I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 525: This Is Full Of Feeding? !

"Ms. Birdyou, do you want to hitchhike?"

"Then it will work...Unlicensed knight."

"Hey, just run two laps in the park, and you can't drive without a license if you don't go on public roads." 』

Looking at the dusty knight in front of him, Yu Mayumi Xiaotori smiled slightly, jumped to the back seat expertly, and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Oh oh oh, this amount... got rich, got rich!"

When Araki Sosuke carried the bird Yu Mayumi to collect the soul dust of the "saplings" along the way, and returned to under the white giant tree, the huge ghost and god only dissipated less than one-tenth of the volume. For the white light...

Below the white and translucent towering tree, a huge amount of soul dust, like a stream of water running into the sea, poured endlessly into the bucket by itself.

Like countless flying fireflies, and like fireworks blooming at night.

The three of them clasped their hands together, immersed in the sight that was more poignant than the Obon Festival fireworks display, and they didn't speak for a while.

Whether it is resentful spirits, ghosts and gods, or ordinary animals, plants, and humans, the size of the soul is equivalent.

The equivalent amount of soul dust in front of me represents the countless lives that have passed away in this Hakone Mountain in the past two hundred years and are worthy of memorialization.


By the time the giant tree had completely turned into white light and dissipated, it was already ten minutes later.

"The blockade of Yin and Yang has also been lifted..."

After regaining his senses from the trance, Yu Mayumi Kotori noticed that the tall buildings that originally surrounded Toyama Park and disappeared into the mist became clearly visible at this moment.

The only difference is Hakone Mountain, which has been cut off the top of the mountain and is more than ten meters short...

The formation of the "Tai Chi Yin Yang Formation" arranged here was completely destroyed.

Because of the "Yin of Yang" at the Imperial Palace and the support of several formations on the Central Line and the Yamanote Line, the failure of the "Yin Yang" will not make the entire array invalid.

This is also the ingenious design of the "Tai Chi Yin and Yang Formation".

However, if it is not repaired in time, the flow of grievances throughout Tokyo will inevitably lead to disorder and nowhere to rest.

It is estimated that the people in Yinyangliao are busy.

No matter what, the Toyama Park in front of you finally restored its former calm.

"Hey, there is no need to buy spray paint, just treat it as a geological disaster. Anyway, earthquakes are very common..."

"It just happens that the construction labor company opened by a friend on the road, the rebate ratio is also good..."

Looking at the chaotic and bare "Shin Hakone Peak" in front of him, Ryoma took out the phone before the second and reported to the class.

"Huh, it's almost three o'clock if you don't pay attention."

Picking up the bucket sports bag, Sosuke Araki took out his phone to check the time.

"After three o'clock, it's just past the ugly time."

It has been more than an hour since the two met the infiltrating "Ugly Time Prayer" from the top of the mountain.

"Really, it's a big battle."

When I thought that I was only planning to save some resentful spirits as much as possible, but in the end, Toyama Park was almost destroyed, and Toriyu Mayumi couldn't help crying and laughing.

"Zongjie, we have all contacted, and we will follow the procedure to deal with the aftermath...Would you like to go eat and drink together..."

Here, Ryoma hung up the phone before the end of the report, turned his head, and pointed to Zongsuke Araki's waist with a weird expression, "You, your thick and long thing, can still shine?"

A ray of bright light was faintly spilling out through the scratched gap of the sports bag.

"Huh? Is it full?!"

Araki Sosuke unzipped the zipper and took out the thick bamboo drawing scroll.

On the surface of the original painting scroll, a symbol composed of faint white light appeared at some point.

This quaint, obscure, meaningless hieroglyph looks like it was written on by someone with a brush.

"What does this symbol... mean?"

Before the second, Ryoma raised his eyebrows, and curiously asked the little witch on the side.

"I haven't seen it either. Maybe I can go back to look up the classics and I can gain something..."

Tori Mayumi also shook his head.

"I said... this thing, it seems..."

When the two were at a loss, Araki Sosuke, who was holding the picture scroll and looking at it, seemed to have discovered something.

"...Is an arrow?!"

No matter how he turns the scroll in his hand, one end of the symbol on it will always turn like a compass, pointing in the same direction.


Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

Without the pilgrims coming in the daytime, Heima Temple is more sacred and magnificent under the quiet and peaceful night.

The doors and windows of the "Fudo Hall" in the temple are still faintly shining with the orange flame of the ever-bright lamp.

Standing outside the temple, one can hear the voice of someone reciting the Buddhist scriptures in silence.

In the hall, the presiding officer of the Kawasaki Daishi Temple is sitting cross-legged on the futon, twisting the beads lightly, his eyes revealing the unique deepness and melancholy of middle-aged men.

"All the appearances are vain... If you see all the appearances, you will see the Tathagata..."

At this moment, it is not him who is chanting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

"Ahem, Vice President Chang Tian..."

Opposite the teaching, a middle-aged Mediterranean man wearing a robe, holding a prayer bead, and wearing a fixator around his neck, is kneeling to the Buddha and chanting prayerfully.

It was Hiroshi Changtian who was still active on the Dongming Expressway last night and had a passionate exchange with her mother-in-law to become a Buddha.

"Why, presiding over Kofa, but King Fudo Ming felt my sincerity?"

Hearing Kofa calling him, Tsugada Hiroshi turned around stiffly, and gave him the affectionate gaze that is unique among middle-aged men.

"My Buddha is compassionate, so I can naturally feel your sincerity..."

Seeing Hiroshi Tsugada dressed up as a nondescript monk in front of him, and the back of the opponent's head that was more dazzling than himself, Kofa couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

"...However, this temple does not stay overnight. At this time, the night is already late. Please go back, Vice President Changtian."

Kofa picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip.

"The little monk has made up his mind to convert to my Buddha, not to enter the gate of your temple, and to learn the method of refining the secret spirit removing props. He will never leave..."

Facing the "Send Tea to Send Guests" hosted by the propaganda, the white light flashed on the glasses of Hiroshi Tsuneta, who had directly called himself a "little monk", revealing a resolute and indifferent look like an ascetic monk.

"Presiding over Dharma, I also know that the refining methods of these secret treasures of Buddhahood are definitely the secrets of your temple."

"But in this chaotic world, no one can take care of himself alone. If energy is produced, these secret treasures of Buddhahood will surely promote the rapid and standardized development of the profession of spirit exterminator!"

"You also know that in my next life, I studied the spirit-eliminating props, so I did not hesitate to convert to dozens of sects, just for..."

Like a speech, he described his "professional standardized development plan for the dementor" with passion, earnest speech, and earnest words to Hongfa...

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