"Could it be that the Owari Tokugawa family's efforts to build a rockery like Mt. Hakone were time-consuming and laborious to build a rockery like Mt. Hakone, not for the sake of ‘garden landscape’..."

Recalling the various experiences along the way, Araki Sosuke intuitively grasped the key.

"Yes, from the very beginning, they wanted to hide from the public in the name of building Hakone Mountain, and secretly arranged such a bloody sacrificial ceremony!"

Comprehending his meaning, Tori Mayumi got the answer.

After all, in the Edo period, man-made such a mountain was an extremely magnificent project, and it was normal for a few laborers to die in the middle.

Just as the two were talking, a ray of gray and white breath rose from the dark hole.

"The power of ghosts and gods?!"

Araki Sosuke subconsciously stretched out his hand, and the breath rushed into his fingertips as if it were inductive.

The last time I saw this grey breath, it was on the naked mother-in-law of Dongming Expressway, who was called "super-super-familiar".

"So, this stone is not a pedestal, but a sealing stone to prevent ghosts and spirits from leaking..."

Seeing that palpitating breath disappear in Araki Sosuke's body, Yu Mayumi couldn't help his eyes widening.

"The Lord, right below!"

Only by combining the power of faith and resentment can the power of ghosts and gods be born.

Araki Sosuke lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and threw it towards the cave.

Seeing the flame of the cigarette butt flashing in the depths of the stone steps, he nodded to Yu Mayumi Tori with confidence: "There is oxygen below, let's go, let's visit the Lord."

Rolling up his sleeves, he took the lead and stepped into the stone steps in the cave.

Yu Mayumi, a more slender bird, followed behind him and dived flexibly.

The two descended about ten meters down the stairs full of smell of soil, and the whole passage suddenly opened up.

No one can think of it, in the hinterland of Hakone Mountain, there is a huge cave of nearly 100 square meters and more than ten meters high.

The inside of the cave, which was originally dark, was covered with a layer of holy luminescence because of a beam of moonlight spilling over the entrance of the cave.

The inner wall of the cave is densely spread with black and red tree roots, so that the originally loose soil cannot be lost, and it maintains an internal structure that is stronger than the air-raid shelter.

And these tree roots, which meandered from outside the cave, from nowhere, gathered together at the bottom of the cave and woven into a huge net.

"Ms. Araki, look over there..."

Walking along the bird's white greasy fingers of Mayumi, a white figure lay quietly at the end of the moonlight, where the roots of the tree intertwined like a cobweb.

This is a young girl with a petite figure and a beautiful face that does not look more than two decades old.

The white clothes on the body, the bronze mirror on the chest, the triangular iron frame on the top of the head...

Her dress is exactly the same as those of ugly girls.

The only difference is that she does not have a wooden hammer or nail in her hand.

Looking closely, the girl has immature horns on her forehead, and fine scales are faintly visible under her white arms.

Although the dress is a bit piercing, but the beautiful face and natural breath make people feel uncomfortable.

She closed her eyes so quietly, lying softly on her back on the rattan bed made of tree roots. Through the slightly open collar, she could see the white waves and deep gullies.

In the dark cave, under the desolate moonlight, a beautiful girl with a slender body was coiled under the roots of a tree, sleeping soundly...

The two of them couldn't help being shocked by the strange scene mixed with the beauty in front of them.

If it weren't for the woman's lingering gray ghostly breath, she couldn't be faked, coupled with her weird dress, 36E that has never been ups and downs, and the blood that hasn't solidified on the roots of the surrounding trees...

Sosuke Araki would only think that the other party was just an Edo rich lady who sneaked here to take a break.

"So, she is the object of those ugly girls who pay homage to?"

"... And the flesh and blood and grievances of those who died in the'Ugly Shisan' were also provided to her through these roots?"

"Where is she?"

Seeing this woman who was quietly resting and motionless wrapped in the power of ghosts and gods, Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori looked at each other, carefully stepped down the steps and approached her.


Just stepping into the bottom of the cave, with the crackling sound, a figure rose from the dust and rushed towards Sousuke Araki.


Panicked and used the "Japanese punch" to split the figure in front of him, Sosuke Araki was embarrassed to find that it was just an "normal" skeleton that he stepped on and raised his foot.

At this moment, under his heavy blow, it has been turned into a femur, tibia, ribs, and skull scattered all over the place.

"Eh, what is this?"

He bends down curiously and picked up a wooden sign on the ground, and tore off the hands that the skeleton was holding tightly on it.

"Vaguely thundering, cloudy sky, even if it doesn’t rain, I will stay here."

"Wish to return to the throne of the god who is waiting for the ugly time in this body-the admirer Tokugawa sect will stand respectfully"

This piece of wood seems to be on the rotten wooden sign that was hugged by the skeleton, and such writing can be vaguely seen.

"Tokugawa Summu...Is this skeleton the last direct bloodline of the Owari Tokugawa family you mentioned earlier?"

"Who is she, so that the feudal lord of Owari Tokugawa's family was willing to be buried here, and still leave such an infatuated haiku?"

"Tokugawa Sumura...desolate skeleton...the god of ugly time..."

Muttering these names, with intense thoughts, the fine beads of sweat on Yu Mayumi's face continued to flow.

"The God of Ugly Time... I see!"

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Could it be... she is Mayuki Ji!"

"Be quiet, don't wake her up...what May chicken? I only know Mayday."

Sosuke Araki concealed his mouth like a thief and reminded him in a low voice, and tiptoedly approached the girl.

"It doesn't matter whether she is a ghost or a May chicken, as long as she is touched by my powerful'resonant same frequency' physique, the powerful magnetic field will repeatedly impact various acupoints of the body at high speed to ensure that she will enter the soul and become a Buddha as soon as possible... "

As he spoke, his guilty hands were still in the air gesturing indescribably with various "de-spirit" gestures.

"Ms. Araki, if she is really Mayuki Ji, she is an ancient person a thousand years ago."

"That's right, then she is very well maintained..."

"It shouldn't be wrong. Look at her dress as a girl of ugly time... and the scales and horns on her body, which are the characteristics of being a dragon and a snake and a half-monster."

Shyly patted Araki Sosuke’s empty hand, and Tori Yu Mayumi explained to him bitterly: "Maytsuki Hime, whose full name is Hei Maytsu, is Ping Shoumen, that is, Mr. Araki once defeated him. The daughter of'Soma Kojiro'..."


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