Japan’s god-making worship and power struggle have a long history.

It can be seen from the national flag that the Japanese worship of the sun is beyond doubt.

That's because, for a long time, even the school teachers will seriously educate students that Japan is the kingdom of God, the emperor is the descendant of the Amaterasu God, the ancestor of the Japanese...

Even during the shogunate rule, when the samurai class was actually in power for hundreds of years, the samurai could only deprive the emperor of power on the pretext of "the emperor's failure" and integrate his blood into the imperial family by marriage, but he could never replace the emperor in the people. The transcendent status in the heart.

However, the emperor who lost his power could live a good life as long as he became a "god" with peace of mind and gave up power.

Thanks to the protection of the gods, the chrysanthemum dynasty is called the longest dynasty in the world. Since its establishment, it has 125 emperors. Although it has gone through many ups and downs, it has never been replaced by other dynasties in name until modern times. .

Therefore, for hundreds of years, countless shogunate rulers have never given up trying to "create gods" in an attempt to replace the status of the "gods" of the emperor clan.

During the Edo Shogunate, three generations of general Tokugawa Iemitsu issued an amnesty order for the "national thief" to "rehabilitate" the "national thief", and he was portrayed as a hero who had the courage to sacrifice himself and resist the tyranny of the imperial court.

In the same year, the shogunate moved Kanda Akira Shrine from the Oni Gate of Edo Castle, enshrining Heisha Gate as one of the three pillar gods, and built the "Hokuto Seven Stars Formation" with the gate mound and six shrines.

In the end, they succeeded in enshrining Heijo Gate as one of the three pillars of Kanda Myojin.

The Tokugawa shogunate has done this series of things, naturally wanting to create a "god" that belongs to the Tokugawa family and can rival the Amaterasu.

Had it not been for the Meiji Restoration and the imperial family to regain power, to build the "Tai Chi Yin-Yang Formation" and the "Five Spirit Seal Formation", and pay a great price to suppress the ghosts and gods, I am afraid that in hundreds of years, the Tokugawa clan can really succeed in replacing the imperial family. Status.

Judging from the layout of Hakone Mountain, the enshrined Heimamon must be just the tip of the iceberg of their "God-making" project.

The Tokugawa family and their collaterals must have secretly tried to create other "gods."

When the Meiji Restoration began and the Tokugawa Shogunate was gradually declining, behaviors such as "making gods" must have been regarded as life-saving straws, becoming more and more crazy and exterminating humanity.

The question is, what "god" was enshrined in such a vicious and bloody sacrifice arranged by the Owari Tokugawa family, and where?

With many doubts, the two people with different thoughts finally set foot on the top of the mountain.

There was no time to take a closer look before in a hurry, and at this time the two talents had free time to look at the small mountaintop viewing platform in front of them.

There is nothing on the hilltop platform, which is enclosed by a fence and does not exceed 50 square meters. There is only a slate similar to a low table on which is printed the bronze compass relief that is found in most mountain top attractions.

"On this, I don't see any shrines and other symbols of faith."

Walking around the platform, the bird Yu Mayumi took out the talisman paper, and lightly patted it on the central stone slab.

A circle of blue spiritual power fluctuations spread out around the burning talisman paper.

Shinto Art·Spirit Appearance.

"There is no response from spiritual power..."

After doing all this, she shook her head disappointedly when she found nothing.

"Ms. Araki?!"

Looking back, Araki Sosuke lay on the ground in a very skilled and concealed posture like a habitual offender spying on the bottom of his skirt.

Although she was wearing a long hakama, the little witch still subconsciously stretched out her hand to protect her knee.

"The rock below..."

Araki Sosuke's line of sight did not stay in any strange place, just staring blankly at the big rock under the slab as the base.

"...Very clean."

In his left eye, although there are many strange footprints left by spirit bodies and black traces dragged by branches on the ground on the top of the mountain.

But the cornerstone under the stone slab in front of me was terribly clean.

Even the spiritual power of Toriyu Mayumi just now didn't leave any trace on it.

"If neither spiritual power nor resentment can leave a trace..."

Hearing Araki Sosuke's words, Yu Mayumi Kotori also squatted beside him, looking blankly at the plain, moss-covered boulder.

"If they visit this stone..."

With a flash of inspiration, she suddenly thought of something.

"Is it possible that this stone... is it a pedestal?"

Shintoism is the worship of nature, so there are also shrines that enshrine natural objects or natural phenomena as "divine bodies", with titles such as "Kannabe", "Iwaza", and "Shinri".

"Kanabe" refers to the particularly beautiful mountains as a symbol of the possession of the gods, called sacred mountains or sacred mountains. The most representative ones are Mount Fuji (Asama Shrine), Hakusan (Hakusan Shrine), and Tateyama (Oyama Shrine).

"Sacred fence" worships the entire forest as a "forest of guarding". The tallest giant tree among them is regarded as a "sacred tree", which is enshrined as the possession of the gods. A typical example is the large nanmu (Kamio Hachiman Shrine). , Sugisō Betsumei Shrine), Ryushenki (Chichibu Imamiya Shrine), etc.

"Iwaza" is to believe in the majestic rock as the "divine body" that the gods attach to, represented by Gotobuki Rock (Kinkura Shrine), Sanshi (Three Stone Shrine), Iwaza (Hanagu Shrine), etc.

"What is the seat... If it is just to worship a broken stone, so many vicious things have been done..."

Looking at the indifferent, too pale stone in front of him, Araki Sosuke squatted up angrily, embracing it with his hands.

More than half an hour ago, the vicious, distorted and suffocating scene on the stairs, as well as the encounters of the spirits during their lifetime, was like a film that made people unable to breathe.

"...It should be done if it is ruined?!"

At this moment, he seemed to finally find a vent.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

He pushed his hips, straightened his waist, and bulged his arms with blue veins. He exploded with all his strength. He lifted the stone, which is estimated to be 500 kilograms, together with the slab on it, and slammed it on the ground.

Seeing his irritable behavior, the bird Yu Mayumi on the side didn't have the slightest surprise, but instead smiled.

Because, she recalled a few months ago, when she dragged Mr. Araki to go to Kamakura High School to remove the spirits.

At that time, Mr. Araki easily lifted the seal stone at the mouth of the well and smashed the resentful spirit in it.

Well, doing everything you can to eliminate evil is indeed the style of Mr. Araki.


As the stones and the stone slabs were smashed into the ground on the side, the original location revealed a wide and dark cave.

Under the moonlight, you can see the stone steps made of simple bluestone slabs below the entrance of the cave, continuously extending downwards.

"There is actually a secret road down here?!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"So, the object of their worship is actually in the belly of the mountain?"

Although Mt. Hakone is not a popular attraction and there are various terrible rumors about spirituality, residents and college students living nearby will come to exercise and climb during the day.

It is absolutely impossible to quietly excavate such tunnels in the mountains after opening here as a park.

This cavern must have been secretly built by the Owari Tokugawa family back then, but it has existed silently under the eyes of everyone for nearly two hundred years.

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