I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 508 The Curse of the Daughter of Ugly Time

"You can't go wrong, even the lanterns under these trees are very similar to the'Kasuga Lanterns' on the steps of Kifune Shrine!"

Tori Mayumi glanced at the lanterns on both sides again, confirming his guess even more.

"However, there has never been a branch of Kifune Shrine in the Kanto area, and there is no record of such a large number of ugly girls or group worship..."

"Worship in Ugly Time" originated at Kifune Shrine at the foot of Mount Kurama in Sakyo District, Kyoto.

It is said that the god of desolation who came to Kifune in the ugly year, ugly moon and ugly day, is the cursed god who masters "worship in ugly time".

Rumor has it that as long as a woman in white clothes comes to the Kibune Shrine at night when she is ugly to pray, and finally hold a club and use a nail to knock the portrait of the cursed person or personal objects into the Shinto tree, the cursed person will be within seven days. Will die.

"In this case, although I don't know what they are visiting now, before they do anything else, take the initiative to provide services?!"

Hearing that the group of women in white clothes beside him turned out to be such a penetrating ghost, Sosuke Araki suddenly got goose bumps.

Just when he couldn't hold back, and was ready to act first, the "girls of ugly time" on both sides of the stairs seemed to have ended their worship.

They stood up together, their scarlet eyes moved slightly between their long hair, and at the same time they turned to look at the two "uninvited guests" in the middle of the stairs.

At the same time, being stared at by so many women with "hungry" gazes, even if they had confidence in their "resonant physique", Araki Sosuke's midfielder couldn't help but feel weak.


Keeping their heads in the posture of staring at the two, the bodies of those ugly girls turned 180 degrees against the big tree beside them, and there was a sound of spine friction...


They raised the sledgehammer in their hands and skillfully knocked the thick and long black rust iron nail into the trunk beside them.


In the woods on both sides of the stone stairs, there was a uniform, ghastly hammering sound.

As the iron nails penetrated into the trunk, where the bark splashed, a moor of black liquid began to slowly flow out, and the "corpse" covered with branches began to cry desolately again.

"Be careful, Mr. Araki, they are showing us "ugly time ginseng"...Ah!"

Seeing these women's actions, Araki Sosuke subconsciously grasped the hand of Tori Mayumi, and the girl exclaimed in surprise.

According to Mai Hanyu's theory and the description of Ryoma before the second of the night at the Suzumori Execution Grounds, the biomagnetic field can also be synchronized for a short time by people who maintain physical contact with him, temporarily resisting various types of driving based on the "hidden energy field". Weird effect.

In the next second, in the sight of his left eye, countless dark red bloodshots spilled out from the places where the women nailed into the tree trunks, intertwined into an inevitable net of heaven and earth, and rushed toward the two of them.

"Be careful, this bloodshot is weird..."

Unintentionally feeling the warm and watery touch in his hands, Sosuke Araki held his breath and stared at the blood lingering around him.

"What bloodshot?"

Although there was no bloodshot eyes, the whole body's inspiration suddenly felt like a hedgehog, and the heart palpitations suddenly made Yu Mayumi, without hesitation, to draw out a few pieces of talisman paper, and spill them all around.

The talisman paper containing spiritual power, flying around the two automatically without wind, seems to be some kind of body defense technique.

However, the blood-colored filament passed through her talisman paper as if entering an uninhabited state, and entangled the two of them.

"If you can't even see it...this energy should be the so-called curse?"

Obviously it was a desperate scene, but Sosuke Araki held the witch next to him in one hand and put the bag in the other, and curiously examined the blood-colored filaments in front of him.

In his left eye that was shining with golden light, the bloodshot eyes were continuously magnified as if they were placed under a microscope.

It can be clearly seen that there are countless small bloody runes, continuously surrounding each other in accordance with a certain rule, forming this strange bloodshot.


Without warning, a black and thick black finger with a length of nearly 1.8 meters, burning with dark red runes, protruded from the back of Sosuke Araki...

Judging from the faintly visible black outline, this is still the middle finger sticking out with a fist.

"Come here, it really has to be a bit of a sense of crisis in order to play better!"

Blessed to the soul, Araki Sosuke's left arm rune flames flowed, and his movements overlapped with the giant middle finger, shooting all the bloodshots flying in the sky into ashes.

At this moment, the black middle finger, like a long sword and some kind of exoskeleton device with nerve induction, became an extension of his arm.

The feeling of "like an arm with a finger" in the true sense is deeply imprinted in Sosuke Araki's instinct, just like when he learned to swim for the first time.

The bloodshots flying all over the sky like a red thread for weaving were knocked down by his thick and long black fingers and melted into black ash.

Seeing that Sosuke Araki seemed to have entered a state of "comprehension", Yumayumi Kotori, who was about to take a bow to counterattack, temporarily slowed down.

"Is it possible to get rid of the "ugly time ginseng" with just one finger? If the existence in Mr. Araki's body shows a full picture, I'm afraid..."

Although she couldn't see the blood-colored filaments, just looking at the place where the fingers passed, and the sky was flying black and gray, she guessed that there must be an invisible curse that was broken by Sousuke Araki.

That's the "ugly time ginseng", once completed, it will have the curse of "immediate death" effect!

The curse that ignores time and place, is nowhere to be found, and does not need to be cast in person, is often the most difficult existence for a spirit remover to detect and cannot be targeted for defense.

It is said that in order to break the curse of the Daughter of Ugly Time, it must be removed before the curse is completed.

If you let the other party hide in a corner, complete the "Ugly Shisan" curse given by the gods and called "unsolvable"...

If the cursed person had not broken away from the "human" level, he would have died without a doubt.

Although I don’t know why these "girls of ugly time" can ignore the legendary time of seven days, and they can curse the two of them in a moment...

But obviously the "ugly time ginseng" technique is not enough in front of Mr. Araki.

"Come again, it's not enough, people want more... Big wood and big wood..."

Sousuke Araki, who was shouting strange mouth addiction and dancing with his hands, found that the bloodshots floating from those tree trunks had gradually been unable to keep up with his more proficient movements.

In the surroundings, the dense forests that were originally shrouded in resentment, as he continued to "pill", gradually became clear and restored the original appearance of the early morning white fog.

As the "daughters of ugly time" diluted with their body grievances, the action of hammering the tree trunks began to weaken.

There was also a trace of confusion in the eyes staring at the two of them in an anti-human posture.

It seems that in the "Ugly Time Participating Practice Guide" they have mastered, there is no way to deal with this situation.

Just as Araki Sosuke continued to deepen his understanding of this "manipulation state" by clearing the bloodshot curse that was flying all over the sky, a sound of fine footsteps came from below the stairs.

"Oops, are there people coming here?"

The strong light of several flashlights dangled the two people on the Scarlet Ladder so they couldn't open their eyes.

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