With her lower body embedded in the "abdomen" of the towering giant tree, Wu Yueji's expression is extremely hideous, and her hands are dancing unconsciously following the movements of the giant tree below her body.

The pair of originally pure and beautiful eyes had already lost their focus, leaving only the hatred and destruction of everything in their sight.

Countless gray ghosts and spirits spread out from her body, rushing to the whole body of the towering giant tree.

"Is the previous kimono too lenient? It was unexpectedly... not right, so her body was completely dominated by the hatred in her body. Does the memory still stay on the battlefield?"

However, the situation at this moment did not allow Araki Sosuke to touch his chin and continue to observe.

Because, at the foot of the giant tree, there are more than a dozen "saplings" that fell to the ground, and they are pouring in the direction of the three with great momentum.

"Tsk tusk tusk, although the government is also promoting the'education revolution' because of the declining birthrate, it's not this kind of birth method, right..."

I accidentally caught a glimpse of the hideous and weird appearance of these "saplings", Sosuke Araki curled his lips and put his blindfold back.

"All in all, just let that big guy'resonate' off, right? So many ready-made'soul dust', can't be wasted..."

Lifting the locomotive next to him, Sosuke Araki tightened the strap of the bucket sports bag on his body and jumped into the back seat of the locomotive: "Toriyuki stay here to support, Ryoma, you take me over!"


Hearing what he said, Ryoma didn't ask much before the second and turned the front of the car directly.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Decades ago, the three-wheeled master sidecar locomotive that was used as a standard in the transportation class, Yiqi Juechen, carried two people like ants, and launched a head-on charge toward the rushing "saplings".

Only the white-robed and red-robed bird Yu Mayumi, standing with a bow, stayed in place.

"Zongjie, how do you say, you will be crushed if you rush to it?"

On the roaring locomotive, looking at the black "woods" that became taller and horrible as the distance got closer, Ryoma swallowed before the second, only to feel that the goose bumps were spreading all over his back.

"Drive whatever you want, anyway, just send me to the foot of the tallest thing in the back..."

Sitting behind him, Sosuke Araki, with his shoulders on his shoulders, stepped on the back seat and stood up like a stunt.

"As for those who dare to get in the way, leave it to me!"

As soon as his voice fell, several vines had swept toward the tiny locomotive.

"Since you said that, I don't care about the others!!!"

No longer looking at the "world net" overhead, before the second, the dragon horse blasted down the throttle and launched a "suicidal charge" toward one of the "saplings" without evasiveness.

A tree vine first rushed towards the front door of the dragon horse.


Seeing that the vines had already obscured his sight and were about to wrap his face, Araki Sosuke still did not move behind him, and Ryoma could not remain calm before the second.

There was a scene in his mind where he was gagged by this vine and encountered such indescribable things.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The invisible arrow cut through the darkness, smashing the vines that were almost on his face.That faint crying ending sound, at this moment before the second dragon horse heard it, is tantamount to nature.

"woo woo woo woo……"

A series of invisible arrows slashed precisely on both sides of the locomotive, breaking through the tangled vines for them and clearing the way forward.

You don't have to look back to know that this is the little witch who is far more reliable than someone in the back.

"Zongsuke, have you agreed to leave it to you?!"

"Don't rush, don't rush, I just woke up, should I brew a feeling..."

Recovered from the fright, Ryoma had not had time to condemn someone behind him before the second, and several sturdy giant hooves had already stepped on from above...

"Asshole, don't underestimate people..."

Seeing that he was about to be stepped on to pieces, he laughed furiously, and turned sharply when he turned the accelerator...

"Look at what I learned during my tenure at the Shinjuku Police Station...with this car...just sliding shovel!!!"

"Hey, why would the patrol use an old locomotive to practice such useless car skills that the tyrants would not practice?" ! 』

Under his control, the old locomotive actually "passed through the crotch" precisely through the gap of the thick giant hooves in front of it in a side-fluttering posture, and hid under the "sapling" in front of it.

He cleverly avoided, the "saplings" that came up from all around suddenly collided with the "saplings" above the two of them, and the vines on their bodies were also tightly intertwined, making it difficult to separate each other for a while.

