I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 506 Scarlet Stone Steps

"The look of these trees is so strange, are they pruned like this deliberately?"

Standing under the narrow stone steps, Sosuke Araki looked curiously at the woods shrouded in resentment on both sides.

Because of the custom of viewing cherry blossoms in spring and maple in autumn, cross-planting cherry trees and maple trees is a normal gardening technique.

But ordinary trees will grow in the same direction because of their phototaxis.

But the deformed trees on both sides of this ladder, no matter left or right, all slope toward the central ladder.

Twisted branches are entwined and closed in mid-air, woven into dense natural vaults.

It is conceivable that even in the hottest summer, the sun should not be reflected in this stone step, so it must be a good place to enjoy the coolness.

"Let's go, take a look at the top of the mountain, if there is nothing unusual, you can get off work today, and find a ramen shop along the way..."

"Yeah, I'm familiar with Shinjuku. There are a few good shops to take Mr. Araki!"

Concerned about Sosuke Araki's being offered a reward, Yu Mayumi Torii has been carrying on the "Journey of Eliminating Spirits" with anxiety.

Seeing that this journey was about to reach the "end point", she was slightly excited.

If you think about it carefully, before you know it, tonight you have collected soul dust equivalent to nearly a hundred spirits...

If it were not for the matter involving Mr. Araki and the "Bamboo Tori Scroll", which are all top secrets, this "100% Buddha" efficiency of exospiration is enough to allow the Mochizuki immortal who has spent hundreds of years to overturn the coffin board, Let the chins of all the members of the association who work hard to get rid of the spirits to fall to the ground.

Thinking of this, Mayumi Torii finally understood why the matter involving Mr. Araki would be the top secret of the association.

The man standing in front of him at this moment is undoubtedly the strongest spirit remover in the world.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

Even the Association was so strong that he had to hide him like a gem.

"Wait, let me go ahead."

Sosuke Araki reached out to stop Yu Mayumi, who was about to step up the stairs, and stepped on the first stone slab first.

Intuition vaguely told him that there was something not so good in front of him.

The old slate stairs, without any abnormality, still lay dead in front of them.

Only the strong resentment around him, like a tired bird returning to the forest, kept flowing into his body for a moment.

"Huh? Did I feel wrong?"

"Puff... Mr. Araki, it's rare to be careful."

Seeing Araki Sosuke's sluggish expression, Tori Yu Mayumi smiled and stretched out his hand to gently pull the corner of his clothes: "Then please, go ahead and lead the way."

For Sosuke Araki, being held by the girl's corner of his clothes with confidence is a subtle experience that has never been seen before.

He nodded silently, and continued on to the next stone step.

From behind, looking at the broad, familiar back of the man in front of her, the memories of the Obon night rushed to Yu Makoto's heart, and a touch of pink was splashed on her white cheeks.

At that time, he was in the back seat of the bicycle behind him, strolling in the courtyard, seeing ghosts in the sky as nothing.

At this time, silence was better than sound, and a strange feeling of inexplicability began to spread in the hearts of the two of them.

As the two walked up slowly, the trees standing still on both sides of the stairs became more and more ferocious, like beasts that could choose people and eat them at any time.

This is something that can't be felt under the stairs, a dull to suffocating atmosphere.


In the darkness, it was so quiet that even the sound of water droplets from nowhere could be heard clearly.


It seems that there is a very evil force constantly accumulating, and it is about to usher in the most violent outbreak.

"Ms. Araki..."

Perhaps the atmosphere in front of him was too weird, and Tori Mayumi broke the silence between the two softly.

"...Did you feel it, what's wrong?"

At this time, the two had reached the middle of this old, narrow staircase.

"I thought I was too nervous, did you feel it?"


"There seems to be a sound..."

Hearing the sound of some kind of liquid dripping again, Sosuke Araki stopped and turned around.

In the dark, on the wide stone steps, the bird Yu Mayumi walking behind had no time to react, so he rushed into his arms with his head buried in his arms.


Shouting in exclamation, the bird Yu Mayu's heart was like a deer bump, and his steps were messed up, and he fell straight towards the stairs behind...


With strong and powerful arms, the gentleman embraced the girl's slender waist and steadily pulled her back.

On the narrow stairs, the two were so close together.

"No, no, no, no... all right?"

The stretch of hand just now was just a reflex action.

At this moment, I feel the delicate waist that can almost be held in one hand, the fragrance of the girl and the fiery body in my arms...

"So, is it so thin? 』

Sosuke Araki only felt that his brain was blank and his body turned into a stiff stone statue.

"No...nothing...thank you..."

Yu Mayumi, the little bird with his head buried in front of his chest, responded like a mosquito.

She carefully raised her hot red face, and it happened to meet Araki Sosuke's golden and black pupils, blurred like jewels.

Their eyes met, and the two of them didn't even bother to look away for a while.

I just feel that a certain emotion that I don't know when it started to accumulate is constantly being intertwined and transmitted through my sight.

It seemed to be back again, the scene where the two stood facing each other under the sky full of fireworks during the Obon Festival.

"Xiao, Xiaoniao Youshi..."


Just when Sosuke Araki licked his dry mouth and seemed to want to say something...


The stone steps on the top of the mountain where the two of them were, seemed to be lit by someone, suddenly flooded with bright red light.

The surrounding scenes change accordingly.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

The cry of endless resentment and hatred squeezed from the throat, lingering in the wind, resounding through the top of the mountain.


The strange sound of water droplets became more urgent and loud.

"This, the lantern... I remember it didn't exist before, right?"

Under the sudden light from all around, the two subconsciously took a step apart, and their eyes fell on both sides of the stairs.

Starting from the bottom of the stone steps, a small wooden vertical lantern, painted red like blood, which appeared at some unknown time, was extending up along the outer side of the handrail.

Like an invisible hand, with a blood-colored flame, the lantern was lit up one by one from bottom to top, and the things in their eyes were stained with a crimson color.

Under the night, surrounded by woods, bright red lanterns clustered along the ancient stone steps...

It was supposed to be an extremely beautiful scene, but at this moment, because of the light of blood in the lantern, it became extremely miserable and treacherous.

"The trees on both sides are weird! Mr. Araki, look..."

Under the shining of the blood-colored light, you can see clearly that from the thick tree trunks on both sides to the branches extending out and covering the top of the head, there are all shriveled, vaguely corpses, which are wriggling in pain.

This cry resounding in the forest, it was from those corpses.

As the line of sight narrowed, one could even see thick black iron nails with blood grooves, piercing the body surface of those corpses, deep into the trunks of those trees, and nailing them to them.

The sound of "ticking, ticking" was caused by the blood from the corpse running down the trunk of the tree along the blood groove.

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