I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 550 One Two Three Four Five Six...

"Keep digging... dig all around here for me!"

Mochizuki gave an order, and the team members swung their shovel harder and removed the soil covering the granite surface.

"Yinyangliao has been investigating in Xianshouyuan many times over the years, and it was almost impossible to plow the entire hilltop..."

Looking at the huge stone gate gradually revealing the whole picture at the bottom of the pit, Mochizuki, who finally found something, had a grim expression on his face.

"...Unexpectedly, this stone slab used as the base of the tomb was actually a sealing stone!"

This largest tombstone belongs to Tokugawa Qiqiang, the 12th lord of the Itogawa family.

There is a granite base at the bottom of this tomb, which is also recorded in previous investigation records.

However, under the slate, it has been proven through drilling and probes that it is just an ordinary soil layer.

"The vibration just now must be caused by the opening of this gap, and the ghosts also escaped from below..."

At this moment, in the center of the stone gate, there was a dark crack in the door, and there were constant grievances floating from the inside.

"Strange, even if there is a hidden place below, it should have been abandoned long ago. How has it been running until now without maintenance for many years?"

Why this seal stone, which was still intact after his bombardment, was opened today and where it leads to is still unknown.

"It doesn't matter, at least it proves that the record of'that thing' in those ancient books should be true."

A sorrowful smile appeared at the corner of Mochizuki's mouth, and his right hand with his torn sleeves slowly clenched a fist.

"If the place below is really that place, as long as you get the thing hidden inside...I can..."

"Kacha... rumbling!"

Before a few players who were digging had time to react, the stone gate that was originally standing still beneath him slammed into the hole like a trap!

The strong resentment soared into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and the opened stone gate instantly transformed into a huge mouth of the abyss, and "swallowed" the several team members who were digging, along with the mud and debris above it.


Mochizuki reacted extremely quickly, bringing out a trace of afterimages, holding a team member in each hand, and pulling them back from mid-air.

Even so, there are still three players who fell and disappeared.

At the bottom of the cave, the entire stone door was completely opened, and a huge square black hole with a width of five meters appeared in the center of the tomb.

"You are ready for search and rescue, come over with equipment and ropes... I will go down to rescue people first..."

Looking at the gloomy green light surging below the hole filled with resentment, Mochizuki took the rope handed by his hand and buckled the descender around his waist.

The tomb of the Immortal Shouyuan was too evil. Before I entered, two people had died and three were missing.

For Mochizuki's leading combat style, the players on the side seemed very accustomed to it, and no one even persuaded him.

"Being your captain, I will be the first one and give you the back. If I escape, you are always welcome to shoot me... Then, after this battle is over, I will take you back to Japan alive. ."

A few years ago, when they were fighting desperate battles with those unkillable guys on the battlefield where sand was not the only sand, Mochizuki, who had just been dispatched from Japan, promised them so arrogantly.

And in every bloody battle afterwards, this young boy with a bushy (fake) hair, with his back charge, convinced everyone.

Time has changed, and after countless hard battles, their battlefield has returned to Japan, and Mochizuki is still at the forefront.

Sliding down the rope for several meters, Mochizuki hit a flat ground with his toes.


He snorted coldly, and the golden light surged in the slender narrowed eyes behind the sunglasses.

The five-meter range covered by resentment gradually became clearly visible in his eyes.

This is a wide platform, and the surrounding walls are covered with plain stone bricks.

The four corners of the platform are connected with a huge spiral staircase that surrounds the walls of the surrounding caves and rotates downwards.

"There is a high concentration of resentment, so those who come down bring protective equipment."

Confirming that there is no threat for the time being, after Mochizuki reminded him in the communication, he stretched out his hand and pulled the rope three times, stopped for two seconds, and pulled it twice.

This is to ensure that he is not possessed and set up a "double insurance" code.

Immediately, a team member wearing a fully enclosed helmet and combat uniform threw down several ropes from the entrance of the hole and began to prepare to slide down from above.

"...Is anyone? I am Mochizuki Che, answer me as soon as I hear it!"

Mochizuki called out loudly to the team members who had fallen into the cave before.

The only response to him was the echo that was bounced back and twisted by the cave wall.

While calling and walking towards the edge of the platform, Wangyueche suddenly felt something slippery under his feet.

"This is……"

A pool of viscous bright red liquid was flowing along the ground.


He walked forward quickly in the direction of the blood, and saw that among the strong resentment, three broken bodies in combat uniforms and armed with engineer shovel, rotten like rags in the corner of the platform.

The blood on the ground was flowing out of their bodies.

Look at that dress, it was the three players who fell off the platform before.


Mochizuki frowned tightly, but carefully kept a distance to check the situation.

In such a weird place, any illusion is possible, and you must be careful.

"One, two..."

Several low and hoarse voices came from the darkness.

Someone seems to be counting something in unison.

"Three, four..."

A string of extremely fast figures shuttled past in resentment like a fish caught in the water.

"An abnormal situation is found below, don't come down first!"

With such a hello to the top of his head, Mochizuki Che's dark right arm skyrocketed, and without hesitation, he slammed a punch in the direction of the voice.

"What do you care about ghosts, ghosts and mysteries, take your life!"

Power of the Great Jiangshan·Five Floors!

This swift and violent punch sucked all the resentment from all around, revealing several figures rushing not far in front.

It was surprisingly seven men who were wearing scorpion hats and holding wooden staffs and couldn't see their faces clearly.

Their lower bodies are closely connected in the way of "you are in you and you are in me", and they are stacked like a human centipede into a series of intimate "trains" moving forward at high speed.

"Five, six..."

"Bo, Bo, Bo..."

Facing Mochizuki's destructive punch, these seven overlapping figures had no intention of resisting. They kept silently counting, and quickly spread out amidst the strange plugging and unplugging sounds like a toilet plug.

"Hey, I want to hide now, isn't it too late?"

In an instant, Mochizuki's footsteps followed, and the golden light in the narrowed eyes behind the sunglasses stretched out, pulling out an arc of light.

Hundred eyes pupil technique, activated.

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