I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 522 Sapling Legion

Obviously inflicting terrible and huge penetrating wounds on the "sapling", Yu Mayumi's face turned paler: "Second-prince, I am trying to fight back on the car. I will ask you for the driving, try to pull it. Drive distance!"

Not to mention, the "sapling" that was hit by his own arrow is slowly climbing up firmly, and the wound is squirming and recovering...

At this point in time, three more sarcomas had already landed from the lower body of the "giant tree", rolled in the mucus and stretched out the vines and hoof legs, and stood up.

Although this "sapling" had only a trace of ghostly power, its resistance to spiritual power with ordinary wraiths was several times stronger.

In the current situation, the effort of others to give birth to three cubs is not enough for her to retire one of them.

If you continue to draw the bow in the same place, I am afraid that the three of them will be trapped in this strange "sapling" encirclement without waiting for Mr. Araki to wake up.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as the master's side bucket locomotive was carrying three people, when sprinting out, a foul-smelly and slimy tree and vine broke through the soil and entangled the rear wheel abruptly.

The source of this vine was actually the "sapling" that was shot by the bird Yuma Yu.

This kind of ghost is unexpectedly insidious, and under the cover of "staying down to the ground", it secretly hides the vines in the soil, and quietly approaches like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to hunt.

The tentacle-like flexible vine was so powerful that the locomotive carrying three people was entangled, and it was uplifted and unable to move, leaving only the lone front wheel spinning unwillingly in the air.

"In the name of Akagi Hime..."

Without hesitation, the little bird in the carriage swam Mayumi, with a few pieces of talisman between his fingers, and hit the vine with several punches.

"... Wipe away the darkness in front of you!!!"

Spiritual power erupted with the shadow of the boxing, and the vine was torn apart.

However, during this delay, a few more annoying vines snaked from below, dragging the wheels.

Even though the little witch constantly waved the talisman and punched out one after another, expelling the surrounding vines...

But it still cannot be changed, the fact that there are more and more vines around.

"If the saplings that are bred have level [1], this ghost is at least [4] level..."

Seeing that the number of "saplings" rushing over in a circle has risen to six, the bird Yu Mayumi frowned.

Although these "saplings" are not unpredictable like ordinary resentful spirits, they have the power of ghosts and gods, plus the strength of an elephant, the tenacity of trees, and difficult vines...

Not to mention the terrifying reproduction speed of the "giant tree" ghosts and gods, and whether the "sapling" has the potential to grow into a "giant tree"...

If it is allowed to gather a large number of "sapling legions" with ghosts and spirits, I am afraid it can easily turn a city into a ghost.


On the locomotive, Ryoma, who crazily twisted the throttle, could only watch in horror as he lifted under the vines, the front of the car getting further and further away from the ground...

He had already made up for it, the monster lifted the locomotive fiercely and then fell down, and the three-person car crashed and died.

And Sosuke Araki, who was lying behind him, also slowly slid to the rear under this steep position.

In the midair, a tattooed arm suddenly grasped a vine that was entwined...


It was Sosuke Araki who slipped from the back seat of the locomotive to the ground and did not know when he regained consciousness.

"What's wrong with me?"

Just when he looked around in confusion, the few vines that he unconsciously grasped during the sliding and rubbed in the palm of his palm with indescribable methods bloomed with crystal white light.

The white light spreads along the vine toward the "sapling" like a dyed filter.


Wherever the white light passes, no matter if it is a vine or a branch, it sprouts like tender leaves, which are green from the lacquer Blacken.


Amid the loud noise, the nearest "sapling" had restored the original green appearance of the tree, crashing to the ground, shattered into white light.

The surrounding vines dispersed, and the three-wheeled side bucket master locomotive bumped back to the ground.

However, the other saplings were already surrounded, surrounding the three of them.

Behind, the terrible ghost and god, still squatting on the spot, hardly "giving out" masses of wood tumors...

"These trees are..."

Looking at the "woods" moving fast in all directions, and realizing something was wrong, Sosuke Araki reached out to pull off the blindfold.

"No... Araki-sensei, you just used your eyes too much, try not to remove the blindfold for the time being!"

The bird Yu Mayumi on the side stretched out a small hand to hold his cuff, and said briefly what happened afterwards.

"So that's the case, I just said that I remembered that I was still in the cave... I don't seem to be too proud..."

The memories before the pause of consciousness slowly emerged, and the Mayuki who had awakened from the vine bed came to his mind.

"Yes, that's right, what about Mayuki Ji?"

"Although I haven't confirmed it with my own eyes, judging by the spirit of this ghost, it should be in that ghost..."

Tori Mayumi stretched his hand toward the giant tree that occupied the original mountain top position.

"The body of Wuyueji who has awakened from the abnormal transformation must have been transformed into this terrifying giant tree based on the memory of ghosts and gods accumulated over the years and the memory of hatred."

As the three talked, the inevitable vines surrounded from all directions.

Facing the giant net of trees and vines above his head, and the "saplings" that stepped on the hooves, danced the vines, and approached step by step, Yu Mayumi's face was extremely calm, and he didn't even lift the hand holding the bow.


A strong figure has leaped into the air, letting the giant net be firmly entangled.

Immediately, a bright white light, centered on the figure entangled in the vines, spread towards the surroundings.

The "saplings" surrounding the three of them turned into a quiet green forest in the spreading white light.

Amidst the floating crystals, Araki Sosuke jumped down from the sky.

Originally, in his right eye, there were only sakura trees with dancing vines, branches and leaves, and humorously moving.

The only difference now is that the trees are quiet.

"Did you see the scarlet energy? The changes in these trees should be related to the weird wind."

Unlike the two people beside him, even if he did not remove the blindfold, Araki Sosuke could clearly see that several strands of scarlet, electric light-like energy appeared from time to time around those "saplings".

This is exactly the same as the energy spilled from Elf Wind that disappeared without a trace in the cave before.

"Forget it, forget that you can't see that stuff..."

Lifting the blindfold lightly, he looked from the gap to the ghost that was more than ten meters high and was still struggling to give birth.

"...Let's talk about the one in front of me first."

As the line of sight kept getting closer, the energy movement of that huge ghost and god's whole body was clear in his eyes.

Enveloped by countless flowing scarlet energy in the lower part of the tree trunk, is a huge group of gray ghosts and gods.

"I found... Mayukihime as the'battery'..."

At the center of that huge group of ghosts and gods, her lower body was wrapped in the black giant tree, and Wu Yueji, who had no plump upper body protruding out, stared in the direction of the three of them.

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