
When Araki Sosuke was "dismantling the painting pavilion with his bare hands," the ghosts that had chosen people to eat out of those pictures on the corridor without misery, actually roared and slowly crawled out.


The invisible arrow broke through the long and narrow corridor, with a stern ending, piercing through a few ghosts that emerged from the painting and resembled a one-eyed monk.

It was Yu Mayumi, who had been on guard, and he shot without hesitation.

However, more ghosts are emerging from the untragic paintings all around.

"Hey...Finally, is it wrong to shrink your head?!"

Seeing the "dancing demons" in front of him, Sosuke Araki tilted his head and slapped his fist lazily forward...


A huge black arm burning with lava runes sprang from his body, whizzing through the corridor like a black train.

Those ghosts and picture scrolls instantly turned into black liquid and burned out in the dark red flames.

The originally noisy platform suddenly became quiet.

Since Hushan Park used goldfinger that night, he has become more and more free in manipulating this "illegal tenant" in his body.

On both sides of the corridor, there was only one man, woman, and child who appeared suddenly and glowingly, bowing to thank the two.

The little witch who had already opened her bow to draw the arrow, angrily put the huge bow back on her back.

"I see……"

Araki Sosuke stepped forward to hear those spirits utter a few words silently, and his face became extremely ugly.

"These'untragic paintings' hide such a vicious sorcery!"

Most of these people strayed into this place when they passed through the Qiandugu Tunnel at night.

Lost in resentment, after coming here all the way, the evil things that suddenly appeared in the painting swallowed up consciousness and body, refined into a miserable painting, trapped in it, repeatedly experienced the process of being slaughtered, and could not get free for life.

"...They said that they were a ‘painter’ who painted these without misery."

"So, these terrible and miserable paintings are just someone's work?!"

Hearing Sosuke Araki's words, Yu Mayumi Kotori didn't look pretty.

She originally thought that these ghosts were hiding in the paintings, choosing the opportunity to devour people, or that these paintings were just mourning things.

But if these eroding paintings and the lifelike ghosts inside are just someone's paintings...

"...What a terrible existence is that ‘painter’?"

At the same time, densely packed ghosts have crawled out of the tragic paintings above the stairs, pouring down towards the two of them.

"It doesn't matter what the monsters..."


The huge black arm behind Araki Sosuke glided silently again, turning the night-walking ghosts on the stairs into black liquid burning all over the place...

"Doing such an excessive thing... Never forgive!"

Araki Sosuke's angry eyes looked at the top of the spiral staircase that seemed to be endless.

Intuition told him that the "painter" was not far above.

"Please, take a step forward!"

As the man hummed softly, before Araki Sosuke stepped up, the platform under the two of them suddenly split into two...


After a violent shaking, the half-platform that turned into a crescent shape turned into an elevator like an elevator, leading the two of them to climb vertically upwards.

"This is... an agency?"

The two looked closely, and there was a very delicate hinge mechanism hidden in the connection between the platform and the surrounding ladder columns.



Mochizuki was panting with big mouths, and hurried down the endless stairs that spiraled downwards.

A purple flame burned up and down his whole body, and the golden glow behind his sunglasses was full of indifferent killing intent.

On the stairs when they came, there were densely fallen ghosts whose bodies were mutilated and were turning into black liquid.

Below, there are a large number of ghosts, crawling out of the surrounding Ukiyo-e, and attacking him with twisted, bloodthirsty eyes.

"Go away, you fakes!"

Mochizuki roared, and without warning, several purple flame ghost claws came out in the void, tearing the ghosts that hadn't come in front of him to pieces.

The power of the great rivers and mountains is 80%.

After obtaining the "gratis sponsorship" of an existence in his body, his strength is not the same as before.

All the way down the stairs to kill, his accumulated killing intent became more and more intense, and there was a tendency that "the gods blocked the killing of the gods, and the Buddha blocked the killing of the Buddha".

As the wave of ghosts receded, another suspended platform built on the escalator appeared in Mochizuki's sight.

Looking around, there are no ghosts on this platform.

A figure dressed in a plain black kimono is sitting alone in front of a desk in the center of the platform.

Viewed from the back, this is a thin man with a meticulously combed hair bun.

Haori, kimono, horn belt, lining, Shingen pouch, straw shoes...

His grand kimono dress, coupled with the rare modern Tsukidai head and the surrounding Edo buildings, made Mochizuki feel that he had strayed into the Edo period drama studio.

Moon Daitou, which means that the hair from the forehead to the top of the head is shaved, so that the exposed scalp is half-moon-shaped, and then a small bun is put on the back of the head. This is one of the traditional Japanese hairstyles.

This hairstyle originated from the Warring States period. It is said that it has been passed down because of the advantages of wearing a helmet and not being sultry when wearing a helmet, and even if the hair is scattered, it will not block the front line of sight. It became a customary practice for adult men in the Edo period. hairstyle.

It is said that at first, the samurai would pull out the hair on top of their heads one by one in order to expose their scalp.

It was not until later that the razor was gradually switched to, and during the peaceful period under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate, it evolved to fix with wax oil to make the luster of the "Moon Generation" more dazzling, to obtain an additional blinding effect. The knife shook his opponent's eyes first.

It wasn't until the Meiji era issued the "Order to Disseminate Swords" that Tsukidaichi slowly disappeared from the public's sight.

At this moment, the man in the center of the platform didn't seem to notice Mochizuki's approach at all. He just held the paintbrush in the air and stared at the empty drawing paper on the desk intently, as if he was ready to write the pen at any time.

"The grieving spirit of the Edo period..."

The opponent's unsuspecting back and the clothes that blended with the surrounding Edo-style buildings made Mochizuki even more vigilant.

"No, it's a ghost?!"

As the distance drew closer, a trace of grayish white aura was faintly visible, lingering on the man's pen like ink quietly.

In the tomb of the Tokugawa clan's Senshouyuan, there is a ghost and god dormant? !

Walking down the stairs cautiously, Mochizuki's expression suddenly changed when his eyes fell from the quiet and weird man to the surroundings of the painting.

Because, besides a gray dilapidated stone bowl, the other vessels holding the paint in the man's hand were all skulls with the Heavenly Spirit Cover being pried open.

And the brush in the other's hand is also made up of human phalanges one after another.

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