"Unlike the'Owari Tokugawa family', who has few offspring and cannot continue their own blood, the Kiytokugawa family has a prosperous bloodline. It is an imperial family who has been born in the eighth generation of the shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune, and the fourteenth generation of Shogun Tokugawa Ieshige. The only one among the three families who has a fan master has adopted himself as a great general of the expropriation."

"Huh? General Zhengyi? Then...their graves are also on top of their heads?"

"Of course not. After the passing of the Tokugawa family's generals, they will build a separate sacred temple in the Tokugawa family's sacred temple to worship. In the Senjuin cemetery, the burials of the Kintokugawa family are buried."

While walking slowly along the dark tunnel, Yu Mayumi Kotori began to introduce the history of the Kidegawa family to a certain "illiterate".

"However, strictly speaking, the Tokugawa family from the eighth-generation general to the last general is considered to be the direct bloodline of the Kidegawa family."

"Zizzi...Kidori Yuuji was right, and, until the war...Zizzi...The Kitegawa family was one of the few richest families in Japan."

On the communication channel, Mai Hanyu's supplement came.

"Oh, isn't there a chance to find some valuable treasure to ease my current financial difficulties?"

Upon hearing this topic, Araki Sosuke's eyes reflected the pattern of "Fukuzawa Yukichi", and he rubbed his hands and looked around.

Although the inside of the tunnel is dark and without light, it doesn't matter to the inspired two, if you accidentally find antiques...

"Even if it is found, half of it will be given to the royal family. After all, this piece of land has long been donated to the royal family, and the Kii Tokugawa family as the'original' is now bankrupt, and there is only one adopted son left. "

Japan's "Lost Property Law" stipulates that unowned buried objects found in the possessions of others shall be equally distributed by the discoverer and the others.

This "property" naturally also includes land.

"If you divide half into half, it's better than working for nothing..."

As the two moved slowly, several motor vehicles that looked abandoned for many years were neatly lined up on the originally empty roadway.

It's like a slow traffic jam in the Qiandang Valley Tunnel.


Araki Sosuke came to these cars vigilantly and looked inside through the glass windows.

"Hi... Sister Hanyu, we found a lot of vacant vehicles in the tunnel."

The interior of these neatly arranged vehicles like a traffic jam is empty, except for some messy belongings.

Perhaps it is because the windows are sealed, or for other reasons, unlike the worn out and decayed exterior, the interiors of the vehicle are all preserved as if they were brand new.

It is as if the time in the car has been frozen forever at a certain moment when passing through a congested tunnel.

"Unmanned vehicle... rustling... interesting... if you can see the license plate number, try to tell me..."

Araki Sosuke squatted to the back of the car, wiped the dust off the license plate, and told Mai Hanyu.

"I found it. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, this car and its owner disappeared 15 years ago..."

After a few seconds, Mai Hanyu's feedback came from the communication channel.

"Hey, within a few kilometers of the Qiandang Valley Tunnel... Kaka... There have been hundreds of missing persons and cars in the past few decades... But because traffic monitoring was not as advanced as it is now, the investigation can only be done in the end. ."

"Those missing vehicles, could it be that they strayed into this Shenyin..."

Tori Mayumi frowned and looked at the abandoned vehicles like expired cans, but there was a feeling of palpitations.

These cars strayed into this place. Where did the people in that car go?

Beside her, Sosuke Araki took out a notebook and recorded the license plate numbers of several nearby cars.

"Although I can't find the remains, and I'm not sure if I can break this Shenyin in the future, at any rate, I remember the license plate number first, maybe it can be helpful for closing the case, so that the family can have comfort."

The two of them just walked on the roadway, recording the license plate while checking the surroundings.

On Sosuke Araki's "Bamboo Tori Scroll" on his waist, the faintly glowing arrow always points to the depths of the tunnel.

"But, with so many vehicles hidden by the gods, why haven't a corpse been seen?"

"Is it possible, those people, are they still alive?"

The more they walked in, the more chilled their hearts became.

"Or, went somewhere else?"

The vehicles with dilapidated exteriors and intact interiors, like quiet coffins, extend infinitely toward the endless dark cave.

This silent tunnel is like a monster that swallows everything. In these years, I don't know how many "missing" cases have been created.

"Wait a minute, is the original Thousand Valley Tunnel that long?"

After walking for five minutes, Araki Sosuke stopped walking strangely.

The Qianduo Valley Tunnel is supposed to be two to three kilometers long. According to the footsteps of two people, it should be more than half way slower.

But ahead, there is still a dark, endless tunnel.

"Kacha...According to normal people's stride length and movement speed... rustling... you should have walked out of the tunnel three minutes ago..."

Mai Hanyu, who had been recording various data, reminded softly in the communication.

"Within Shenyin, the space tends to be distorted, let's take a walk and take a look."

Tori Mayumi throws the talisman paper in his hand on the ground and said softly.

Along the way, she kept leaving talisman paper on the ground as a mark of her way home, just to prevent situations like "ghost hitting the wall".

So far, the car models and license plate numbers recorded by the two have not been duplicated.

Besides, with Mr. Araki, it is reasonable not to be afraid of confusion with things like phantom arrays.

Therefore, she judged that the space inside this Shenyin had changed, and it had a wider space than the original tunnel.

"Look, there are no cars here."

A hundred meters ahead, the abandoned vehicles lined up along the center of the tunnel in twos and threes came to an abrupt end.

"Is there no way?"

A smooth stone wall sealed the end of the dark tunnel.

Araki Sosuke stepped forward and tried to touch the damp stone wall with his hand, but nothing changed.

"It seems...just ordinary granite...wait..."

Looking carefully at the unusually "clean" stone wall in front of him, his gaze suddenly fell to a corner next to him.


Araki Sosuke knelt down and looked at the ground at the corner of the stone wall.

On the dark ground, there were a series of shallow footprints.

It is not the traces left by any spiritual body, but the actual shoes of ordinary human beings stained with dust and dirt.

"Could it be that the people in the car, like us, ended up here all the way?"

Looking at the series of footprints, Yu Tori Mayumi couldn't help but think that countless people who had strayed into this place walked to the end of the tunnel in panic and helplessness in the dark and humid tunnel.

"Then...where did they go again?"

The end of the series of footprints is also a flat stone wall.

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