"According to estimates based on the dates when these cases occurred, there is an average of one victim every day. With the base number of name-knowledgers unknown, it is temporarily impossible to estimate the probability of encountering this'white lady' every day..."

Turning on Houhailudou's computer, Mai Hanyu began to hammer out an unexplained formula: "However, the average life expectancy in Japan is 81.25 years, which is 29656 days. Assuming that there is only one person who knows the name at first, she encounters the lady in white'calling service'. If the probability of is 100% and the frequency is once a day, it will be 29656 times in a lifetime..."

"If 120 million people in Japan know this name, then the probability of encountering door-to-door service per person per day will be reduced to one in 120 million. The average number of encounters per person in his lifetime is only 0.00024 times, which is not as harmful as the recent average daily contribution. A seasonal cold with 50 deaths!"

"Wait... what are you... talking about..."

Listening to her, the three people who were originally confused, their faces gradually changed from confusion to surprise, and finally stayed in panic, and their foreheads were also covered with fine beads of sweat.

"Oh ha ha ha, this is not over yet... If people all over the world know the name [BEEP...] by creating international events or naming anime characters, the'Ms in White' may develop Global business, the probability of encountering her per person in the world will be reduced to..."

"Stop, stop, stop... Stop it now! We still know very little about the rules of this thing, and the previous ones are just our guesses..."

"In case it has'backup rules' for this situation or even forced to'evolve', according to your frenzied idea, old sister, one accidentally may change into the "human removal plan"! "It's just a weird thing," it's better not to put this risk on the shoulders of "all mankind" for the time being..."

Hou Hai Lu Dou hurriedly changed the subject and prevented the "crazy genius scientist" who was gradually falling into fanaticism from continuing to delve into the subject: "Yes, yes, the investigation on the painting on the "Take Tori Scroll" has also produced results!"

Sure enough, hearing the topic of "returning to the original heart", everyone turned their attention to the projection screen.

"According to the ratio, structure and texture of the outer wall of the tunnel on the picture scroll, there is only one tunnel with a similarity of more than 90% in Japan..."

A photo of a four-lane tunnel in Shuangqiaodong with a very old appearance appeared in front of everyone.

"And, it's in Tokyo."

The tunnel in the photo looks very similar to the one painted on the scroll.

"...As for the bowl-like symbol, a large basket with a similarity of more than 50%, and no more than 80%, so no effective clues have been found for the time being."

"Hi...This place is so familiar, I can't remember where I have seen it..."

Just as Araki Sosuke was touching his chin in confusion, Yu Mayumi, who was beside him, exclaimed in a complicated look: "It's actually here...Sentagaya Tunnel, isn't it in Shinjuku! And, this place... …"

As a spirit remover stationed in Shinjuku for a long time, she recognized this place at a glance.

As you zoom in on the photo, you can clearly see that directly above the two bridge holes, on the old plaque, the words "Qiandang Valley Tunnel" are faintly visible.

"That's right, the Qianduo Valley Tunnel, even in the association's archives, is also a well-known'spiritual location'."

Hou Hailu Dou nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"Huh?! It's Shinjuku again? How should I put it right... As expected of the most resentful "Yin Yang" in Tokyo?!"

Looking at the dark and deep tunnel in the photo with no end in sight, Sosuke Araki looked at the silent Mai Hanyu excitedly: "Sister Hanyu, what do you say, when will you leave?!"

When he thought that Mochizuki Ayano's "Mochizuki Secret Treasure" might be able to awaken Mochizuki Ayano in this tunnel, he felt that he couldn't sit still for a moment.

"That, Araki-kun, don't forget, the four of us are now ‘unlucky guys who know that name’..."

Seeing him ready to go out and take the subway to Shinjuku at any time, Hou Hailu Dou quickly reminded him.

"Tsk... But, the white guy doesn't know when he will come, can he just keep waiting like this?"

When he said this, Araki Sosuke was also entangled.

If he and Tori Mayumi go there together, it would be tantamount to putting Houkailudou and Mai Hanyu in danger.

"Otherwise... I'll take the picture scroll with me. You and Yuuji are in the association..."

"No, if Mr. Araki uses too much eyes like last night, it is very dangerous if no one is around to take care of him!"

Tori Yu Mayumi immediately objected.

In the situation last night, if Ryoma hadn't appeared in time before the second, I'm afraid she and Sosuke Araki would have been buried under the collapsed Mt. Hakone.

In the meeting room, the air became silent for a while.

"Hehehehe...uh hahahaha..."

Mai Hanyu, who hadn't said a word, suddenly stood up and hid her face and laughed wildly, startling the other three.

"This is a clue that the cosmic consciousness has finally given out, and who knows when the energy in the picture scroll will be exhausted, how can you be afraid of it because of a weirdness!"

"I announce... the project code-named'Golden Jade of the World Destroying Giant' is launched!"

As if launching a challenge, she reached out to the tunnel in the photo: "All members are dispatched. Adults do not do multiple-choice questions. Whether it is the one on the left or the one on the right, I want it all!"

"I am against! What golden jade, left and right... Let's not mention that you unscrupulously took out this kind of adult-oriented plan code in front of minors..."

Hou Hailu Dou was the first to lay on the conference table, raising his limbs to object.

"Sister, are you crazy? No, you are already crazy... We two ordinary people without the power to bind the chickens are not dragging our legs behind?!"

"It is invalid to oppose! As long as you are fully prepared, there is nothing you can't...More

"Besides, did I say I want to go deeper? As an information group, rubbing at the door and helping with lubrication can also play a supporting role. 』

"What a rub, lubricate, you are regretting that you missed the Toyama Park, and you just want to collect first-hand data!" 』


Seeing that the two siblings were arguing because they didn't understand the content at all, Mayumi Torii tilted her head in confusion.

"Well, you still don't want to know. In short, Sister Hanyu's general idea is that four people will go there together... However, this is barely a greedy solution..."

Araki Sosuke rubbed his forehead with a headache, and then showed hot eyes.

"Hmph, those shattered things that don't take human life seriously, just let them go, and the spirit eliminator Araki Sosuke, stay with them to the end!"

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