Being pulled by the wrist by Sosuke Araki, the terrifying will that was painful and eroding in Toori Yu Mayumi's mind suddenly dissipated, and even the noisy whispers in her ears became quiet.

She stared at Zongsuke Araki who was "beating the air" beside her in a daze. She still couldn't get over from the sudden erosion just now.

In this wind, what terrible existence is hidden...

Why, as an exterminator, can't see the slightest strangeness except for feeling the air surging in the cave!


The breeze, constantly spreading singing and scarlet energy, entangled at the top of the cave, seeming to want to get close to Sosuke Araki, but was extremely frightened.

As the noisy singing continued to echo in the cave, Sosuke Araki seemed to be able to hear a trace of sincere, anxious and humble emotions...

Intuition tells him that a certain existence seems to be constantly trying, wanting to communicate with him through singing.

"God understands his meaning, fades away from eternal sleep, and welcomes the moment of awakening."

But in all odds and ends, such a thoughtless word was passed over.

"What kind of a half-tone broken wind, it will only make noise above people's heads..."

Araki Sosuke tried to jump a few times, but couldn't reach the breeze above the cave, so he could only helplessly raise his middle finger to the sky: "...Asshole, come here if you have the ability!"

He wanted to walk up the stone steps to disperse the annoying singing in the wind, but hesitated for fear that the bird Yu Mayumi next to him would encounter unexpected events.


Just as Araki Zongsuke concentrated his attention and was about to summon the 180-centimeter thick existence in his body and knock down the annoying elven wind above, the inside of the cave began to shake.

"Ms. Araki, look over there!"

The slow bird Yu Mayumi, suddenly pulled his hand.

"Damn it, it's enviable...angry breaking wind, what do you want to do?"

When Araki Sosuke looked back, he saw dense crimson energy that had covered the body of the quietly lying "May-Ji" at some point, and was moving along the neckline of her open kimono towards the unfathomable. Climb into the gully.

Then, the woman who was sleeping on the tree bed turned up like a corpse and opened her eyes.

Looking at each other with those dim, pure, big eyes like a newborn baby, one picture after another, accompanied by boundless hatred, came into the mind of Mongsuke Araki.

At the end of the long steps of Kibune Shrine full of red lanterns, a girl in white dress dressed as the "Girl of Ugly Time" hammered and hammered the miraculous tree at the end of the road...

Standing on the shoulders of huge wild skeletons in the burning ruins of the General State of Dismounting Horses, the girl coldly looked at the fierce fighting army under her...

The fallen corpses, among her gestures, gathered into desperate skeletons, and stood up again.

And the enemy general, long before the start of the battle, had already been penetrated by the "Chou Shisan" in his heart.

Where the jade finger is raised, blood blooms like flowers on the other shore.

Where the toes fell, only crimson and darkness were intertwined.

I, Takiyasha Hime, is bound to stain the mountains and rivers with blood, to prove that my father is correct!

Even if Sen Luo withered bones, the prison scene is magnificent!

And the end of these pictures came from a man dressed as an onmyoji, as if it could cut through the blade of the soul.

Whatever becomes a Buddha and ascends to heaven and let go of obsessions are all lies of the ruler.

This monstrous hatred has long been integrated into the half-demon bloodline and immortal body, even if the soul is destroyed, I dare not forget it.

"This is, Wuyueji...remaining...memories in her body?"

Just as Araki Sosuke was immersed in the chaotic memory fragments in his mind, the roots of the trees that were originally firmly woven together and maintained the solid structure in the cave began to creep slowly as if they were resurrected.

In an instant, the whole cave was like an earthquake, and mud and gravel began to fall.

"This Wuyueji's body seems to be controlled by that energy..."

Intuition tells Sosuke Araki that something disturbing seems to be being born.

"... She must be stopped!"

Just when Sosuke Araki was about to take the initiative to stop this ominous change, the pupil of his left eye suddenly divided into nine, spinning frantically.

At the same time, countless black runes began to flood his face.

Araki Sosuke suddenly seemed to be down. Standing in the cave.

"Oops, Mr. Araki used his eyes too much! Why, it's now..."

With an exclamation, Yu Mayumi Kotori quickly took out the blindfold from Sousuke Araki's trouser pocket, avoiding contact with him, and put it back on him.

She only remembered at this moment that since reaching the top of the mountain, Sosuke Araki had never put the blindfold back in order to protect herself from the "ugly time ginseng."

Before joining the action, Mai Hanyu naturally explained in detail how to deal with Sosuke Araki's "symptoms."

The only known way is to wait.

Wait for him to recover naturally.

However, in the belly of the mountain where the branches are constantly squirming and the mountain is shaking, it seems that it is not a suitable place to wait.

"Cough cough cough... you must go up first, this place is about to collapse!"

In the dust, Yu Mayumi Kotori dragged Sosuke Araki from behind, trying to pull him up the steps and move to the upper hole.

However, even though she is diligent in practising Wing Chun and archery on weekdays, she is too reluctant to pull the man in front of him who is probably full of muscles.

"Zongsuke!!! Xiaoniaoyoushi!!!"

Just as Toriyu Mayumi was helpless, thinking that he was about to be buried alive, a bright beam of light shot down from above the entrance of the cave.

The one who stuck his head at the entrance of the hole was unexpectedly the Ryoma before No. 2 with a flashlight.

"There has been an earthquake here, come up quickly!"

Regardless of exploring how there is such a huge cave on the top of Hakone Mountain, Ryoma ran down the stone steps, hiding from the branches that were constantly wriggling towards the inside of the cave.

"What's the matter, go up and talk..."

Without hesitation, he picked up Sosuke Araki on his back, and he sprinted up the stone steps with the bird Yu Mayumi.

"This guy is so heavy, no wonder he can eat so much!"

Because he was afraid that someone could mess up too much, Ryoma had been sitting on the motorcycle under the stairs and smoking cigarettes after sending them up before the second.

Before they could return, they waited until Hakone Mountain shook like an earthquake.

However, as a Japanese who coexists with natural disasters, facing this small earthquake that even the scroll bar below the TV news cannot go up, it is not too panic.

However, the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the stone steps that had been growing for an unknown number of years suddenly "lived", with thick and long roots constantly breaking through the soil, and rising up like octopus feet.

Seeing those big trees shaking their roots and "stand up", Ryoma couldn't calm down before 2nd, so he could only bite the bullet and rush to the top of the mountain to check the situation of the two.

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