"Yawn... Then tonight, that's it for the first time?"

Stretching, Sosuke Araki glanced worriedly at the bewildered, sleepy, and swaying bird Yu Mayumi next to him.

"It's almost four o'clock in the morning, I will send Xiaoniao Youshi back to rest first, and meet again when I wake up."

"That's it, I also happen to go to my sleep to seek the guidance of cosmic consciousness and to meet the next arduous holy war."

Mai Hanyu put down the map in her hand and stretched her slender waist. The fluctuations in her chest made Araki Sosuke's eyelids jump, and she was instantly drowsy.

"Don't talk about pure sleep, so righteously!" 』

"Well, the old sister must have frightened me on purpose..."

When the three of Araki Sosuke left, in the empty conference room, only the sound of Houhailudou typing on the keyboard alone.

"If you really follow her exaggerated inference, maybe someone who knows the name is now welcoming the'home service' of the woman in white."

He looked around the quiet conference room and murmured in fear.

"Hey, I think what these scary things are doing, get it done quickly and go to sleep."

When he thinks that he is also one of the "unlucky ones who know the name", his face becomes even more ugly.


"Well, today is also a good day."

At 3:30 in the morning, when Sosuke Araki and others were scorched because of the white-clothed female resentment and the painted scroll of Taketori...

Tsukage Chikusa, who is located in a single apartment in Wakoshi City, Saitama Prefecture, just finished drawing today's book and walked out of the bathroom covered in steam.

Wiping his head with a bath towel wrapped around him, he habitually glanced at the computer screen and then walked towards the bedroom.

"Eh? The vortex of "Elven Wind" overlapped on top, and it was almost obscured. I said why the color is wrong..."

Suddenly, it seemed that something was wrong, and he went back to the computer again.

"Sure enough... The "Ushito Shrine" created in the Mitosho site is gone! "

Unbelievably confirming the information placed on the map repeatedly, Lukage Chikusa smiled with interest: "The nose is good enough, I haven't finished the bait, and these hungry soul removers start to bite?"

"However, this time is different from before. It doesn't matter to me whether the prey bites the hook or eats the bait..."

It felt like a bomb that I had carefully arranged. Before I could press the start button, the enemy had already stepped on it and detonated it.

"Although I don't know what ghosts and gods the Daochuan clan enshrined in Toshan Park back then, just to "detonate" the "re-creation" divine hidden land should be enough to kill the "Yin Yang"?"

Moon Shadow Qiancao quickly tapped his hands on the keyboard, and under the long wet hair, an otherwise pretty face looked extremely pale under the reflection of the screen.

Turning on the news website, he saw the news that "geological disasters and landslides occurred in Hakone Mountain in Toyama Park, and no casualties for the time being", his expression relaxed: "Hahahaha, it is as I expected!"

"However, the speed of bait delivery has to be increased...otherwise it will be troublesome for those guys to react!"

The restoration of Tokugawa's "God Creation Project" through "recreation" was originally a plot against the "three major formations in Tokyo."

Recently, with the help of the "power of shadow", Tsukage Chikusa has "borrowed" a lot of various undocumented and isolated books left by the Tokugawa clan.

Among them, the declining Tokugawa shogunate's nearly crazy and distorted "god-making" behavior aroused his great interest.

Although most of those sacred places have ceased operation due to the suppression of the "Three Tokyo Arrays", the unknown "ghosts and gods" once enshrined in them are likely to fall into deep sleep like hibernating brown bears.

All I need to do is to repair the hidden places of the gods recorded in the wild history, and let them contend with the three major formations in Tokyo.

If there are sleeping ghosts in it, after feeling the "breath of spring", they might get up and continue their original "work".

This is the same as the surprise when he awakened Pingjiang’s resentful spirit but was promoted to a ghost by himself.

"Jingle Bell……"

On the silent walkway outside the door, a crisp bell suddenly sounded.

"It's so late, are there any residents walking outside?"

The ears moved slightly, and the moon shadow Qiancao, who was immersed in her thoughts, didn't care too much.

"Oh ah ah ah!!!"

However, in the next second, he was frightened by the scream of the "sudden increase in pitch" next door, and he started howling: "Oh what... the next door!!!"

"In the middle of the night, you suddenly called something like a ghost, wanting to cause a heart attack?"

"Who are you... what are you going to do... don't come here!"

However, the resident next door did not answer his question, but continued to make a miserable voice.

"This bastard, who usually reads the study materials so loudly, can bear it for the occasional occasion to inspire me...Which one is the trouble tonight?!"

Moon Shadow Thousand Grass with blue veins, the grievances that erupted like a volcano on weekdays.

Regardless of only having a bath towel on his body, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the door.

"Today I will let you feel the anger from the (quasi) gods!"

Since this guy made him embarrassed at an important meeting a few days ago, he directly lodged a "serious protest" to the next door through the property company.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days of silence, he almost caused him to have a heart attack.

"Jingle Bell……"

As he opened the door of the room, the next door also opened the door with a simultaneous "bang".

"Hmph, now that it's too late to come and apologize, I must teach you a lesson today..."

"You, you... Wow ah ah ah ah... Don't follow me!!!"

However, the man who rushed out of the next room and stumbled to Moonkage Chikusa didn't mean to apologize to him.

The other party just threw himself at his feet, clinging to his calf like a straw, and wailing in pain and distortion.


"Is it Moon Shadow-kun? Help...help me...that woman suddenly appeared in my house...no, no, she is not a human at all..."

In the pitch-black corridor, Moon Shadow Qiancao, who is beyond ordinary human strength, can clearly see that this enthusiastic and low-quality neighbor, his face becomes distorted because of extreme fear at this moment.

"Ishiguro-san...what's the matter?"

Just when Moon Shadow Qiancao hadn't recovered from this sudden scene before her eyes...


The crisp bell rang again.

"She...she's coming..."

Hearing this sound, the whole body of the man at his feet trembled suddenly, and he crawled hard on the floor with his hands and feet on the floor.

It seems to want to escape something terrible, but the body is not obedient because of the boundless fear.

A woman in a white kimono with long hair hiding her face, arched herself, walked out of the door of the apartment next door.

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