In the dark red and quaint spirit guarding circle, two sturdy skeleton arms like tree trunks broke through the ground.

Several cherry trees were overturned in a desolate manner, revealing their roots covered with soil.

With those huge arms propped up on the ground, a large skeleton, more than three meters high, covered with dark red blood stains, and with ghost fire burning in its eyeholes, slowly crawled out of the soil and appeared in two In front of people.

"Wild Skeleton?!"

Tori Mayumi recognizes the ghost in front of him for the first time.

The ancient spirit guarding circle in front of him unexpectedly condensed this huge deserted skeleton by the nameless bones buried in the soil and the resentment of "yin and yang".

"Huang Skeleton's Spiritual Array... hasn't it been lost a thousand years ago?"

After the Heian era, after many years of war, the inheritance of most of the soul-eliminators has long been as incomplete and even completely cut off.

And there is no one in ten records about the Yulingzhen that summoned various ghosts.


Before he finished his words, the flames of the soul burned in the eyes of Huang Skull, as if hitting a mouse, he slapped it towards Sousuke Araki in front of him.

"Ass hurts..."

If the super-large wild skeletons that opened the gates of hell that day were a one-to-one rare custom model, the wild skeletons in front of the two of them were nothing but a one-to-eight vanity color.

However, even if it's just "traffic" goods, the height can be as high as two Araki Sosuke stacked up.


Seeing this scene, Yu Mayumi, not far away, subconsciously wanted to remind him, but swallowed the rest of the words.


With the fierce collision and dust splashing in the grass, the whole ground shook like an earthquake.

"Played'hide-and-seek' all night, and I was so tired...I admire you the most. I took the initiative to give high fives."

In the dust, I saw Sosuke Araki with one hand in his pocket and the other hand raised up to the sky, effortlessly supporting the giant palm held down by the wild skeleton: "Don't worry...I'll be..."


"...It doesn't hurt anymore."

In the continuous sound of bone cracking, Huang Gu's blood-stained body, as if taking a bubble bath, became as white as jade, bursting with white light.


Like the same building block that was accidentally drawn by mistake and collapsed, pieces of bones fell on the grass one after another, turning into several men and women wearing hospital gowns with their hands folded.

"I'm going... are there so many prisoners sent for human testing? Those beasts!"

Looking at the spirits who put their hands together and bowed in front of them, Zongsuke Araki silently lifted the sports bag and collected the soul dust.

In his drooping eyes, silent anger surged.


As if sensing the threat, a small mound not far from him suddenly appeared another two-meter-high desolate skeleton.

The appearance of this wild skeleton is completely different from the previous one. Under the huge wings, under the small dog-like head, are a slender body, sharp limbs and a long slender tail.

The physiological structures of various animals such as cats, dogs, birds, and mice appear on it at the same time.

"I don't know one of this wild skeleton's Yuling Formation has been summoned? Looks like this, is it turned into a test animal..."

Just when Sosuke Araki made strides towards it, preparing to have a "GIVEMEFIVE" as before...

The wild skeleton stretched out the huge bone wings lingering resentment, and his stubby legs jumped into the sky above the night.

Unexpectedly, just ran in the opposite direction.

"Huh, can't you fly if you bully me..."

Looking at the desolate skeleton, Araki Sosuke on the ground did not stop running.

Although, before being able to freely drive a large black presence in his body, or still spontaneously release his hands, his methods for this kind of ghost that can go up to the earth and are difficult to reach by humans can be described as lacking.

However, he was not fighting alone.

"...Little Bird Yushi, please!"


The crisp and powerful string sound resounded in the silent forest, as if responding to his words.

The little bird in the red and white maiden costume swims Mayumi, standing beautifully in the night breeze.

On the bone-made giant bow that was lightly pulled with bare hands, the bowstring was still trembling slightly.

The association arranged for her to accompany Sosuke Araki to "trainee Shuling", naturally not simply because of the familiar relationship between the two.

Akagi Shrine, the master maiden, besides her beautiful voice, sweet body, soft body, and proficiency in all kinds of non-spiritual classics, she has a wide range of archery skills that can make up for someone’s current "shortcomings" and deal with them in time. This kind of "non-standard spirit removal" situation in front of us.

"woo woo woo woo……"

An invisible arrow that looked like weeping, accurately and quickly penetrated the joint of the wings on the back of the wild skeleton in the sky.


Losing the wings that symbolize "flying", the severely damaged skeletons wailed and fell towards the ground...

In theory, existences such as resentful spirits can all have the ability to fly or penetrate entities.

However, like a fish that has never jumped out of the water, it is impossible to imagine the appearance of flying.

The depths of their souls that maintain their existence will still be dominated by many obsessions during their lifetime, which will affect their way of action.

Therefore, the cluster of wraith spirits that have swallowed many souls and obsessions will often show greater strength in these aspects.

"Hey, isn't this coming down anymore! It just so happens, practice skills with me..."

A vigorous figure dragged the golden light, already waiting one step ahead.

It was Sousuke Araki who was suffocated because he could only "stare".

At this moment, he put his hands on his chest one after another, one by one, and he put out one of the Wing Chun starting hands, asking the way hand.

A quiet aura condensed from the whole person, and he had entered a mysterious state similar to "sword heart transparent".

"This...this is..."

Yu Mayumi, the bird standing behind him, showed a surprised expression.

Because, in her eyes, a black finger with the thickness of the thigh and burning unknown scriptures, just like constipation, slowly protruded from the back of Sosuke Araki at an extremely laborious speed.

"Ms. Araki, do you not forget to practice while eliminating the spirit, so as to better drive the existence of the person in your body?"

Although I don't know what kind of existence is in Mr. Araki's body...

But whether in the apartment in hell or in the resentful Taitung District, she has witnessed with her own eyes that countless ghosts that are difficult to beat by humans are transformed without resistance under the pair of black arms that cover the sky and the sun. The light of Buddha...

On the night of the Bon Festival, at the end sitting in the night, the huge black shadow with three heads and six arms breaking through the gates of hell must be the whole picture of this terrifying existence.

"Ms. Araki is already so strong, and he still implements the ‘unity of knowledge and action’ at all times. I’m really far behind..."

Completely ignoring the "critical" scene in front of him, Yu Tori Mayumi took out his notebook and carefully recorded his "practice experience" by the moonlight.

"Huh... hurry up..."

On the other end, ignoring the wild skeleton who was about to smash himself into the flesh, he was still immersed in his own world.

Constantly improving his concentration, he tried to find the kind of "heart-to-heart" feeling that once flashed by.

Just a few seconds before Yu Mayumi's thoughts flew away, the black finger on his back had stretched out nearly half a meter.

It looks like something indescribable has grown from Araki Sosuke's back, congested and swollen under the stimulation, erecting, and angering the sky...

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