I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 547 Tomb Slave

Above the Qianduo Valley Tunnel, Qianshouyuan Cemetery.

The members of the "Disaster Prevention Mobility Team" in groups of three, still holding various instruments, shuttle among the dense tombstones.

"After checking for half an hour, I didn't sense any flow of resentment..."

Mochizuki sat on the tallest tombstone in the field without evasiveness, frowning and closing his eyes to sense the situation in the field.

"Could it be that the records in the ancient books excavated at the Hushanzhuang site yesterday were wrong?"

Last night, because of the "irregular despiration behavior" of an anonymous dementor from the Association of Despairers, a certain ancient existence in the Hakone Mountains in Toyama Park was awakened.

In the ninth lesson, in the aftermath of the "Hakone Mountain Park Geological Disaster", several boxes of ancient books buried by the Tokugawa family of Owari were unearthed, and they fell into his hands through some special means.

In the ancient books, in addition to the description of the "Ushito Shrine" in the Hakone Mountains, there are also vague mentions about the construction of the "Senjuin Shrine" by the Kitegawa family.

Among them, there is also a clue about something that Mochizuki Che has been looking for over the years.

"Rumble rumbling..."

Suddenly, the tomb built on the top of the mountain shook violently like an earthquake.

"Kacha, Kacha..."

Hundreds of tombstones in the tomb collapsed like dominoes under the shock.

Strands of black air gushed out from under the broken tombstones and spread out towards the surroundings.

The originally quiet and elegant tomb was instantly shrouded in a layer of black mist.

"It's resentment... the teams are on alert!"

Before the tombstone collapsed under him, Mochizuki had curled up like a frightened cat and leaped high.

The slender eyes narrowed behind the sunglasses kept scanning the surroundings in mid-air.

"Where did these grievances come from... Could it be that the actions of which team member broke a certain seal just now?"

His brain is running fast, constantly recalling the actions of everyone in the field just now.

"Defensive formation I, line up with Captain Mochizuki as the center!"

Just as the teams were vigilantly deployed, a thick and shriveled black translucent arm abruptly protruded from the largest tomb and grabbed it towards Mochizuki in mid-air.

"Hey...you picked the wrong opponent..."

Although people are in the air and have nowhere to borrow, Mochizuki is not surprised but rejoiced.

His left arm suddenly swelled in a circle and turned into a coke-like black, twisting his waist and sinking his shoulders, and slammed down towards the black arm under him without evasive.

The power of the great country is 30%.


The moment the fists met, the ghost hands in the tomb began to turn into fine debris from the point of contact at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't want to run!"

Seeing the broken wrist retracted, Mochizuki's momentum remained unabated, and he blasted straight into the tomb like a missile!

The dust and rubble of the canopy splashed up, making people unable to see the situation in the field for a while.

The spider web-like cracks and raised ashes, centered on the landed Mochizuki Che, extend in all directions.

"While the thing is not completely dead, immediately appraise..."

When the dust settled, everyone could see clearly that a dilapidated and fuzzy-faced body was lying in the sparse tomb under Mochizuki Che's body.

Even if it became torn apart under the terrifying bombardment of Mochizuki Che, it could still be recognized that this was a dark and vague spirit body with no features of appearance or clothing.

"The feature comparison is completed, and the overlap rate with the "Tomb Slave" in the database reaches 65%..."

Tomb slaves are legendary ghosts that originated in the Yamabara region of the main island of Okinawa Prefecture.

It is said that it is vague in size and can move freely like the wind. It likes to possess humans and bring them into the grave.

"According to the data, the "Tomb Slave" is a group of resentful spirits...Uh..."

Just as Mochizuki looked curiously at the tomb slaves who were dissipating into resentment under him, the dense translucent black hands quietly protruded from the tombstones that collapsed around them, entangled the bodies of the team members, and turned them towards Pulled to the tomb.

"Be careful, there is more than one thing!!!"

The players who were entangled by the black hands immediately showed an expression of pain.

Although their newest spy combat uniforms constantly burst out with the light of orchids, resisting the erosion of grievances, they still fell to their knees weakly, and instantly lost control of their bodies, allowing the black hand to turn themselves towards the tomb** Drag away.

"Don't think about it!"

Mochizuki cheered his whole body with afterimages, and quickly grabbed the leg of the player closest to him with his eyesight and hands, and pulled him back from the tomb slave.


On the other side, two team members who were unfortunately "favored" by several arms at the same time, were torn apart by force in an instant, splashing a bright red fountain...

"Don't... belittle people!!!"

Stimulated by this bloody scene, Mochizuki was about to split his canthus, stepped out, and the speed suddenly increased.

His figure passed by several tombs, his left fist turned into an afterimage, and he swung out one after another, blasting the hidden existence in the tomb to smash.

At the same time, several team members outside calmly maintained firepower alert, while the others fumbled out the folding sticks engraved with runes, smashing the black hands that entered the range.

"The team members have signs of being eroded by grievances and possessing their bodies. Maintain a defensive formation, control firepower, and try to treat them with the No. 3 potion!"

Immediately someone took out a syringe from the side and injected a green potion into several team members who were rescued from the grave but still could not control their bodies.

After the medicine entered the body, their expressions immediately eased down.

"Pharmaceutical No. 3 is effective, keep the firepower suppressed, fight for recovery time, and eliminate the remaining tomb slaves."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Continuous gunfire sounded in the tomb of Xianshouyuan.

In the rain of bullets constructed by the spirit detective bullets, those black arms that were constantly trying to reach out, along with the hidden tomb, were taken out of thousands of holes and turned into grievances to dissipate.

And Mochizuki Che's figure rushed between the tombs, smashing the hidden existence one by one.

"Report, report, 2 people were damaged in the battle, confirmed that they have completely lost their vital signs..."

Ten minutes later, the smoke of gunpowder gradually settled like a haze, and the originally peaceful and tranquil tomb of Xianshouyuan had been turned into ruins after the bombing.

It's just that around the tomb, those dark and fuzzy arms can no longer be seen.

"Two groups collected the remains, while the other groups stayed in formation and searched further!"

Mochizuki was ambushed by a ghost somehow, Mochizuki also had a blue face.

"Yinyangliao has repeatedly verified the Immortal Shouyuan for many years, it is impossible to hide such a large number of tomb slaves!"

He straightened his somewhat crooked wig and sunglasses, and his gaze constantly scanned back and forth between the scenes, trying to find anomalies in the tomb.

"The only explanation is that the loosening of the seal hidden somewhere caused the vibration just now, which released those things..."

Most of the members of the Disaster Prevention Maneuver Team followed him on another, more sinister battlefield, and missed death many times before they were able to retire and return to Japan.

Every sacrifice of an experienced and well-coordinated team member is a huge loss for him.

"But, where and how was the seal triggered?"

In these days, he gradually felt that the seemingly peaceful Japan is completely different from when he left a few years ago.

After the appearance of the gates of hell, the evil spirits and weirdness hidden everywhere in Japan are no easier than those abroad.

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