I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 520: The Devoured Yin Yang

As the roots of the trees running through the interior of Mt. Hakone became more and more violent, the collapse of the cave continued to accelerate.

Before the second, Ryoma was carrying a stone statue like Sosuke Araki, followed behind Yutoi Mayumi, almost chased by the collapsed stone steps, and rushed out one second before the entire staircase was buried.

Standing on the edge of the expanding hole, Tori Yu Mayumi looked back and saw that Mayuki Ji's body was slowly disappearing among the constantly squirming and gathering tree roots...

"It turns out that connecting the roots of the trees in the entire Hakone Mountain to the cave** is not to support the cave wall, but to feed the grievances and flesh and blood of the entire Hakone Mountain to the body of Mayukiji... so exquisite. the design of!"

At this moment, Wu Yueji's body has undergone an unknown change, and these ordinary old trees connected to it have also changed and used it...

"Don't look, it's not safe here! According to the volume of the cave just now, if it collapses completely, the entire top of the mountain may be..."

Feeling that the shaking at their feet is still intensifying, the three of them continue to run down the stairs leading to the top of the mountain amidst the violent shaking.

In contrast, the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the stairs "stand up", constantly squirming their thick roots, moving towards the top of the collapsed mountain.

Even if they passed by the three people on the stairs, these big trees didn't pay any attention to their meaning.

It seems that something in the belly of the mountain is calling them.

"Little Bird Yu, go this way, the square on the mountainside is the'Earthquake Refuge'!!!"

On the main road of the park, Ryoma struggling to put Araki Sosuke on the back seat of his motorcycle before 2nd, and started the engine while panting.

I didn't feel that I was busy running a while ago, but now he stopped and the experience of passing by those strange trees made him feel terrified for a while.

Had it not been for the two of Araki Sosuke who were still on the top of the mountain, he would have drove off the road early when he saw the strange tree rising from the ground with resentment.

"Look! That ghostly breath..."

Instead of riding a horse before the second, Mayumi Torii looked back at the dusty and collapsing top of Hakone, his eyes slightly frozen.

In the eyes of the two of them, while the trees were rising from the ground and walking towards the top of the collapsed mountain, the top of the man-made Hakone Mountain was continuously collapsing and shrinking inward.

And the more and more powerful gray ghost spirit, just like a volcanic eruption, rose to the sky from the dust on the top of the mountain, and smashed the resentment entrenched above the "Yin Yang" fiercely.

"Prince before the second, did you bring a telescope...Thank you."

After receiving the telescope that Ryoma had handed over before the second, Tori Mayumi looked into the dust.

As he kept zooming in, he could see the densely packed huge cherry trees, guarding the Mayuki Ji, who seemed not awake and looked sluggish.

Countless vines and roots kept entwining her body like tentacles, causing her originally pale face to occasionally flush with a hint of blush.

At this moment, the main bodies of the trees are tightly clustered together, and the branches, leaves and roots are constantly entwined with each other, and gradually merged into a larger tree.

"Hello, Zongsuke? Now is not the time to be in a daze..."

Faced with such a strange scene, Ryoma couldn't help but squatted down and shook the dumbfounded Sosuke Araki.

The dust settled at the top of the mountain not far apart when the two guarded Sosuke Araki, who was lying on the back seat of a motorcycle like a stone statue.

Looking far away from the moonlight, under the dust, the original full peak of Hakone Mountain, as if it had been flattened by people, was more than ten meters shorter than before, which happened to be the height of the underground cave.

On the top of the disappeared mountain, there was a wide and flat depression like a crater.

"That is……"

Before the second, Ryoma took the telescope from Yuto Mayumi's hand, looked there, and almost dropped the expensive telescope to the ground.

"...What the hell?!"

The wide and hollow surface has been covered by countless trees and vines, and a huge figure about ten meters high, like a small hill, is entrenched in it.

At a glance, it seems that the summit of Mt. Hakone is still there.

But Mayuki Ji, who was originally guarded by trees, has disappeared.

"Neither have I...n't seen... in the classics I have read, there is no record of this kind of creature."

Tori Mayumi shook his head, and took off the huge bow on his back with a solemn expression.

Even the shinto trees that have been enshrined in shrines and temples for thousands of years and gave birth to spirituality are only the incarnation of gods, and their appearance is no different from ordinary trees.

The dark shadow in the center of the depression looked like a black towering giant tree, but it was a completely different thing.

It has the shape of the trunk and the texture of the bark, but it is much taller and thicker than ordinary trees.

Below the trunk-like body, there are five woody, stubby feet that look like sheep's hooves, forming a multi-legged position.

A large number of tentacled tree vines with thick mucus, rising from the trunk up to the sky, constantly squirming, from a distance, it looks like a lush canopy and dancing seaweed.

The only certainty is that, judging from the violent gray arrogance on the body, this is an out-and-out ghost.

On the surface of the "trunk", several huge wood tumors that deformed and expanded suddenly cracked open and turned into huge mouths full of hideous fine teeth and constantly dripping corrosive mucus.

"Sand... Bum..."

The language that is not human, came from those huge mouths, carrying the meaning of destruction and hatred that any creature can feel.

Far away, both of them could smell it, and there was a rotten stench in the wind.

The giant ghosts, like trees and animals, just "squatted" in the depression, without any intention of moving.

The vine tentacles extending from his body constantly uprooted the surrounding trees and sent them into the huge open mouth.

"Tsk, why the phone is out of signal?!"

Erqian Ryoma, who originally wanted to call for reinforcements, angrily put the cell phone with no signal back into his pocket.

"Otherwise, while this guy is'eating breakfast', shall we go out and call for support first?"

Looking at the giant ghost and god who was like a hill in the distance and couldn't imagine how powerful they could be, he stepped on the old motorcycle again and performed a standard "starting action."

"Already... can't go."

Tori Mayumi is standing in the wind with a giant bow in his hand, no matter how the night wind blows the red and white maiden costumes, he has no plans to leave.

"Look around, this ghost and god has already swallowed the "Yin Yang", one of the eyes of the "Tai Chi Yin Yang Formation", and has taken it for himself. "

After her reminder, Ryoma only discovered before the second that, with the top of Hakone as the center, the surrounding area seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray mist for a kilometer.

"The gods that originally belonged to the'Ugly Time Visiting Stairs' have already covered the entire top of the mountain... People outside cannot get in, and people inside cannot get out."

After the dark cloud-like resentment entrenched above the yin and yang was shattered, all the brightly lit tall buildings nearby that could have been seen inside the park disappeared.

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