I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 518: The First Daughter of Ugly Time

"In addition to being the daughter of Ping Shogun, Mayuki Ji is also the first'daughter of Ugly Time' in recorded history."

Before the Pingjiangmen incident, the ninth lesson information group had collected, sorted out, and shared a lot of information about the "new emperor", including many secret books of the royal family kept in Yinyangliao, including the "May Ji" Record.

According to ancient records, in the Tianqing Rebellion, Pingjiangmen was killed in battle, and the tribe and the remnant party were killed by the court.

The surviving Maysuki Hime was full of resentment, and visited the Kifune Shrine, famous for its curse, at the three moments of the Ugly Times every day, praying for revenge from the gods.

After three or seventy-one days, she finally saw Kibune Myojin who had turned into a desolate soul.

In exchange for the price of soul, Mayuki Ji turned into a demon, obtained the curse art passed down by the gods, and changed her name to Takiyasha Ji.

Following the instructions of the gods, Takiyasha Ji returned to Soma City to recruit troops and recruited horses. After summoning Yasha Maru, Spider Maru and other men, she used the bones of the dead in battle to summon a huge deserted skeleton and re-discovered it. The prelude to the rebellion began.

The imperial court far away in Kyoto was panicked, and dispatched the strongest lieutenant general of the Great Onmyoji Mansion at the time and the military commander Yamashiro Mitsuri to put down the rebellion. After a fierce battle, Takiyasha Hime finally retreated.

"Wait, since the book says retiring, how could she still lie down here?"

Listening to Mayumi Torii’s narration, when he thought of the ancients lying in front of him a thousand years ago, Sosuke Araki suddenly felt as if he had strayed into some kind of tomb. He began to consider whether to find a candle in the southeast corner and then Start to touch again...

"Although the imperial court announced that after being retired by onmyoji, Takiyasha Hime had put down her obsession and became a Buddha and died. But since she has sacrificed her soul to the gods, she must have long been involuntarily in whose soul belongs, and what she sees is just The remaining flesh..."

"Could it be that it is because of the dragon and snake bloodline that originated from Pingjiangmen, that is why the body is immortal?"

Frowning his brows, Tori Yu Mayumi only felt that there were too many details submerged in history, unable to delve into it.

"The Owari Tokugawa family enshrines her corpse here, so that the wraith of the girl of Ugly is worshipped day and night, and the flesh and blood of a living person is worshipped day and night. Is it possible to awaken her and catalyze her into some kind of ghosts and gods? "

Since the Meiji Restoration, the imperial family moved to Tokyo, and the Toyama Park was handed over by the Tokugawa family, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Tokyo bombing, and other incidents have occurred. The hospital for infectious diseases and the ruins of army institutions on Mount Hakone have been razed to the ground. It was converted into a park and opened to the outside world.

The secrets in the belly of Hakone Mountain and the strange scenes that appear during the daily ugliness must have long been buried in the dust of history, no one knows.

"After that, the direct bloodline of the Owari Tokugawa clan was severed and the shogunate was returned, which led to this sacred place to be forgotten..."

After repeated scrutiny, Tori Yu Mayumi felt that there were extremely unnatural and contradictory aspects.

"No, Mt. Hakone has undergone many reconstructions. If there is no one to maintain, the formation of worship at this ugly time will not be able to operate on its own..."

After the completion of the "Tai Chi Yin-Yang Formation", this place became the "Yin-Yang" that brought together the grievances of the entire Tokyo metropolis.

"Although the cave in the belly of the mountain is difficult to find, the royal family set it up as the "Yin Yang" back then, and the Yin Yang Liao would not be able to detect the external "Worship in Ugly Time"..."

Moreover, if this "ugly time worship" has been operating in secret for nearly two hundred years, when the climate is more than this, the supernatural cases in Toyama Park should logically pile up.

If relying on the yin and yang accumulated over the past two hundred years of resentment, and the power of faith that the resentful spirits have been ugly worshipping day by day, this Mayuki Ji's body would have been awakened in the posture of a ghost and god, and she should not have fallen asleep until now.

"Or in other words, this ritual of ‘ugly time worship’ has long been unable to maintain its operation and has been abandoned for many years. Was it someone else who restored it and restored the worship of Mayuki Ji?"

After thinking about it, Yu Mayumi Xiaoniao only feels that these mysteries are full of man-made traces and conspiracy, but they still can't get a glimpse of the truth.

"Mr. Araki, this corpse has been preserved in such a vivid way. I am afraid that there are signs of deification. It may be invaded by other spirits at any time, or even awakened as a ghost, and cannot stay here."

However, it is an indisputable fact that Wuyueji has achieved the body of a ghost and god. Like a time bomb that may detonate at any time, fulfilling the obligation of being a spirit remover is the top priority.

"Yes, I will do my best to eliminate evil! Let me use the technique of immersion for many years..."

"Out, out of respect for historical figures, don't touch strange places!"

As Araki Zongsuke's footsteps drew closer, the lingering power of ghosts and gods on Mayuki Ji's corpse suddenly surged into his body.

With this gray breath entering the body, Araki Sosuke only felt that he drank 28 bottles of renal function drinks in a row, instantly energetic, powerful, protracted, persistent...


Suddenly, a breeze poured in from the opening of the moonlight.


As if hearing a strange sound, Araki Sosuke subconsciously looked towards the top of the cave.

"Elven Wind?"

Feeling the same palpitating breeze, Tori Mayumi also reacted.

"Mr. Araki, that is the elven wind, which appeared after Obon. According to the association's observation, this wind is just chasing grievances..."

"However, the energy of the red earthworm in the wind is a bit familiar."

In the eyes of Araki Sosuke, a bunch of scarlet rust-like messy energy threads, like earthworms that are constantly wriggling, are wrapped in the breeze.

"Red earthworm?"

Sosuke Araki stretched his hand to the breeze hovering above his head, but the only thing he harvested was the confused eyes of Yu Tori Mayumi.


The chaotic humming was mixed in the breeze, accompanied by scarlet energy threads, spilling towards the cave from above.


Hearing this ear-piercing song like an air defense alarm, Tori Yu Mayumi suddenly showed pain on his face and stretched out his hand to cover his ears.

A huge consciousness of destruction, following this fine song, kept trying to invade her mind.

"This messy, noisy singing...I remember it!"

Reflexively, Araki Sosuke grasped the girl's slender wrist and raised his hand to slap the colorful scarlet energy into ashes.

"On the night of the Obon Festival, in front of the apartment in front of Tibet, the guy with the COS gaping eyes Cthulhu (mother) sang exactly the same thing!"

"By the way, on the day I came back from my'retreat and practice', I also saw this thing in the parking lot of the apartment in front of Tibet..."

Although the volume was lower and it seemed less noisy and harsh, Araki Sosuke heard it for the first time.

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