Ukiyo-e, also known as Nishiki-e, is a representative art of Japan. With its peculiar tone and richness, its artistic influence has deepened throughout Europe and Asia.

Unlike the woodblock prints that were printed in modern times and spread in large numbers, the original origin of Ukiyo-e was the hand-painted paintings made by painters with pen-and-ink colors, that is, meat pen Ukiyo-e.

"Is that the manuscript before printing and engraving? Isn't that an antique? It should be worth a lot of money?"

At this moment, Araki Sosuke had no intention of admiring the surrounding paintings, bent down and picked up the two silk textiles in the middle of the corridor, and looked blushingly.

"It's a bold T... and this one is too fierce. There should be a G, right?"

Since entering the passage, occasionally, in the middle of the road, you will see some modern style clothes that are suspected to have been left by people who strayed here.

But so far, he hasn't seen a corpse or spirit body yet, so Araki Sosuke wants to "ask the way" and has no object.

It is as if someone walked up the stairs naked and undressed all the way, and then the world evaporated.

"Ms. Araki... come here and take a look..."

When Sosuke Araki was observing the "clue" in his hand seriously, Yu Mayumi Kotori's exclamation came from behind him.

Looking back, the little witch still stood in front of the Ukiyo-e, her pretty face turned pale for some reason.

"The content of these paintings...not quite right..."

After her reminder, Sosuke Araki, who had no artistic sense, patiently shifted his gaze to the contents of the paintings on the inner wall of the corridor.

These paintings, as always, implement the unique cool background colors, bright main colors, and delicate and flexible lines of Ukiyo-e.

The only difference is the content of these paintings...

The graceful and plump geisha looked at the carrion corpses squeezed into skin and bones under him with a smile.

The man with a strong upper body and a sly look, leaned into the throat of the person under him with his hands and feet, and took out the other's internal organs.

The ghost warrior who walks naked at night has a human head that cannot be squinted in his mouth.

The first-born double-horned evil spirit with a hideous face is holding a beauties in his arms and holding a big bowl of booze, but under him is a throne of corpses and flesh.

The ukiyo-e paintings in this corridor all use bloody, straightforward brushstrokes and bright red colors to vividly depict humans who are not stricken and frightened, like animals to be slaughtered, killed in the hands of their kind or ghosts. The sight.

Obviously, they are only simple and gentle brushstrokes, abstract and bold colors, but the extremely painful trembling hooks in the souls of the characters before death are brought to life, so that the viewers will feel the same.

And the material of these scrolls is not ordinary and perishable drawing paper, but something similar to leather, with a light yellow color and natural texture.

"Tsk tusk...Even the internal organs and wounds are drawn so realistically. Eighteen banned..."

Looking at these extremely lifelike, hell-like heavy-tasting Ukiyo-e, I felt as nervous as Sosuke Araki, and felt a little discomfort in my stomach.

"However, in these paintings, there may be secrets about this place...Hey, Sister Hanyu, can you hear..."

"During the mission, please call me "Maria's Wall"... Investigation Corps... What you see... is not an ordinary Ukiyo-e..."

Shortly after the two informed Mai Hanyu of the current situation, a reply came from the communication channel.

"It should be miserable painting..."

"……Luncheon party?"

Because Ukiyo-e was originally used as interior decoration for aristocratic buildings, the theme of the painting is mostly natural seasonal scenery, places of interest, historical events, etc., and it is especially good at expressing the beauty of the richness of women.

In the shogunate period when the samurai was in power, the “samurai painting” that showed the heroic figure of the ruling power and created the heroic image flourished again.

Different from these popular themes, is the niche theme named "Musage-e" that emerged after "Samurai-e".

No misfortune, which means "being cruel and inhumane".

No tragic painting is based on the themes of ghosts slaughtering mankind, bloody battlefields in history and drama, cruel murders, Edo ghost stories, etc., and vividly and vividly show bloody violence.

In the unpainted scrolls, the characters often have broken heads, broken stomachs, grim expressions, and death-like horrors, making the people they see seem to be on the scene and shudder.

It is said that painters who are proficient in this art, in order to better present such scenes, often go to places such as battlefields and mass graves to observe the real scene of the corpses in the wild, and even do not hesitate to personally dissect the corpse and understand the human body. Things like structure.

"Tsk tusk, can this be the embryonic form of horror comics?"

Listening to Mai Hanyu's stern explanation, walking along this increasingly crippled gallery, Sosuke Araki suddenly stopped in front of a picture.

" the era of painting this picture, do you already have a mobile phone?"

In that painting, a samurai covered in armor is dragging a man who was brutally beheaded.

The upper body of the man's internal organs scattered all over the floor, holding a black object in his hand, his face was painfully placed near his ear.

Among the few sketches of the painter's graceful strokes, it can be clearly recognized that the man who holds in his hand like a straw for help, seems to want to call for help, is a mobile phone.

An ultra-thin large-screen mobile phone without any buttons.

"...And this one...this one, how does it look like this one in my hand... seems to be the same?"

On the painting next door, a broad-minded, white and slender woman is being hung upside down from the roof by the evil spirit below, and is scorching painfully on the fire.

And the obscene trousers covering her last triangle, no matter in terms of style, pattern, or color, it is like the one that Araki Sosuke held tightly in his hand and never loosened it...

"Furthermore, judging by my eyes of the void, who has been training for so many years and has a broad chest, the size of the person in the painting should also be G! 』

"Could it be that……"

The two accelerated their pace, resisting the unhappiness and depression caused by the bloody and violent images, and carefully looked at them one by one in the corridor.

"Those who got here by mistake..."

Although they didn't speak, the same terrible idea appeared in their minds at the same time.

"Ms. Araki, look over there!"

At the end of the painting pavilion corridor, Toori Yu Mayumi's eyes fell on the penultimate painting, and his pupils immediately began to tremble.

In that painting, a graceful girl was being passed through her chest with her bare hands by an old man wearing a kimono in total darkness, and she took out her heart.

Although the facial features of the characters are just sketches, the girl's demure and tough temperament is vividly on the paper.

Even though the heart was crushed, her face did not show too much pain.

The most important thing is that the girl with disheveled clothes and slippery white and greasy upper body and curvy jade between her chest was wearing a red and white witch costume.

On the ground on the side, a huge white bow fell feebly.

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