I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 535: Cherry Blossom Festival


In the pitch-black house, the man who was crushed by the children was like an ice cellar. He only felt the temperature of his body and began to be pulled away bit by bit.

"Who can help me……"

A quaint nursery rhyme, humming to the children's innocent accent, sounded in his squishy mind.

"When will the cherry blossoms bloom?"

"In Shanluzhuang, when will it bloom?"

"When will the cherry blossoms fragrant?"

"Seven sons laugh and play often."

"When will the cherry blossoms drift?"

"Seven sons chant songs and sink into sleep."

"When will the cherry blossoms die?"

"The Seven Sons passed away, and the soul ascended to heaven."

With the humming of the nursery rhymes, a happy smile appeared on the pale paper face of the man.


He came to a forest of cherry blossoms, holding hands with the children, running naked in the rain of white petals...

"...Boom boom boom boom!"

In the darkness, a strong and dazzling light suddenly broke out, illuminating the entire courtyard transparently, reflecting the man who was weakly falling under the eaves outside the glass door.

This light ruthlessly shattered the gorgeous and beautiful scene in the man's mind, and brought him back to the dark and quiet old house.

A heavy locomotive with inverted teeth all over, burning like flames, with a fierce roar, suddenly appeared in the man's field of vision.

"Machine machine machine machine machine machine machine... locomotive?!"

Looking at the "unmanned", terrifying locomotive in the distance, and a few scary-looking children lying on his chest, the man who claimed to be a "professional spiritual anchor" has been incoherent because of the excessive shock he suffered tonight.

The locomotive rushed under the eaves at a very fast speed, and flicked its tail handsomely with a sideways brake...

The rapidly spinning rear wheel passed over his body, pressing hard on the children...

An extremely tragic car accident was staged in front of the man.

During the heavy crushing and the spinning of tires with inverted teeth, stumps, internal organs and black unknown liquid were flying all over the sky, like a fountain bursting out suddenly...

However, those broken limbs and pieces of flesh came back to life, and quickly wriggled toward the courtyard gate.

Seeing this bloody and terrifying scene, the man's last tense mind was finally defeated, his eyes rolled, and he fainted weakly to the ground.

"Damn it, the warrior of the Warring States period, has said not to mess up, these splashing and dragging marks can't be removed at all..."

In his last sight, a tall figure appeared in front of the backyard door, blocking the path of those "limbs"...

"There are enough stains in this house. Do you know how much psychological pressure I have to bear every time I accidentally remove the blindfold at home?" 』

Those stumps gathered at the feet of the figure and turned into a laughing child in the white light.

"The family members who were taken to play in the mountains and then went there secretly ran away, so you got lost and "played" outside until now? 』

"It's okay, I can go back now... Must... I feel homesick..."

Before losing consciousness, the man suddenly felt that the sound of constantly muttering something was a bit familiar.



The dazzling light of the ceiling lamp made the man open his eyes.

"I... those kids..."

The horrible scene before fainting came into my mind without mercy.

"Oh, you are awake."

Next to his ear, a tired voice caught his attention.

The man turned his head and saw that sitting across from the low table was a man with fierce eyes and tattooed arms under his short sleeves.

"Ara... Araki Sosuke?! Why are you here?"

Looking at this familiar, criminal face, the man blurted out the other's name.

"Hey, although I forgot to lock the door... but this is my house anyway. I was shocked when I came back in the middle of the night and saw you fainted outside the living room door... Koi-kun."

"Fortunately, you just fainted and no other strange things happened. After all, this house has enough black history..."

That's right, the man who fainted in the new residence of Sosuke Araki and scared him to prepare to "throw his body on a rainy night" was surprisingly a reward for him who had worked with him at a convenience store in Arakawa District from time to time. Moto Oida, the convenience store clerk assisted by Tao Lue.

"This house... is yours?!"

Moto Oida, who was undecided in shock, looked at Araki Sosuke who was sitting opposite.

"Well, what about those kids... yes, yes, that locomotive! They were all over the floor like that locomotive squeezed juice..."

"What a kid's locomotive, as soon as I walked in, I saw you lying here alone..."

Hearing the other party's question, Araki Sosuke raised his brows and his face was expressionless.

"Yes, yes, the camera...maybe something is captured..."

Xiaojing Tianyuan suddenly remembered something, and stretched out his hand to take the camera aside.

"Huh? Why is the data in the DV missing...Wait, why is the SD card cracked into several pieces?! This is a new purchase..."

While tinkering with the "dinner" in his hand, Moto Oida found that his memories before fainting were all clouded in a mist, like a spring dream that could not recall the details after a dream.

"Ahem, Oi-kun..."

Looking at Moto Oida with a distressed look, Sosuke Araki asked in a hypnotic tone and invitingly: "No matter how hard you remember, is it too dark when you enter the door, accidentally slipped, bumped into your head, and had nightmares? NS?"

"Well, the SD card in the DV machine should have been broken at the same time! 』

Hold on, Araki Sosuke, you are now a mature spirit remover, and accidentally breaking SD cards and the like are just traditional arts.

If this situation is not handled properly and the information is disclosed, according to the "Regulations on Public Secrecy", you will be fined.

"No, Araki-kun, ordinary people like you naturally don't know."

Dismayedly put down the camera in his hand, Moto Oida's expression was solemn: "As a professional spirit detection anchor "GHOSTFACER Oi", I can tell you with certainty that I was entangled in your house just now by resentful spirits! "

"Detective, Detective Ling anchor... special waste shit?! Hey..."

Looking at Oi Garden with burning eyes in front of him, Sosuke Araki sighed dumbly...

The posture and aura of the "professional" of the other party almost bluffed him and forgot his identity as a "spiritualist" just now.

Xiao Jing, the dead guy, dare to come to his "murder house" in Taitung District to take some spiritual exploration videos...

Although the house was "cleaned" by myself from start to finish, there are still many unknown existences lingering in Taitung District under the night of grievances and the gaps caused by the closing of the gates of hell.

Even the nearby construction sites have recently strictly prohibited any overtime work after eight o'clock in the evening.

The resentful spirits of those children must have been on his way back when they came.

According to the children, they should have been secretly offered to the "mountain god" by their families on the day of the "Sakura Festival" during the famine years.

The Cherry Blossom Festival is a traditional festival in Japan with a history of more than a thousand years. There are only seven days from the time the cherry blossoms bloom to the dying of the flower, so it is also called "Sakura Seven Days".

Unlike today's romantic scene where people gather together under the cherry tree and enjoy cherry blossoms, the cherry blossom festival was actually a very cruel day of worship in ancient Japan.

Because it is believed that children who have just turned seven have the spirituality of "sons of gods", villages with poor harvests will ask their families to take them to the deep mountains to enjoy cherry blossoms and deliberately lose their way on this day, so as to offer them to the "mountain gods" and ask for abundance. Food.

How should we deal with this situation in the previously trained "Regulations on Public Secrecy"...

Now I will give Yuanhou Oida a head or something, is it too late to make him amnesia?

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