"Ms. Araki, are you okay?!"

In the distance, the little bird who kept pulling bows and arrows at the giant tree swam Mayumi, watching the locomotive carrying the two people disappear under the ten-meter-high black giant tree and among the dense black hooves.

"Well, this ghost is just a little bigger, Mr. Araki should be able to handle it."

Seeing the gray ghost spirit burning all over the giant tree suddenly became dimmed, her complexion was slightly loosened.


Immediately, the huge mouth on the trunk of the giant tree began to roar in horror.

After leaning under the body, the vines stained with an unknown white light and a tree hoof broke off, the giant tree swayed to one side as if it was unstable.

Then, the remaining black giant hoofs began to kick violently like a cockroach.

"not good!"

Seeing that the giant tree could escape the white light spot symbolizing "becoming a Buddha" through the "gecko docking", Yu Mayumi couldn't calm down, and the rhythm of pulling the giant bow in his hand began to accelerate.

After all, this is the only thing she can do now.


However, the giant tree did not know what happened to the unspeakable, suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, and the whole body movement began to become extremely stiff.


The roar from the huge black tree's mouths, somehow no longer so low and terrible, but gradually took on the short and soft, and the meaning of wanting to refuse...

"Hi~his~his~his... 嘤!!!"

As the roar became more intense, a huge white light bloomed from the underbelly of the black giant tree and spread unstoppably toward his whole body.

It was as if on the top of the dark Hakone mountain, a huge white cheering light stick was lit up.

There was a flush of red tide on the face of Mayuki Ji, who was trapped inside the tree trunk.

Her drooling mouth opened slightly, and her original hideous look became obsessed and cozy in the white light that filled up.


Unconsciously whispering a contented roar, a flood of mucus gushes out from under the giant tree glowing with white light...

The four stubby tree hooves showed strange "inner horoscopes", sitting softly on the ground, with countless tentacle-like vines crisscrossing in front of him.

"Yah la yah... my hands are so sore, it's not easy for Kato-sensei..."

When Sosuke Araki shook his finger handsomely, the old three-wheeled sidecar locomotive, which looked like an ant compared to the giant ghost, had already passed by the giant tree with dust before it was submerged by the flood. , Came out from the other end.

Countless ghosts and spirits also followed the movement of the locomotive, chasing into the body like a tired bird returning to the forest, causing Araki Sosuke's eyes to rush through the white flames like burning.


Before the second, Ryoma swung his head and pulled out black tire marks on the ground, finally stopping the old locomotive that was about to fall apart.


Perhaps the previous sprint was too irritating, or the stench of the gushing mucus from the giant tree was too life-threatening. Two years ago, Ryoma didn't bother to look at the "super-giant Buddha light stick" in front of him, and got out of the car and vomited aside.

"Isn't it very capable? How could it not work in three minutes? Agents before the second..."

Starting from the location of Toriyu Mayumi, sprinting all the way, although there are many twists and turns in the process, the actual time is less than three minutes.

"Now, it's not time to rest."

Before patted Ryoma's back, Sousuke Araki, who was stimulant-like, fastened the straps of his sports bag, stepped on the pitiful locomotive again, and rushed towards the giant tree in the white light in front of him. .

In the black night sky, Mayukihime's body glowing with fluorescence fell rapidly, and she happened to be picked up by Sosuke Araki who was driving over.


Under the dual effects of the violent impact of the locomotive and the acceleration of gravity, her soft chested body slammed into the steel arms of Sosuke Araki, instantly shattering like glass, and her hands clasped unconsciously.

Seeing the woman who was "physically turned into a Buddha" and turned into a fluorescent bloom, Sosuke Araki's expression became extremely embarrassing.

It's not the same as the plot in the movie.

Before Wu Yueji had time to shatter her face, there was no longer hatred in those water-like eyes, only endless sadness remained.

Something seemed to be sensed, a touch of excitement and happiness appeared in her unconscious face.

"Father... the emperor..."

A body without a soul, but instinctively uttered these two words.

Because the man in front of him has an aura that has long been forgotten, but is engraved in his memory.

The breath of the father.


"May, wait here for my father to triumph..."

In front of the gate of Soma Castle, behind seven valiant men in the same armor and stepping on their horses, the cardamom-aged girl bowed awkwardly in salute.

After her father became the emperor, she would personally prepare meals at the gate of Soma Castle, pray to the gods, and wait for him to return whenever she went on an expedition.

"Don't worry, Hayato Tai and Fujiwara Hidego, two defeated men, this time I learned that hiding in Kitayama will undoubtedly die!"

The seven men turned their heads simultaneously and said in unison with the same heroic voices.

"You can warm up the wine and food, and the emperor will come as soon as he goes... After this battle, this young man in the Eastern Kingdom, let you choose!"

Leaving this sentence, the man led the army to leave in the respectful gaze of his daughter.

"May, I just want to serve my father..."

The girl warmed the food in the urn day and night, kneeled down to worship the shrine, but never saw the figure of her father returning from the battlefield again.

Inadvertently, many goodbyes, and finally a farewell.

It's like a man who thinks a hero saves the United States has turned into "holding sister in his arms to kill"...

"Father, you have finally...returned...you have been warming in May, your favorite side dishes and rice wine."

In a daze, Araki Sosuke seemed to see a samurai in black armor standing with the beautifully dressed Mayuki Hime, bowing slightly to himself.


When he came back to his senses, there was nothing in his arms except for the white light.

"What's wrong with me……"

An inexplicable tear fell along his left eye at some unknown time.

Beside him, the giant tree started from the roots, slowly turned into white spots of light, frantically blending into the sports bag behind him.

"The past is a cloud of smoke, so don't give it away if you go well!"

Thinking of the other party's fascination long ago, but leaving behind a body full of obsessions and forcibly nurtured into a ghost, Zongsuke Araki smiled.

Concentrating on driving the locomotive, Sosuke Araki turned back along the route he had come, heading towards the beautiful red and white shadow in the night breeze.

As the scarred locomotive rushed all the way, the bright white spots of the "saplings" along the way all poured into the bucket sports bag like iron powder encountered with magnets, as if a bright white line was pulled out from the back of the car body.的光带.

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