I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 532 Special PLAY in the Corridor

In the dark corridor, the woman with long hair covering 90% of her face maintained a weird half-squatting posture with her hands folded in front of her abdomen.

Between the waterfall-like black hair, half an eye that is twice as large as an adult and only has black pupils, quietly gazes at Moon Shadow Qiancao and the neighbor who is crawling on the ground.

"Jingle Bell……"

The crisp sound of bells came from the rusty bells that pierced the dark red string that tied her hands together.

"...The resentful spirit?"

There is no need to introduce herself. There is a strong resentment on this woman, silently telling her identity.

This situation and this scene reminded Tsukage Chikusa, and she returned to Uji's home and met her mother at the sunset at the "last time".


Adhering to the dignity of "God", he stared at each other without fear.

That's right, I'm no longer the same Moon Shadow Thousand Grass that ran out of piss and let the wraith spirit slaughter it.

"Unfortunately, I got into trouble. Even if I want to leave now, it's too late."

The woman opposite, with big eyes in her long hair, kept looking at him.

No reaction to his "death declaration".

Time just passed by one minute and one second.

On the dark corridor, the two people standing at each other seemed to have become still pictures.

Only the man next door was lying between the two of them, crawling toward the feet of Yueying Qiancao.

After the opponent's pair of Ka Zilan saw goose bumps all over, Moon Shadow Qiancao took the initiative to break the stalemate in front of him.


With a cold snort, Moon Shadow Qiancao was drawn by the street lamp into a long and narrow shadow, twisted into the shape of a long knife, and with the irritability in his heart, he severely chopped off at the woman in front of him.

If it were changed to two months ago, I am afraid that he could only join the neighbors at his feet, and under the deterrence of the resentful spirit, his hands and feet were soft, like a maggot, in the survival competition of "only need to climb faster than you".

But now, he has mastered the highly adaptable "Power of Shadow".

In addition to hiding and moving, it has also developed functions such as using shadows to shape eighteen weapons, massage equipment, thermos cups, instant noodles, and one-to-one dolls.

Although the hardness, elasticity and slippery degree need to be improved...

Moreover, an unknown force was lingering in his heart at this moment, preventing grievances from eroding into his body.

He vaguely knew that this was the blessing from the power of faith.

Although weak, it is a power of the same level as the gods.

As thoughts flew, the long blade shaped by the power of the shadow had been chopped off towards the woman from top to bottom.


Being stared at by Moon Shadow Qiancao, the woman in white was motionless, as if she couldn't see the black blade on her head.

Her eyes crossed Moon Shadow Qiancao from beginning to end, staring at the man at his feet.


In the surprised eyes of Yueying Qiancao, the black blade passed through the white-clothed woman as if it was slashing through the air...

The scene of "a sword bursting clothes" that he was expecting in his heart did not appear.

The other party's thin kimono didn't even show the slightest wrinkles.

It was as if she was just a phantom phantom.


This phenomenon caused Yueying Qiancao's face to change slightly.

His shadow power should have an excellent restraint effect on intangible things such as resentful spirits.

Not an ordinary wraith...

That is weird.

Not created by him, wild and weird.

If it is weird, what is her purpose and rules?

Why, now looking at myself again, motionless?

Wait, could it be said...

Seeing his own eyes reflected in the opponent's big black eyes, Yueying Qiancao seemed to have caught something and lost his thoughts.

"Stop her...help...help me..."

When the scene was deadlocked, it seemed that he had seen the hope of survival. The neighbor finally hugged the smooth calf of Yuekage Qiancao and made a faint cry for help.

Unable to withstand his pulling, the towel on the waist of Moon Shadow Qiancao slipped silently...

He showed his well-proportioned white body to the woman opposite without reservation.

Under the woman's long hair, a blush faintly appeared on her pale face.

"Don't make trouble."

Moon Shadow Chikusa stretched out her hand in a panic to lift the slipped bath towel, and asked in a low voice, "If you want to survive, just think about it. How did you get into her trouble?!"

Although this neighbor is very annoying, if the resentful spirit dies next to him, he will also risk being exposed to the sight of the "relevant departments".

"I... I don't know..."

"Remember, have you encountered anything special recently..."

The moment he lowered his head subconsciously, the woman in white in front of him moved.

When Yuekage Qiancao raised her head alertly, she saw the other person's figure flashing...

The woman appeared in front of her as if teleporting, bowed and squatted down. He buried his head between his legs.

Dark corridors, men covered in bath towels, women in white squatting in front of them...

If someone is passing by at this moment, I'm afraid I haven't thought it is any special PLAY here in van.

But the real situation is that the woman's hands tied together by the red rope with bells have pinched the neck of the man at the feet of Moon Shadow Qiancao.

Reflexively, the shadow beneath Yueying Qiancao turned into countless tentacles and furiously lashed on her.

But it still passed through like the black blade before, slapped in the air.

"I... I don't want to die..."


In the dark corridor, there was the unique popping sound of peeing cow pills after being chewed.

A certain liquid splashed in the darkness, spraying Moon Shadow Qiancao's face.

A smell of rust filled his nose and mouth.


"Uh ah ah ah..."

When Yueying Qiancao wiped off the liquid that blocked his vision, the weird woman in white had slowly got up and disappeared without a trace.

"You are okay..."

Moon Shadow Qiancao squatted down and grabbed the neighbor who was lying motionless on the ground.

The man's breath was so weak that it was almost imperceptible.

On the raised face, a pair of eyeballs had already disappeared, leaving only empty blood holes and two rows of blood and tears below.

Suddenly, he violently pulled the collar of Moon Shadow Qiancao like a flashback, frantically squeezed his throat, and said hoarsely: "Your name... is called [Beep...]."

Then, his body collapsed to the ground like mud, gradually becoming cold.


"You knew already."

Not waiting for Yueying Qiancao to react, after the crisp bell sound, he heard a woman's low and hoarse voice, saying as if it was sticking to his ear.


However, let him look around, but he didn't see any suspicious figures again.

"Now, gone?!"

Standing still, with a strong sense of crisis, he quickly went through everything that had happened before in his mind.

"Why, tell me this strange name before I die... I know... What else do I know?"

After a while, it seemed that some useful clue had been caught, and the blood of Moon Shadow Qiancao's face was slightly restored.

"Tsk, wild and weird, it's really troublesome."

Glancing at his "ex-neighbor" at his feet, he slowly got up and took out his mobile phone, and said in a very exaggerated and frightened voice: "Crack, 110? I want to report it!"

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