As the golden light in Mochizuki's eyes flourished, the movements of the figures scattered in the dark suddenly slowed down, and all the details were in full view.

"That is……"

In a daze, he seemed to be among those men, capturing three familiar faces.

Regardless of that many, a huge ghost claw of nearly two meters long lingering in purple flames emerged from the cracked void, keeping pace with Mochizuki's right hand, and blasted at one of the men violently.

Power of Great Jiangshan·50%·Ghost Claw Summoned!

The man was hit by the undefeated ghost claws that suddenly appeared behind him, and immediately screamed and turned into ashes, dissipating in the flames.

"Bo, Bo, Bo..."

At the same time, with the weird sound of the piston twitching, the other six figures, which form the combination of connecting points, once again overlapped into a row.


The unclear counting in their mouths stopped immediately.

"Seven people lose one, whoever sees it will replace it!"

Six husky and deep repetitions echoed on the platform simultaneously.

The eyes of the six men lit up with scarlet light, and looked up at a team member who was on guard with a gun above the entrance of the cave.

"Retreat now!!"

Perceiving something wrong, Mochizuki relentlessly rushed towards the six men.


Just one more look at you in the crowd...

The player's body exploded without warning, turned into flesh and blood the size of a grain of rice, and fell from the air like a rain.


A vaguely dark figure draped in a small hat suddenly appeared behind the six people in a row, and entered the figure that was originally located at the back without any sense of disobedience.

This team of weird men in clothes once again gathered seven people.

At this moment, Mochizuki Che had just rushed to the side of the seven people.


In the void, the huge ghost claw burst out with purple flames, overlapped with his right arm, and blasted at the seven people in front of him with a hoarse roar.

"Bo, Bo, Bo..."

However, the six figures in front of them swiftly dispersed again in the sound of plugging and unplugging!

Only the last figure that just appeared was left, and it seemed that he hadn't realized what had happened, and he was stunned in place.

" are..."

In the darkness, seeing the face of the figure in front of him clearly, Wangyueche couldn't help frowning.

The fist wind rushed toward his face, and under the dancing of the scorpion, a face that he was very familiar with, as well as the combat uniform of the disaster prevention mobile team was suddenly revealed.

The last figure that appeared was the player who had just exploded above the hole and died!

"Feel sorry……"

Thinking of the three familiar faces vaguely seen before, Mochizuki seemed to have figured out something.

The unbearable color flashed in his eyes, and his right arm, possessed by ghost claws, passed through the familiar figure in front of him without hesitation.

"Let me see you off for the last ride!"

I'm afraid that the three people who died before are also in the shadows of the six scattered ghosts at this moment.

Although it is not clear why these players who just sacrificed in front of them became one of those guys...

However, the dead cannot be resurrected, it is the iron law of the reincarnation of heaven.

After death, becoming an accomplice of the resentful spirit and continuing to slaughter his companions should not be the result that the deceased wanted.

"Da da da da..."

Seeing the miserable condition of their teammates, the players still staying at the entrance of the cave did not hesitate to fire at the scattered figures below.

"one two Three……"

The light of the spiritual force bullets radiated gunpowder and resentment, but couldn't hit all those swift figures.

"four, five, six……"

Counting sounds like a countdown to death, resounding in the rain of bullets, the rhythm echoed in everyone's ears without any chaos.

"No, I can't let them finish counting!"


"Boom Boom Boom..."

In the eyes of Mochizuki Che's distraught, the six figures once again overlapped in a row in a way of "connecting their lower bodies".

"Seven people lose one, whoever sees it will replace it!"

It resounded in the center of the platform indifferently and mercilessly as a roar like a spirit.


Another member of the mobile team exploded.

And behind the six people, another figure appeared again.

This time, Mochizuki saw it truly.

The man who appeared at the end, under Mikasa, also wore the combat uniform of the mobile team.


Several team members wearing spirit detection goggles, seeing this scene, also yelled angrily.

They also noticed that the strange group of resentful spirits below could actually supplement their queue with the victim's spirit body!

"Can't continue to consume them with them, use the dispersed formation II, shoot intensively at close range!"

The players fell along the ropes, quickly formed a formation, and fired at the seven connected figures without hesitation.

In the face of such a weird existence, if you continue to fear and wait to be consumed, it is better to give it a go!

Against the impact of spiritual power bullets, the seven figures approached everyone as if they were playing a "train" game.

The man who carried most of the bullets in front of him had bullet holes and cracks in the bullets all over his body.

"The shooting is effective, keep the firepower suppressed!!!"

Seeing this scene, several players looked happy.

However, the seven figures that looked like a death squad were trying to disperse their souls and rush to the front of the shooting formation without evasive.

The man with only one hand and one foot left on his mutilated body in front of him waved his wooden staff and pierced a player's throat fiercely.

"Seven people add one, and one person becomes a Buddha!"

As the seven people yelled in unison, the man with a broken body at the forefront abandoned the battle to make a one-handed gift, and the whole body burst into white light...

"Cheng, become a Buddha?!"


When everyone was stunned by the "enlightenment" without warning, a dark spirit body had already formed behind the remaining six people, and the lower body was once again connected with the original last person!

It looked like the team member who died just now after being sealed by the stick.

"I see, these guys are the seven imperial fronts!!!"

Watching the scene where the birth of the resentful spirit and Buddhahood occur at the same time, the seven figures circulate endlessly, resembling the reincarnation of hell, Mochizuki let out a hoarse roar.

He didn't know when the corner of his mouth had been bitten by himself, and he didn't know it was bleeding.

The Seven Gozens are a kind of god in the legend of Kagawa Prefecture, Japan.

According to legend, people who travel on the road will undoubtedly die if they encounter such seven figures in a row.

And the spirit body of the slain person will become a member of the "Seven People", enabling the person who was at the front of the line to become a Buddha and ascend to heaven and be liberated.

Under such rules, from beginning to end, there will be seven figures that cannot become Buddhas walking on the road, continuing the endless cycle of killing.

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