"How come... the association clearly has regular inspections..."

At this scene, Toori Yu Mayumi smelled a scent of conspiracy.

"Forget the hidden spirit guarding circle before, but it won't miss such a large number of resentful spirits..."


The black blood continued to accelerate, from the corpses, along the iron nails, into the inside of the tree trunk.

The ticking sound that followed was dense like a drum, echoing clearly in their ears.

It seems to be urging something, and it seems to be some kind of countdown.

"This should be a primitive living sacrifice... nailing these people alive to the tree trunk, even if they are turned into earth-bound spirits, their consciousness can only stay at the moment before death, and eternal life will provide grievances for these trees. ..."

Even if it was the little bird Yu Mayumi who had seen the opening of the gates of hell, he shuddered in the face of the vicious sacrificial technique in front of him.

"Sacrifices involving blood and living people are often old...iron nails, tree trunks...why, there is a familiar feeling?"

This kind of bloody and cruel ancient sacrificial rituals, and the remaining bane, was hidden and thrived in the dark by the grievances gathered by the "yin and yang".

"Damn it, who on earth did such a utterly conscienceful thing!!!"

The picture that Araki Sosuke Zuo Hitomi saw was far more real than the girl next to him.

The twisted faces in the woods silently told him the unbearable torment.


Thinking of countless living beings nailed to the tree, in the pain of blood flow, desperately waiting for the moment of liberation from the passing of life, but I don't know that this is just the beginning of endless pain...

His heart was extremely painful.

Just as he was about to climb over the handrails to bestow relief from these painful souls...

The bloody flames that were constantly shining in the lantern just reached the top of the mountain at this time.

Those corpses on the trunk suddenly stopped crying.

The original harsh sound of dense water droplets disappeared without knowing when.

The woods on both sides of the stone steps regained their dead silence.

Like a noisy classroom between classes, it suddenly became quiet because the class bell rang.

It seemed to be welcoming the arrival of a certain sacred moment.

Rows of white figures with long flowing hair appeared abruptly, standing quietly under the trees on both sides of the stone steps.

Around the long and narrow stone steps, in front of each old lantern, there is exactly one person.

"These are the resentful spirits?"

Looking closely, it was a young woman with a dull-eyed and bloodless face.

They were all dressed in white kimonos, their disheveled heads wore a triangular iron frame, and on the shelf was a wooden basin full of blood, and three candles burning with a dark green flame...

In his hand, he held a wooden hammer covered with dark red stains.

Between his fingers, there were black rusty nails.

In the center of the stone steps, facing the densely packed and weirdly dressed white resentful spirits surrounding the stairs, Sosuke Araki guarded Yu Mayumi Kotori vigilantly behind him.

Tori Mayumi also took off the huge bow on his back without hesitation, ready to open the bow to draw the arrow at any time.

The women with weird dresses and terrible expressions did not even notice the signs of the two of them.

They didn't make any sound, they just turned around mechanically, facing the top of the mountain, bowing their heads respectfully.

Obviously, the resentment around, because of the arrival of Araki Sosuke, was quickly plundered...

But whether it was the immovable "corpse" on the trunk or the white figures on both sides, they seemed to ignore the existence of the two.

In the silent mountains and forests, only uniform knocks could be heard.

"They, what on earth are they worshipping... are they on the top of the mountain... I can't see them at all..."

"I don't know when I started, I am obsessed with you for no reason. My eyes are always chasing you, I can't do without you..."

At this quiet and weird moment, Araki Sosuke's cell phone rang untimely.

"Hey, Zongsuke, how much money did you guys have been offered as a reward?!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a hoarse voice from the front of the two.

"We have arrested dozens of suspicious people who are armed with murder weapons and want to spy on Hakone Mountain at night. We are almost running out of manpower..."

"Fortunately, this uncle came from the Shinjuku Police Station, and a lot of people have been temporarily transferred here...Smelly boy, dare to resist, take my friendship and break your face! 』

There was chaos in the background, and it seemed that the sound of punches to the flesh could be heard.

"Ah, Ryoma, it is not convenient for me to talk on the phone now..."

Araki Zongsuke covered his mouth and lowered his voice, for fear of disturbing the devout spirits around him.

He himself wasn't too worried, because he was afraid that he could not protect the bird Yu Mayumi behind him in the chaos.

"In short, we are already looking for support from the headquarters, but it seems that some slippery fish have gone up the mountain from other directions, you should be careful... asshole, who will allow you to get up, give me a good shot!"

After that, Ryoma hung up the phone in a hurry before the second.

After arresting the "nipples brothers" in the toilets on the mountainside, Ryoma took the people from Lesson Nine before the 2nd and guarded the "fishing law enforcement" on the necessary roads in Mt. Hakone.

Looking at it this way, the harvest seems to be far beyond imagination.

However, at this moment, standing in the middle of the old stone stairs, looking at the woods nailed with "corpses" on both sides, the weird women in white kneeling toward the mountain, Sosuke Araki did not think about these things.

"I always feel that it's a waste of time to watch them worship like this."

"Right, time..."

Standing behind him, Yu Mayumi, frowning and silent, seemed to be reminded of something, and grabbed his mobile phone.

The time displayed on the mobile phone was astonishingly 1:45 in the morning.

"One point, the ugly time... now happens to be... the ugly time three quarters..."

"I see! This ladder has been set up with a divine enchantment, and it will only open at a fixed time..."

She seemed to have figured out something, but her face became paler, and even her teeth trembled when she spoke: "Mr. Araki... these women should be a kind of ghost called "Ugly Time Girls"..."

According to legend, the "daughter of ugly time" is a monster formed by a woman full of jealousy and resentment.

Whenever it is ugly, the girl of the ugly time will nail the scarecrow to the godwood planted in the shrine to cast a curse.

If the act of nailing the scarecrow continues for seven consecutive days, the cursed person will die.

"And what they are doing now should be a ceremony called "Ugly Shishen"..."

"Daughter of Ugly Time? Are you mistaken, as far as ghosts are concerned, this kind of appearance is already a master's appearance, what is ugly..."

"Chou Shi Shen" is the name of the curse technique performed by "The Daughter of Chou Shi".

But the original meaning is derived from the ritual called "Worship in Ugly Time".

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