At the same time, the "sapling" above the head is like a tap dance, leaping flexibly with thick wooden hoofs, trying to crush the "rats" under the feet.

"If I accidentally hang up, remember to bury me next to Xinghei and Reiko..."

Looking at the unavoidable wooden hoof under the head, Ryoma had already begun to explain the funeral before the second: "I will tell them, it is all to blame on you!!!"

Just when the locomotive carrying two people was about to smash at the feet of the "giant sapling"...

"Oh... it feels coming!!"

One left and one right, two black fingers measuring 180 centimeters long and burning lava scriptures, with a strong sense of oppression and inexplicable contempt, protrude from both sides of Araki Sosuke's back like a pair of wings.

"Hey, when did you guys have two more sticks than ordinary people?" And the size is so exaggerated, the position is not easy to operate? ! 』

"What are you talking about? It's just a finger no matter how you look at it! 』

Amidst the noise of the two, those two fingers turned into ruthless giant sticks, and the late hair smashed several vines first, and then slammed the giant hoof above the head fiercely.

"Sand... Bum..."

The movement of the "sapling" that lifted the foot to step on suddenly became stiff, and then the whole body trembled crazily like a spasm, and transformed into a green cherry tree in the white light.

The vines and other "saplings" entangled with this "sapling" are also in the white light passing along the vines, no longer moving.

"I [BEEP...], this is much more exciting than the night of Obon!"

In Ryoma's daily swearing before the second, the old locomotive passed under the "sapling".

Behind the far away locomotive, there is a large sakura forest with bright white and serene trees, intertwining branches and leaves, and flying petals.

At this time, the two of them were less than five hundred meters away from the giant tree-like ghost and god that was nearly ten meters high.

Before the 2nd, Ryoma could already see the hideous huge mouth, thick feet, and crazy dancing vines clearly.

Below the trunk, several newly-born "saplings" are still pouring toward the two men one after another, waving flexible vines toward the locomotive.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Under the cover of continuous invisible arrows with a murky tail sound, the locomotive kept sprinting in a straight line without evasive.

On the back seat, Araki Sosuke stood like an evil spirit holding two "golden rods", waving those two black fingers fiercely, smashing the vines extending from the air and the ground to pieces, and letting the connected "saplings" "Become a Buddha together.

The top of Hakone Mountain, which was chopped up in the middle, became extremely quiet for a while.

Only the roar of the locomotive, the cry of the demon bow, and the sound of "saplings" shaking the ground with their giant hooves.

Whether it was Ryoma who was driving the car, Sosuke Araki who waved his fingers, and Yumayumi Toriyuki who kept pulling his bow from behind, they all entered a state of concentration.

Because they know that as long as a vine crosses the defense and hits a high-speed locomotive, they may face the end of car crashes and deaths.

Leaving aside a muscle idiot, Ryoma should not have survived a car accident at this speed at least two years ago.

Within a few seconds, the "saplings" with their branches and leaves folded and kneeling peacefully were left behind, and the locomotive carrying the two had arrived at the feet of the towering tree-like ghosts and gods.

"Oh, it smells bad, if I get closer, I will be smoked to death by myself without him doing it..."

The distance is too close, even if you look up, you can't see the whole picture of the giant tree in front of you. You can only see the five thick giant hooves hugged by three people and the huge hole in the lower body of the trunk that is slowly giving birth to black wood tumors, and you can smell the tree. The stench of rot so strong that it is suffocating...

"Where are you going to get off?!"

The fear of death, Ryoma hurried to the brakes before continuing to urge the two.

"...Who said I'm going to get out of the car... sprint over with all my strength... Use your ‘righteous sliding shovel’ once again!!!"

Before the second, the dragon horse's green tendons burst, twisting the front of the car, trying to avoid the stout tree hoof that is standing still in front...

"This is a three-wheeled locomotive. I was lucky to be able to slide out once before, and this guy is so big, how can he slide so far...Ahhhhhhhh!"

The wheel slipped on the ground covered with childbirth mucus, leading the two of them to rush under the giant tree in a side-sliding posture.

"A little closer..."

