"How is it, Investigative Corps, what did you see?"

Hearing the deep sigh from Araki Sect, Mai Hanyu asked curiously on the channel.

"It's hard to describe in one word, in short, there are various'traces of activities' with a high density..."

In his eyes, the pavement and walls inside the tunnel did not see any hand and foot prints, but showed a strange and even dark red.

This is because the spirit body moves too frequently, just like using the hands, feet and body covered with paint to evenly paint every inch of the tunnel, which can create a peculiar visual effect.

"But, why do so many resentful spirits keep appearing in this ordinary old tunnel?"

"The problem is not in the tunnel itself, but above the tunnel..."

Tori Mayumi walked along the sidewalk, pasting the talisman between his fingers on the inner wall along the way.

"To build the new National Stadium, Tokyo Stadium and this tunnel for the Olympics, the Tokugawa family donated a large amount of their own land. Among them, the Chidagoya tunnel is included."

"Hey, it's so inhumane, it's worthy of the former shogunate."

Sousuke Araki, who heard that others donate large tracts of land comparable to gold in the heart of the Tokyo metropolitan area, couldn't help but stunned.

However, it is not surprising that the Tokugawa family donated land.

As the predecessor of Tokyo, the founder of Edo, the Tokugawa family who has been operating here for more than two hundred years, it can be said that every piece of land here was theirs at the beginning.

After falling by the government, if you don't donate it on your own initiative, do you wait for the royal family to collect it?

"Originally, the land was donated to prepare for the 1940 Olympic Games... because the chairman of the organizing committee who successfully bid for the Olympics was the adopted son of the last Shogun Tokugawa Yoshitatsu, Tokugawa Iate."

"However, because of the war, the Tokyo Olympics in 1940 was cancelled...and these facilities were not reopened until the Tokyo Olympics in 1964."

When talking about this topic, Mai Hanyu also joined in.

"Sister Hanyu is right."

Although knowing that the other party could not be seen, Yu Mayumi Kotori nodded obediently, and said the words that made Araki Sosuke's horror: "...and the highest point on the top of the mountain at the top of the Sendagoya tunnel is just Kishu. The Tokugawa family's dedicated grave, "Senjuin". "

"Wait, don't this tunnel pass through tombs?! The Tokugawa family is so ruthless, even the land of the family tomb was donated..."

Looking at the top of the tunnel with dripping water, and imagining that dozens of meters above the top of the head, piles of bones and tombstones stand, Sousuke Araki couldn't help but numb his scalp.

"The source of the resentful spirit must come from the spiritual garden above the tunnel. Why don't we go there and have a look first?"

Thinking of the endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles coming in and out of the caves under the ancestors in the cemetery every day, and making strange noises, Sosuke Araki suddenly understood the anger of these resentful spirits.

"Since the construction of the tunnel, the "Xian Shou Yuan" above has set up a yin and yang formation and is responsible for regular inspections. It has always been safe and sound, and there has never been any strangeness, and even the grievance has not accumulated too much. "

"So, the Soul Slayers Association believes that the crux of the problem should still be somewhere inside this tunnel...Huh?"

Yu Mayumi Xiaotoriu just finished pasting another talisman paper on the wall and turned around.


However, he found that Sosuke Araki, who had been walking a step in front of her, disappeared.

In the dim and cold tunnel, only the girl in the red and white witch costume was left, the lonely pretty shadow.

"Investigation Corps, is there anything abnormal? The camera on the sleeping man suddenly cut off the signal."

As she exclaimed, Mai Hanyu's question came from the channel.

"That... Senior Araki is gone!"

Tori Mayumi tried to call someone who was supposed to be next to him in the channel: "Hey, Araki-senpai, can you hear me?"

Although he was confident in Sosuke Araki's strength, the opponent disappeared under her nose, which was really disturbing.

"Little Bird Yuuji... rustling... I'm..."

Immediately, there were chaotic electric currents and the intermittent sound of Sosuke Araki in the channel.

The space two meters in front of Mayumi Yuu Torii suddenly shimmered like a lake with stones thrown into it.

"...In front of you."

Sosuke Araki, who was wearing the sportswear of the kendo club, carrying a bucket bag cross-legged, and pressing one hand on the earphones, protruded half of his body out of thin air on the sidewalk in front of him.

"Ah, Mr. Araki?! Where did you go just now..."

Shocked by the "half body" Araki Sosuke who suddenly appeared like a deadly ghost, Yu Mayumi Xiaotori felt that his voice was trembling.

"Huh? There is an empty door frame full of runes in the middle of this road. I just want to go through it and have a look..."

Moving back, Araki Sosuke appeared in the eyes of the witch again.

"In the middle of the road...full of runes...empty...doorframe?"

Looking in the direction of his fingers, the spiritual power in Toori Yu Mayumi's eyes surged, but he still didn't see anything.

The center of the sidewalk leading to the inside of the tunnel is clearly empty.


Just when Sosuke Araki and his entourage discovered an anomaly inside the tunnel, a group of uninvited guests were greeted by a group of uninvited guests at the gate of the quiet and serene "Xianshouyuan" lined with tombstones above the Chidago Tunnel.

Dozens of strong men armed to the teeth with the latest "spiritual detective" equipment produced by the research institute, carrying your equipment, quietly pouring in from the gate, and quickly and orderly occupying the wide view of the tomb. Point.

Behind them, a man wearing sunglasses, a suit, and a samurai sword at his waist stepped into the door with grandeur.

"Report team leader, as planned, a team of three is testing the grievances in the cemetery."

Seeing him walking into the gate, one of the team members immediately stepped forward respectfully to report.

This group of "uninvited guests" who disturbed the peace of the ancestors in the middle of the night were exactly Mochizuki and his "disaster prevention mobile team."

"It's not just the surface of the tombstone. Use the'Resentment Detector' to connect the probes, and insert me to the end from grave to grave to find out the transparency."

"But, will this disturb you..."

"Don't worry, according to the records shared by Yin Yang Liao, there have been some unclassified resentful spirits in this tomb in recent years..."

Looking around the pitch-black cemetery carefully, Mochizuki jumped to the tallest tombstone without any respect.

"Moreover, if you can really detect something abnormal, it will be a great achievement instead."

Sitting on the tombstone, he closed his eyes and concentrated, as if trying to sense something.

"After all, even the Yin Yang Liao, which is an'official institution', has not been aware of the secrets buried in this tomb by the Kidegawa family for decades. If it weren't for the ancient books unearthed at the Hushanzhuang site yesterday... …"

Not daring to disturb Mochizuki, several team members held detectors and carefully inspected the graves one by one.

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