I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 521 The Only Way

"The only chance of winning right now is to drag it to the Yin-Yang Lao to discover the clues, regain the control of the'Yin of Yang', and send a powerful spirit remover to retreat to this ghost and god..."

Tori Yu Mayumi calmly analyzed the current situation.

Based on the "equivalent" assessment of her size and the power of the ghost, she also knew that she was not the opponent of this huge ghost.

However, she is no longer the rookie witch who panicked when facing the Great Travel Abyss snake god, but a qualified level [two] spirit remover.

"The only one? What is the other way?"

After savoring the meaning of her words, Ryoma curiously asked for advice before the second.

The relevant guidelines for joint action also apply to this sudden supernatural situation.

And one of the most important is that it is based on the opinions of the spirit remover, and it is not allowed to act without authorization.

Because even if you just run away, you may violate unknown "rules", causing death or even worse.

Tori Mayumi looked up at the sky, his eyes moved behind him...

After the resentment accumulating above the "Yin Yang" was shattered by the power of the ghosts and gods, it flew down like a cloud of rain.

About one-tenth of it was floating towards the giant tree-shaped ghost and god's mouth in the center of the depression.

And the remaining nine tenths turned into a slender chain, endlessly pouring into the body of a stiff man behind the two.

"Or, wait until many ghosts and gods have defeated Daluyuan Snake God, Pingjiangmen, Slot-Eyed Cthulhu, Granny Sonic, and other ghosts and gods, Araki-sensei, the strongest spirit eliminator, wakes up."

"Yes, I almost forgot that Zongjie still has two brushes..."

When thinking of the Suzumori execution ground, Araki Sosuke lit the "scientific gas" and killed the huge tower of flesh and blood. Ryoma regained his confidence before the second.

He came to Zongsuke Araki unceremoniously and stretched out his sinful hands to the opponent...

"Papa Papa Papa..."

"Hey, Zongjie, did you hear that, hurry up and go to work..."

He bowed left and right, and unceremoniously slapped Araki Sosuke's face.

"Brother, will I be eaten by that big guy as a snack, but I all count on you when you wake up!"

"As long as you stand up hard now and lie down on that big guy handsomely, the last time I used my membership card to rent a learning DVD and didn't pay it back and owed a large amount of late fees, I won't care about you..."


It seemed that he was very dissatisfied that the resentment of "is about to arrive" was taken away. The ghost and god like a towering giant tree uttered an angry roar, mixed with the accent of women's sadness.


While he was constantly eating the grievances and trees around him, a huge black wood tumor slowly wriggled out of the huge hole between his thick and sturdy feet, like a childbirth.

After the mucus-wrapped wood tumor fell on the ground, it kept rolling on the ground...

Just like a newborn pony, with thick hooves and countless vines, it does not need a beautiful woman to call "stand up" to stand up on its own.

That was impressively printed in a mold with the ghost of the "giant tree" above the head, and even a "sapling" with a ghostly breath lingering on its body!

That's right, at a height of more than three meters, in front of the "giant tree" that is more than ten meters above the head, it is only worthy to be called a "sapling".

"Asexual reproduction?! This speed is too unscientific, it's easier than me going to the toilet..."

Seeing this is like a scene of alien spawning in a horror movie, Ryoma's jaw almost fell to the ground before the second.

"So it turned out to be taking the opportunity to reproduce."

Tori Mayumi slowly pulled the bowstring and aimed at the "giant tree" that was still motionless.

"Can't wait any longer, if you continue to let him multiply like this...Where is Mayuki Ji's body hidden..."

She squinted her big eyes, her eyes focused on the tree trunk, as if she was looking for something.


As if sensing the concentration of spiritual power, or because of the "hate of being robbed of resentment" in front of him, the newly born "sapling" opened several big mouths, roared and turned to the direction of the three of them.

"That, that, that... that tree, come here!"

In the exclamation of Ryoma before the second, the five short hooves of the "sapling" exerted strength, dancing the countless vines on the upper body, and approached the two at a speed completely incompatible with the body shape, like a vigorous beast.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Feeling the terrible aura on the ghost, Ryoma was like a cowboy before the second, with both hands pulling out a gun from his waist at the same time, and he took the lead.

"Well, that's the end of the matter. I can only buy more time for this guy who likes to be in a daze."

The light of spiritual force bullets bloomed on the dark skin of the running "saplings" with a faintly flowing grayish aura.

Only three dents were left unbroken.

"So, in Lesson Nine, these people have always been holding such unbreakable toys against such monsters?"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Before the second, he pulled the trigger and switched magazines unwillingly.

The bullets roaring out of the muzzle strung in a straight line like a line, and continued to bombard the surface of the rushing "sapling".

Looking closely, the several bullets actually hit the same spot on the running "sapling" precisely and continuously.


A small hole with a thick thumb appeared on the firm epidermis of the "sapling", oozing mucus with a rotting aura.

"...I think we'd better walk tactically first."

Seeing the trivial "scratch" caused by his best efforts, Ryoma turned disheartenedly and stepped on the locomotive before the second.

"Let me, a test..."

At the same time, Tori Mayumi, who had been gazing at her breath and pulling the bowstring full, let go of her hand without warning.


The crisp strings sounded, and the invisible air flow surged between the fields.

"woo woo woo woo……"

In the end of the cry, the "sapling", which was less than 50 meters away from the two and three meters high, suddenly appeared in the center of the torso with a half-meter-diameter penetrating hollow. The huge mouth originally located there disappeared as if it had evaporated. not see.

Through the hollow on the torso, you can even see the motionless "giant tree" behind.

One arrow of power, terrifying Russ.

After being hit hard by this, the running momentum of the "sapling" stagnated and fell to the ground dumbfounded, but it did not turn into grievances and dissipated.

"It's too careless not to invite the other two artifacts out today!"

Since the Obon Festival, Yu Mayumi has been guarded in Taitung District, and the resentful spirits removed from the arrows have already broken a hundred.

Although she did not bring the other two Akagi Three Divine Artifacts, she had grown into a spirit remover that no one could despise due to the extremely high degree of compatibility with the Demon Bow Weeping.

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