Taito District.

"Dear viewers, wait a long time...Although it took a while, we are about to reach the end of the journey tonight..."

A thin young man holding a stabilizer and a camera, walking alone on a dark and secluded street.

"Everyone, please look around me..."

As he walked slowly, he exaggeratedly told something to the camera.

In the green night vision mode, his face that is too close on the camera screen is even more permeating than the wraith in the horror film.

"After the Obon Festival, Taitung District, which was destroyed by a supernatural disaster that was not allowed to be mentioned by the government and is currently under reconstruction, still belongs to the area that no one should enter at night."

There are no houses around, all construction sites blocked, no vehicles or pedestrians passing by.

"However, in the central Taito district where nearly 90% of the buildings are completely destroyed, there is such a building, which has been well preserved so far, and even the terrible tornado has not been able to destroy it..."

There was no light except the street lights, and the whole city was as dead as apocalypse.

"And that house, since decades ago, has been stigmatized."

"According to the data from a famous unofficial website "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal", since 1952, more than 50 residents and visitors related to this house have suffered unnatural deaths. "

"It is said that not only the residents, but even the people who have visited this house, may be infected with an inescapable curse..."

After one construction site after another, the man walked to the door of an old and well-structured villa.

"Recently, I received reports from workers from nearby get off work and underground shifts and witnessed strange incidents one after another around here."

"Some people heard terrible roars, met scary children claiming to be lost, and others witnessed invisible resentful spirits wandering around on terrifying locomotives..."

Standing in front of the gate, the man poked his hands and used his camera to take pictures of the dark, dull villa in front of him from multiple angles.

"Here we are……"

Looking around furtively, the man placed the camera on the side of the road with a bracket.

After confirming the shooting angle, he took out a flashlight, shone his chin, and spoke grimly with a hoarse voice deliberately brewing.

"The one in front of you is after the Obon Festival, the room 205 that defeated the'Nine Men and Women's Corpse Cases' and won the title of Heisei's No. 1 Haunted House. "Curse this house!" "

"I have liked one hundred thousand, I will take everyone to Room 205 to find out how? 』

"Why did the old mansion survived the tornado for decades?"

"Behind dozens of murder cases, what is the unknown connection with it?"

"Why do the nearby workers frequently witness supernatural incidents?"

"Behind all this, is the distortion of human nature or the depravity of morality? Is it the outbreak of grievances or the helplessness of fate?"

"Welcome to my channel, here is the new issue of the online program "Into the Haunted Mansion". I am your Detective anchor, GHOSTFACER Oi-kun."

"Let's follow the camera and walk into the inner world of Heisei's worst house..."

"It's the old saying, if something happens to me, please don't come to me!"

After speaking this line, the man stepped forward to confirm the effect of the opening remarks, and adjusted the camera to the Selfie mode.

What he didn't notice was that when he adjusted the camera, several small, pitch-black shadows passed by the iron fence beside the courtyard wall.

"Just standing at the door, I seem to be able to hear the cry of countless souls..."

"Look, there are still name tags of the residents who have passed away at the door... Out of respect for the privacy of the deceased, I won't read them... Oh, the words are really ugly..."

After shooting the outside of the gate from multiple angles, the man came outside the iron gate, which was shorter than the courtyard wall.

"Everyone, next, I will risk my life to go deep into this murderous mansion that no one dares to live in until now, to find out for everyone!"

"As usual, let's turn on the EMF detector that has saved me many times... If you see an abnormal signal while watching the video, please discuss it in the comment section below."

Holding the camera in hand, the man took out an instrument with a long antenna from his bag and hung it around his waist, and then tried to turn over the iron gate.


However, when half of his body climbed up the iron gate, the door opened automatically to the inside following his movements...

"Uh oh oh oh..."

The man who hung on the door and was "taken away" immediately let out a horrified cry, and one of them threw himself to the ground.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's okay, but this door is actually unlocked, I pushed it open..."

Sitting on the ground and looking around carefully with a flashlight, the terrified man figured out what happened.

"Very good, the value of the EMF detector is stable without any changes... it is temporarily safe."

After adjusting his breathing, he continued to walk towards the inside of the house.

"Look, everybody, the structure of this house is a classic one-family construction that was very popular in the 1960s... Those who could afford this kind of house back then must have been people with wealthy families."

"If it weren't because of the murderous house, I am afraid that the rent in this area would not be affordable for ordinary people."

Stepping through the courtyard, the man took pictures of the interior scenes all the way and walked towards the inner door of the house.

"From the information queried by "Careful! Haunted House Appraisal", this house has been uninhabited for almost ten years since its last occupant disappeared strangely..."

"Hey, why does this lawn look like it has just been repaired...Is the property-owned bank maintaining it?"

He tried to twist the doorknob, but found it was locked.

"Sure enough, the front door was locked... However, this can't fail the experienced GHOSTFACER!"

Immediately, he filmed all the way and walked towards the backyard.

"Let's go around the back to see if we can find a window or something to get in..."

When he came to the backyard, the man kept looking for suspicious traces and told vividly and vividly in an exaggerated tone.

"Look at it, everyone, the turf here has traces of being turned up recently, and there is fresh soil next to it... Could it be that some of the missing residents are still buried under it?"

It's as if this is actually his own home.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The quiet detection instrument on his waist suddenly made a small sound, and the pointer on the surface began to shake.

"Wait?! The EMF detector responds!"

At the same time, a short figure appeared in the corner of the man's self-portrait, and silently passed behind him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He was so scared that he almost lost the camera.

"Gang, what was that just now?!"

Regardless of the shooting, he quickly replayed the picture frame by frame to confirm.

In the playback picture, except for his own faint green face in night vision mode, he saw nothing.

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