"Wait, this wall makes me feel a little different."

Sosuke Araki stretched his hand to the plain stone wall in the corner.

Upon closer inspection, the color of this stone wall seemed to be darker than that of the stone wall extending all the way, and the material should be smoother, and there was an obvious small bulge near the ground.

"You don't know anything about Xiaoniaoyou. This kind of obvious bulge is generally used to control organs, secret doors, etc., isn't it all written in the DND game script..."

Araki Sosuke laughed, bent over to hold the stalactite-like bump on the stone wall, and showed off his discovery to the little witch next to him.

Like an illiterate, the female high school students in front of him and the female doctors in the newsletter used "historical knowledge" to irrigate all the way. He felt that he had finally reached a field suitable for him to play.

"You see, generally speaking, if you press it inside, it will..."

Araki Sosuke tried to press the raised stone inward, but it didn't have the mechanism he had imagined.

"If you can't press it inside, maybe it's turning up and down, left and right, back and forth... Damn it, I don't believe it yet, my instinct tells me there must be a problem with this broken stone!"

"Ms. Araki, don't touch it, maybe it's a trap."

Seeing Araki Sosuke rubbing the "mechanism" at high speed with proficient techniques, Yu Mayumi Kotori looked around with some worry.


Suddenly, an inexplicable hum, sounded in the silent tunnel.

The two looked up dullly, only to see a huge human face slowly appearing above the rock wall in front of them.

This has human facial features and an inexplicable blush on the face, which is vividly presented on the light-colored stone wall like a relief.

Below, Araki Sosuke was still held in his hand, unconsciously rubbing at high speed like drilling wood to make fire, and the bump that brought up sparks began to grow and grow slowly like stalactites in a cave...

If judging by the height and proportion of the position of the face to the entire rock wall, Sosuke Araki is holding it somewhere on the lower part of the rock wall.


As the human face once again uttered an increasingly degrading hum, a gleam of crystal white light, the top of the "stalactite" that had not had time to let go since Araki Sosuke was still holding it in his hand bloomed.

It can be said that a little white mang came first, and then the gun was shot like a dragon!

As the white light spread up, the entire stone wall lit up like a light bulb.

Bathed in this holy light, the human face on the stone wall showed the expression of becoming a Buddha and ascending into the soul.

"Rumble rumbling..."

The entire tunnel suddenly shook violently like an earthquake, and several cracks were cracked in the stone wall in front of the two of them.

In the dust shaking off, a pair of stubby stone hands grew from the gaps on both sides of the stone wall, slowly closing in the center...

"This wall is so good, how come you suddenly became a Buddha?"

Seeing the "super thick long stalactites" in his hands that began to turn into white light spots, Sosuke Araki looked blank.

Turning her face to greet him, the little maiden squinted slightly, with contemptuous eyes in her subtlety.

"Don't, don't get me wrong, I definitely don't have that kind of hobby! It was just an accident just now..."

Araki Sosuke quickly released what he was holding, spreading his hands to prove his innocence.

"This should not be an ordinary wall, but a kind of ghost called "Tubi". "

Looking back at the wall that was floating into white dots of light, Mayumi Torii explained seriously.

"Tubi" is the god Fusang who is incarnate from the wall in the legend.

According to legend, this kind of ghost is good at stealth, can expand and shrink infinitely, and often appear in dark alleys or streets.

It will be constructed into a wall that cannot be bypassed, climbed, or knocked down. Whether you go left or right, it will continue to extend in that direction, trapping passers-by at night in place until dawn.

It is said that as long as the wall is hit somewhere near the bottom of the ground, the "painted wall" will disappear in the wailing, and passers-by can move on.

"So that's the case, let me just say, the thing I was holding suddenly became bigger and longer, which scared people..."

After hearing Mayumi Torii's introduction of this weird ghost, Sosuke Araki silently smeared the wet unknown liquid in his palm on the wall on the side.

"So, the ancients who summed up the last experience should happen to hit Tubi somewhere? 』

"What hobby...Zizi...you have become a Buddha?"

At the same time, Mai Hanyu's excited voice came from the communication channel.

"This kind of rare hidden energy field life form...shasha...are rare in the association's files...hurry up and describe its characteristics..."

"Probably, it is much more expressive than an ordinary wall, and the cry is also very spiritual, with more hands and a'stalactite' that can become larger and smaller?"

"Mr. Araki! What happened just now, please don't repeat it..."

As the three of them were discussing, the "painted wall" with white light in front of them collapsed directly back and shattered into a spot of light.

A four-meter square dark passage appeared in the rear.

"Wait a minute, the location of this "painted wall" is very similar to a certain pattern of Shintoism...It was originally supposed to be used as a seal stone, but it turned into a mourning after years of grievances. God. "

Tori Mayumi stretched out his hand and drew forward Sosuke Araki who used the picture scroll to absorb the dust of the soul.

As a result of the experience in Toyama Park last night, as long as he sees white, shiny things, Sosuke Araki has the urge to take out the thick things around his waist to collect...

After all, the arrow symbol that has finally appeared on this underfed "Bamboo Tori Scroll", I don't know when it will be "out of power". Collecting more may make it more durable.

"Attention, now that the sealing stone is broken, something dangerous may come out!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of resentment that was as strong as the substance, with a disgusting rancid smell, gushed from the passage.

Instantly disappeared inside Sosuke Araki who was stuck in front of the door.

"Oh...it's disgusting... I sucked it into my stomach...cough cough cough cough..."

Unsuspecting Araki Sosuke was unfortunately recruited, and his stomach surged.

"Ms. Araki, doesn't it matter?!"

"This smell is really dangerous... ugh... I almost got spit out smelly."

Bending and retching while the little maiden patted the back, Araki Sosuke looked pale and looked at the inside of the passage where he recovered calm, pinching his nose and walking in fearfully.

"Although it smells a bit stinky, it's just a channel for accumulating resentment for many years. You don't need to be too nervous, Xiaoniaoyou..."

"Really...is it just grievances? It shouldn't be..."

Pulling the back of Sosuke Araki's clothes, Yu Mayumi Kotori cautiously followed behind him, and walked into this obviously artificially constructed passage.

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