I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 542 Mary's Wall

At ten o'clock in the evening, the van with the words "Careful! Haunted House Appraisal" stopped slowly on the side of the road.

Ahead of the road is an old tunnel with double arches and four lanes.

Above the tunnel, several mottled writings were faintly visible.

"Thousando Valley Tunnel".


As the car door opened rapidly, a young man in sportswear with a six-pointed star knife engraved on the sideburns of the golden oil head came out from inside with the momentum of a beast coming out of the cage...

The two passers-by who happened to pass by the car thought they had encountered a "van sack hedging kidnapping and insulting corpse division gang", they instantly unlocked their genetic locks and burned their lives faster and left.

Immediately after getting out of the car behind this criminal-looking youth was a demure girl wearing a red and white witch costume with a long cloth bag on her back and a sword on her waist.

These two people standing together with great aura, are the level [two] genius of the spirit remover, Yutou Mayumi...

And under her guidance, he can "legally" carry out the dexterity, the level [zero] trainee of the spirit eliminator, Sosuke Araki.

"Sure enough, this luminous'arrow' is pointing in the direction of the tunnel..."

Standing on the side of the road, Sosuke Araki opened the zipper of the sports bag and confirmed that the faint symbol on the picture scroll was facing the tunnel not far away.

At the same time, an extra-long antenna suddenly appeared on the top of the white van.

"Then, let's test the communication first...Hey, Araki-kun, Kotori Yuuji, this is..."

A man's thick voice suddenly appeared in the headphones worn by the two.

"Hmph, I don't even know the common sense of using encryption codes for communication! This level of mission is really not something that a hacker, Lu Dou, you, a layman, can command..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the woman's mad voice: "Ahem, this is the'Maria's Wall', the investigative corps, can you hear it?"

"This is a strange encryption code name, and the code name'Hacker Lu Dou' has already explained all my details... Sister, I'm still debugging, don't grab... Zi!! !!!"

"Damn it, actually pulled my line! Although I am just a driver today, I have to match the sense of participation that I should have..."

"Um, I said, I can hear you very clearly..."

Sosuke Araki sighed, took off his headphones, and protested to the two elder brothers and sisters who were arguing in the van: "Please, we are still outside the car. Don't abuse the communication channel to quarrel away from one door. This will only cause repeated echoes and tinnitus..."

"Oh, sorry sorry..."

"Investigation Corps, you walk towards the tunnel and continue testing on the road..."

The rear window of the car rolled down, revealing Mai Hanyu's bright and pretty face.

At this moment, she is wearing headphones and sitting crouched in the back of the car that has been installed with computers and communication equipment and has been converted into a "temporary command room."

Hearing her words, the two obediently walked toward the tunnel entrance more than two hundred meters away.

"Hello, sister Hanyu, how is it, can you hear me clearly now?"

After a short walk, Sosuke Araki asked in the communication channel.

"During the mission, please call me "Maria's Wall"... Well, yes, the latest type of communication base station that is said to be resistant to interference from strong magnetic fields I borrowed in Lesson 9 is indeed a hard product..."

"Damn it, what exactly is the principle? Just look at it clearly before going back! 』

In the communication channel, Mai Hanyu's melancholy thoughts came.

"What about the picture, does it need to be adjusted?"

Taking the other party's complaint as a reply, Sosuke Araki continued to confirm.

"Move the'True Eye GOPRO Version' to the center of your chest a little bit...yes, it's okay... let's go."

When everything was in place, the two accelerated their pace, and soon came to the dimly lit and old-looking "Thousando Valley Tunnel".

From midnight to midnight, the busy Qiandang Valley Tunnel was empty on weekdays and looked very cold.

"Ling Xian."

Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, Tori Mayumi patted the burning talisman on the ground.

A circle of faint blue spiritual power ripples, centered on her, spread along the inner wall of the tunnel.

"Near the tunnel entrance, there are no signs of resentment and movement..."

After feeling carefully, she shook her head at Sosuke Araki next to her.

"The ‘Maria’s Wall’ was received. The external observation of the tunnel has not found an abnormality for the time being. The investigative corps, please move on..."

"Sure enough, it's impossible to feel the turbulent undercurrent after the twists and turns just by rubbing at the door. 』

In the earphones, there was a response from Mai Hanyu who was in the van and was observing the tunnel from the outside through the "True Eye GOPRO Version".

"Mr. Araki, let's go inside the tunnel."

Judging from the position of the van, the two figures walking side by side gradually turned into small black spots and disappeared, as if they were swallowed by the huge mouth of the abyss.


The Chidagoya Tunnel is a four-lane double-door tunnel with a length of about one kilometer built for the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 1964.

Secretly, this old tunnel, which looks ordinary in the eyes of tourists, has another identity.

One of the famous spiritual places in Shinjuku.

That's right, Shinjuku, which is located in the "yin and yang" with the resentment of all Tokyo, is naturally more than one spiritual place.

One step into the tunnel entrance, you can feel the temperature drop a few degrees from the outside.

"It is said that during the construction of the tunnel, grievances were often caused, which caused repeated delays in the construction period."

Obviously it was late at night in early autumn, but Sosuke Araki could clearly see the white mist in the girl's mouth.

"In the end, Yin Yang Liao personally supervised the work and completed the work in time before the opening of the Olympic Games..."

"Olympics?! That hasn't happened for forty to fifty years... Until now, hasn't the resentment here been completely wiped out?"

While listening to Mayumi Torii's introduction, Sosuke Araki looked curiously at the various graffiti on the inner wall of the tunnel.

Most of the inner walls of tunnels and flyovers in Tokyo will be decorated with colorful works by graffiti lovers according to the local culture and characteristics, and they will even be covered and updated regularly.

However, unlike other tunnels with themes such as animation, trends, slogans, and culture, the graffiti on the inside of the Qiandugu Tunnel is disorderly, simple black and white lines, which seem unusually weird.

"Since the tunnel was completed, the Yin Yang Liao and the Soul Eliminator Association will come here regularly to clean up the resentful spirits that appear from time to time..."

"Even so, pedestrians still often see strangely dressed figures here, and there are even many hand and foot prints on passing vehicles, or they see terrible ghost faces hanging down when they pass..."

Tori Mayumi shook his head helplessly and pointed to the top of the tunnel.

"Don't talk about these abnormal rumors. Even the water seepage on the roof of this cave has been treated with multiple waterproofing works, but it still cannot be completely resolved, and there is no reason."

On the roof of the tunnel, there is a lot of water condensed, dripping downward from time to time.

"Moreover, in recent decades, the disappearance of dozens of motor vehicles and hundreds of pedestrians in nearby areas is suspected to be related to this tunnel."

"Tsk tusk, the rumors of this tunnel are really mysterious."

Listening to Yu Tori Mayumi's words, Araki Zongjie untied his blindfold and looked at the inside of the tunnel carefully.

"Wow, it's worthy of being in Shinjuku, which is known as "Yin Yang", where you can rank top..."

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