I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 552: Miniature Wakayama Castle

"It's all scattered. You can't deal with this kind of behavior to meet the gods!!!"

Following Mochizuki's order, several team members immediately dispersed towards the surroundings, avoiding the "Seven-man Imperial Front" that was attacking rapidly.

This kind of special ghosts formed by the aggregation of resentful spirits, although their individual strength is not at the level of ghosts and gods, has also bred some of its own unique "rules".

Under the circumstances at this time, the "Seven-man Imperial Front" rule extremely restrained the group combat mode of the disaster prevention mobile team.

As long as there are people who can be used as "preparatory members" in the field, and when the seven ways of dividing, combining, entering and exiting, and moving quickly cannot be retired at one time, the "Seven Imperial Front" can be said to be...

There is no solution.

"Seven people add one, and one person becomes a Buddha!"

Between tossing and tossing, while Mochizuki Che was chasing one of the figures...

Another team member who could not dodge the attack joined the sly team and replaced the resentful spirit in front of him who became a Buddha.

"Must have to solve seven at once?"

Glancing at the bottom of the platform, the Edo buildings that stretched endlessly down the cliff and turned upside down, Mochizuki felt a sense of killing all over his body.

"It's worthy of being the Shinjuku-in Temple of the Kishidgawa Family! The threshold is high enough..."

His right arm suddenly lifted up a raging purple flame, swallowing all the suits that were originally close-fitting and decent, revealing the strong right half of his body.

"Just look at me, if you are qualified to step in!"

In the purple flames lingering, the black shriveled skin on Wangyueche's right arm, which had only reached the upper arm, began to spread upward towards the shoulder...

Just as Mochizuki Che was standing on the spot, a hideous ghost claw that was stronger than before, broke through the void without warning, and slammed into the fast-moving "Seven Imperial Front"!

And at the moment when the seven figures dispersed, the same seven ghost claws bloomed again in the void, appearing in the place where those figures were resting like a prophet, making them unavoidable...

The power of the great rivers and mountains, sixty percent, and no choice.


"It's really, terribly quiet here..."

On the spiral staircase that surrounds them endlessly, Sosuke Araki and Yumayumi Kotori are walking slowly side by side.

Around the stairs, there are various Edo buildings standing slantingly on the mountain wall as if ignoring gravity.

The ubiquitous moss, breathing like a green light, illuminates the path of the two people.

If it weren't for the puffs of resentment that kept pouring into Sousuke Araki's body from all around, the two almost thought they were tourists who bought tickets to visit some ancient ruins.

Because climbing the stairs was too boring, Sosuke Araki was so bored that he put his blindfold back on.

"Wow, Xiaoniao Yushi, look at..."

As soon as Mayumi Torii was carefully observing the surroundings, Sosuke Araki unceremoniously got into a ninety-degree upside-down "long house" from the window, and looked curiously at the contents.

"Even furniture and daily necessities are all available here!"

In the long house dominated by wooden structures, everything from tables and chairs to wall cabinets to small bedding and tableware is available.

It's as if someone was really going to live in it.

"Mr. Araki, don't play, it will be troublesome if you accidentally touch a seal."

Seeing Araki Sosuke, who was holding a wooden basin on her head in the house, looked like a thief, the little maiden on the stairs puffed her cheeks with a headache.

All the blinding methods and sealing techniques in the world are as fragile as a film that can be broken by a single poke to the man in front of him.

However, he was unconscious about the fact that he could set off a "heavy wave" with just a gesture.

"I won't, I won't... I came all the way before, retreated the wall and broke the talisman paper. Didn't it happen that nothing happened... I'm sorry, it was passed down..."

In the calm gaze of the little witch, Araki Sosuke angrily put down the things in his hands, opened the door standing on the side, and jumped back up the stairs.

"I think, even if there was something dirty in it before, I'm afraid it would have fallen into disrepair for a long time..."

"Investigation Corps...According to the appearance and layout of the buildings along the way described by you...I and Lu Dou investigated..."

Mai Hanyu's intermittent voice came from the communication channel that had been quiet for a while.

"Starting from the gate where you entered, the buildings that you pass by should be Tenshu Kushiwa,'Sanomaru', and'Gozanomaru'..."

"According to the current situation, my assumption is that this place should be built to imitate the miniature Wakayama Castle, and this spiral escalator should represent the main road through the center of the city."

"If my hypothesis is correct, then continue up through the "Castle Town" where you are currently located, and after passing through "Ninomaru", you will be able to go directly to the most important "Honmaru"..."

In Japan’s castles, the inner city in the center is called "Honmaru", which is the most important ruling headquarters and the residence of the castle lord, while the "Ninomaru", "Minomaru" and "Castle town" in the outer city are followed by the ministers, samurai and The dwelling place of common people.

Hearing Mai Hanyu’s speculation, Yu Mayumi Kotori looked surprised: "So, this place is actually a whole city..."

She looked around and found that if these houses built around the three-dimensional space of the mountain wall were spread out, it would happen to be a well-planned city!

"Moreover, it's probably built after imitating the ruined Wakayama Castle?! What a big handwriting..."

Wakayama Castle, also known as Torfu Castle, is a castle built by Hidenaga Toyotomi in 1585. Later it was the residence of the Kitegawa family. Together with Matsuyama Castle and Himeji Castle, it is collectively known as the Three-Dalian Vertical Hirayama Castle in Japan.

Wakayama Castle was once designated as a national treasure by Japan, but unfortunately it was completely destroyed by bombing during the war.

The current Wakayama Castle was rebuilt after the war. In essence, it can only be regarded as a tourist attraction rather than a cultural monument.

"It doesn't matter what city it is, we only need to find what we are looking for."

Araki Sosuke, who was walking in front, confirmed the direction of the arrow on the scroll in the sports bag, made three steps in two steps, and stepped onto a platform.

"Huh? It looks like it's different from the previous platform?"

In the center of the ladder that rotates along the mountain wall, there will be a platform of this kind of suspended construction from time to time.

There are ordinary buildings, or paved roads, or even courtyards covered with glowing moss.

At this moment, the platform that appeared in front of the two of them was surrounded by a wall with small tiles, forming an open corridor with an elegant roof.

In the corridor, one by one, the old-style and brightly colored painted scrolls, hung the hollow walls on both sides like wallpaper.

"Looking at this shape, it should be a ‘Painting Pavilion’ for displaying Tibetan paintings?"

Tori Mayumi curiously stepped forward and looked at the delicate scrolls that hung on both sides of the corridor.

"These paintings seem to be Ukiyo-e with meat pen..."

Ukiyo-e, also known as Nishiki-e, is a representative art of Japan. With its peculiar tone and richness, its artistic influence has deepened throughout Europe and Asia.

Different from the woodblock Ukiyo-e, which was printed in modern times and widely spread, the original origin of Ukiyo-e was the original hand-painted manuscripts made by painters using pen and ink, which is also called meat pen Ukiyo-e.

"Moreover, these drawings should have been made by a certain master..."

Although I haven't looked at the content carefully, just by looking at the exquisite brushstrokes, vivid and bold colors, and majestic composition, you can feel the demeanor of everyone who is coming to you.

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