I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 534 Come out and play

"No, impossible, am I dazzled?"

Out of professional ethics, the man continued to start filming with trembling.

"From the glass door in the backyard, you can see the inside of the living room..."

But this time, his voice was no longer so confident and grandiose.


The man reached out his hand and tried to pull the glass sliding door leading to the living room, only to find that it was abnormally silky and opened.

"LUCKY, like the courtyard door outside, it's not locked here."

Due to excessive force, he almost brought him to the ground.

"It can be seen that the last tenant either moved out in a rush, or he never had a chance to move out again..."

In the empty living room, there is only a low table that looks too narrow, not even a sofa.

"Well, as far as the haunted house is concerned, it is exceptionally clean and tidy, not at all like it has been abandoned for ten years."

Courageously sitting at the low table in the living room, the man photographed with one hand and gently wiped the low table with the other, showing his fingertips without a trace of dust.

"However, the more tidy the maintenance is, the more it shows that the bank owned by the housing property rights is trying to hide what..."

When he arrived in the house, he seemed to have recovered and continued to create an atmosphere of horror with his voice.

"You can imagine that dozens of residents who have passed away in the past have all sat in my place, eating breakfast and enjoying the quiet time of each morning... Until, the curse that no one knows so far came irresistibly... …"

"It is even possible that their dead souls are still wandering here and back, staying in their past lives..."

Immediately, what appeared in the lens was an unwashed disposable bowl of instant noodles on the desktop.

"wait wait wait……"

The man's expression was slightly dull, and he picked up the paper bowl in front of him to check.

"This is... the miso ramen sold at 71 convenience stores last year! Also, it has expired for two weeks!!"

"Everyone knows that Xiaojing was once a popular fried chicken at 71 convenience store. You can't get it wrong about this product. 』

A chill began to spread in the back of his head.

"Why... new instant noodles appear in such an old haunted house... Is it true that there are resentful spirits living here and often go shopping in convenience stores?"

"Do you remember that in the first video, I went with Xiaojing back to the convenience store where he used to work and was rumored to be a ghost customer? If you haven’t watched it, you can click on the list below the video to jump to it. 』

Immediately, his foot kicked over several things under the table.

"Wait, this, this is the latest issue of "JUMP", why is it here...and this, this is a thermos?"

"Does the resentful spirit have to chase after the lifetime series, and then study hard before he can become a Buddha and die?" 』

Perhaps it was the adrenaline secretion that was stimulated by the surrounding atmosphere and new discoveries, and the man no longer feared, but a thrill of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Everyone, we have made a great discovery!"

He couldn't help but think of the dark night, the whole body of gray grievances, quietly eating ramen in the moonlight, silently flipping the latest issue of "JUMP", holding a thermos cup up and down.

"Perhaps you are fortunate enough to verify with me for the first time on the entire network to reveal the secret of "Cursing the House"! "


At the same time, a silver bell-like laughter rang behind him.

Obviously a childlike voice of innocence and innocence, appearing in this dark and quiet haunted house, at this moment, it seems incomparably permeating.

"Wha, who!"

The man became stiff and did not dare to turn his head, so he could only turn the camera that was taking a selfie slowly towards his back.

Outside the glass sliding door, in the dark courtyard, no abnormalities can be seen.


The sound of tapping the glass sounded behind him again.

A small blood-red handprint appeared on the glass door out of thin air.

The man was stiff and did not dare to turn his head. He could only follow the direction of the sound and move the camera lens that was taking a selfie down...

Several pale and innocent smiling faces appeared abruptly in the photographic picture.

These are a few children who are less than one metre tall, dressed in shabby and simple clothes, with bruises and blood on their pale faces, and with broken hands and feet.

The boys pressed their faces "too hard" on the entrance glass, and silently stared at the man whose back was facing them with their squeezed and deformed eyeballs.


The little blood-stained hands slapped the glass door of the hallway, leaving bloody handprints one by one.

"Come out... and play..."

In the innocent and cold voice, as if with endless temptation, people want to open the glass door, go out with them, and run naked in the sunset...

"Ghost... there are ghosts..."

In retrospect, the man was so frightened that he threw the camera in his hand aside, trying to get up and escape from the front door.

But the fear of being held in his heart made his whole body tremble, and his legs didn't even have the strength to stand up.


He wanted to scream, but found that even his vocal cords had been paralyzed by fear.


"Come out... and play..."

Outside the door, the flapping on the glass and the children's invitations became more and more rushing.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Come out... and play..."

The red palm print gradually stained the entire glass door.

There seemed to be a strange power in this voice and the beat rhythm, which was constantly tempting the man.

"Xiaojing...come out...let's play together..."

It's like a childhood friend, downstairs, eagerly calling out to himself who is doing his homework.

"Oh, here..."

Finally, as if being hypnotized, the man stood up blankly with his eyes, and turned to the glass door behind him.

In his mind, there was a consciousness telling him...

As long as you open the door and play with them, all your fears, sorrows, and worries will disappear.

In the eager gaze of the children, the man got up with difficulty, put his hand on the sliding door, opened the door and walked out.

Under the eaves, several children immediately gathered up, holding his hands with their cold little hands.

They tossed the man to the ground, laughed and poured into each other's body, split the scarlet mouth that did not match the small face, showing sharp teeth, and said in unison: "Now...we can start playing..."


Just as these children opened their mouths and prepared to feast on the "disposable playmates" in front of them, a harsh locomotive exhaust sound sounded in the front yard.


After a shudder, the man was suddenly awakened by the sound of exhaust.

"What am I..."

He stared blankly at the blood-stained boys who threw himself on his chest and threw himself on his chest.

"You, don't you guys come here!!!"

He struggled madly and wanted to crawl back, but he only felt that the child on him was extremely heavy and cold, so that he could not move the slightest, and his vision began to blur...

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