel" their grievances.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel very shocked."

"Really? As far as I am concerned, there is no real feeling..."

Following the girl's gaze, Sosuke Araki lifted his blindfold slightly, and tried to turn his head left and right to glance behind him.

From the limited angle of the neck, he can see the darkness behind him through the peripheral light.

He was not surprised by the melting and attraction of the "hidden energy field" by his special physique.

"Ms. Araki, the area in front is the old site of the Army Medical School."

Tori Mayumi's eyes fell on the side of the mountain, a small hill full of cherry trees.

"The school built on the mountain, the environment is pretty good... But there is nothing but a forest here."

Looking at the sturdy cherry blossom trees, Sosuke Araki seemed to see the scenes of the young students enjoying cherry blossoms in daytime and field battles at night.

"After the war, the government demolished the original building and planned to transform it into the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. However, hundreds of incomplete bones were excavated during the construction..."

"It is rumored that it is because a certain secret number of the army has been conducting terrible human research experiments secretly here."

The girl gently pushed her hair tossed by the night wind behind her ears, and said rather inverted words blankly, shattering the passionate scene in someone's mind.

"After that, the reconstruction plan had to be shelved due to grievances one after another. The park, which was finally opened for free, should also have the meaning of using popularity to suppress grievances... Mr. Araki?"

Tori Yu Mayumi hasn't finished speaking, Araki Sosuke has stepped directly into the grass beside the mountain road and walked towards the former site of the "Army Military Medical School" with only a cherry tree left.

"A place with such horrible rumors shouldn't let me down, right?"

Striding into the woods, Araki Sosuke opened his blindfold and looked around.

Unless they take the initiative to show up and cause trouble, most of the wraith spirits are unpredictable, disappearing, and difficult to find.

Therefore, even with his 100% physique of becoming a Buddha with "resonance and the same frequency", coupled with the supernatural route carefully planned by Mai Hanyu, he has been busy for almost half a night, but he has only reaped the gathering of resentful spirits in the subway lockers and mountainside toilets. .

On the contrary, he gained two extra useless gay killers.

This fully made him realize why the Mochizuki clan had spent so much manpower and time in the first place, and it was difficult to "feed" the scroll on his waist.

Therefore, he must be more proactive...


Suddenly, the corner of Araki Sosuke's mouth was slightly tilted, and he ran straight under a cherry tree. The golden left pupil pulled out a galloping stream of light in the dark night...

"turn up……"

Coming to the front, he jerked his hand downwards and grabbed it towards the root of one of the big trees.

"……is you!"

Breaking open the soft soil, a piece of arm-thick, black-charcoal-like bone was held in his hand, and he pulled it out...

A struggling, human skeleton-like skeleton, following the movements of Araki Sosuke, was reluctantly torn out of the soil like a radish that broke the ground!

Before it landed, the skeleton had burst into white light in the air, with his hands folded on his chest, and turned into a thin man in a hospital gown.

"What? I thought it would be a better guy..."

Sosuke Araki looked slightly disappointed at the men who turned into light spots in front of him and poured into the "Taketori Scroll".

"...This person said that he was a death row prisoner who died in a human experiment in an army hospital."

Looking back, he looked complicated and discussed with the little bird Yu Mayumi not far behind him.

"It seems that the rumors about here seem to be true?"

Tori Mayumi nodded and looked around carefully.

"But, didn't you find hundreds of human bones...have the rest of you disappeared, or are they hiding in the soil, asking me to dig carrots one by one?"

"Boom boom..."

Just as Araki Sosuke was pondering, the cherry trees behind him suddenly shook violently.

"Ms. Araki, look!"

Tori Mayumi was a little surprised and stretched his hand under the cherry trees.

Araki Sosuke looked back and saw a dark red incomplete circular mark several meters in diameter, lit up on the ground centered on the cherry blossom trees.

"That seems to be, some kind of rather ancient Spirit Guardian circle?"

Yuling Magic Array is a general term for the spells used to summon various spirit bodies and ghosts as the caster.

Depending on the object of the summoning, the genre of the caster, and the materials used, there are countless ways to draw the magic circle.

It seemed to be a magic circle drawn with blood, and the incantation on it was so ancient that it was difficult to recognize even the little bird Yu Mayumi from his family.

"The ruins of the army school, it stands to reason that the association often inspects, how can there be such things...Is it just recently...no, it doesn't look like..."

For some reason, the circle in front of her gave her a strong sense of contradiction.

It stands to reason that the possibility that this magic circle has evaded multiple inspections by the association is almost impossible, and it should have been set up recently.

However, this magic circle is full of the original style before the Heian period, whether it is a mantra or a drawing method.

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