Ignoring the critical situation in front of him at all, Araki Sosuke, who was lying behind Ryoma standing in front of the second front, just stared intently at the approaching vines around him.

The power of the gray and white ghosts and gods lingering on the surface of the black giant tree, as if they had encountered an exhaust fan, continuously poured into his back from all around.

"Good job!"

He raised his right hand and slammed it towards the top of his head...

The black middle finger, which was like an arm's finger and the same body as him, also protruded, smashing the surrounding vines from the giant tree above his head, together with a tree leg not far in front of him.

A little white light stretched along the vine and the broken leg, and ran towards the trunk of the giant tree.

"His hiss..."

Like elephants stepped on their tails, the giant tree above their heads trembled like a sieve, and even the face of Mayuki Ji in the abdomen showed a look of fear.

The vines stained with white light, together with the broken leg, all spontaneously separated from the trunk.

Because this giant tree was so huge, the extremely fast white light spots had not had time to approach, and fell to the ground weakly with the broken limbs.

Suddenly breaking a leg, the giant tree that was originally rooted on the ground and "concentrated on production" almost stood unsteadily, tilted to the side, and finally stabilized.Unable to remain calm, he began to "tap dance" frantically on the ground, seeming to want to drive away the threat below him.

For a time, the entire Hakone Mountain shook like an earthquake.

"Oh? It seems that you have to directly meet Wu Yue Ji's position?"

One hit failed. As the locomotive "slid" all the way to just below the giant tree and surrounded by several giant hooves, Sosuke Araki raised his eyes to look above his head...

At the end of the trunk supported by several tree hooves, a wood tumor that was about to give birth was frightened and retracted into the indescribable black hole because of the fright of the giant tree.

"Hey, if you want to get there, this thing on your back is not long enough!"

As if guessing what he wanted to do, Ryoma couldn't help but vomit before the second.

The huge tree’s "big legs" are five or six meters long, and the black middle finger that overlaps with Araki Sosuke’s arms is less than two meters. Even if you add to the height of the locomotive, you want to touch the trunk above your head. , It's still a big gap.

"not long enough?!"

Hearing this unpleasant description, Araki Sosuke's mouth showed a grinning smile.

"This guy in me doesn't say that!"

Intuition tells him that it is different from being forced out of the body by himself unwillingly before and only willing to produce a middle finger "forced to do business".

Facing the huge ghost and god above his head, some existence in his body seemed to be hungry and eager to try.

This was a bit similar to the sexual excitement of Mother-in-Sonic's initiative on the Toming Expressway that night.

Could it be that this guy has any special hobbies for ghosts and gods?

Puffing up his right arm, he slammed his fist again towards the huge black hole directly above.

The black middle finger behind his right back also danced...

However, as expected by Ryoma before the second, even if the middle finger was stretched straight, there was still a distance from the huge black hole at the bottom of the tree trunk.

Just before the second, when Ryoma thought that Sosuke Araki was absolutely out of reach...

"Let this overproduction big guy see..."

The middle finger suddenly continued forward.

First is the huge palm that makes a fist, then the wrist joint, and then the muscled forearm...

A black arm that is completely synchronized with the hand movements of Araki Sosuke, but has expanded several times in size, burning lava scriptures, with an aura of destruction, like a rocket launched into the sky, suddenly rushed out of his back... …

"During my unemployment period, I practiced hard on the mobile app developed by Mr. Kato..."

The huge arm, keeping the posture of "more than the middle finger", slammed into the unfathomable tree hole where countless "saplings" had been given birth.


The moment that black arm approached the entrance of the hole, Sosuke Araki changed his gesture like a boxing guessing and cheating!

From "Big Middle Finger" to "Scissors Hand"...

The black palm, which was like an arm, also stretched out an index finger, which was close to the middle finger, and smoothly penetrated into the black tree hole!

"Hey...GOLDFINGER or something... can it still be used like this..."

In the stunned expression of Ryoma before 2nd, after the thick black arm pierced into the unfathomable place between the legs of the "giant tree" on the head, Sosuke Araki, who held up the "V" victory sign, index finger below. The middle finger and the middle finger moved back and forth with indescribable techniques and frequencies...

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