Following Mochizuki's footsteps, several huge porcelain vases appeared in his sight in the corner of the platform blocked by the spiral staircase.

In the celadon vases that are one person tall, there are lush "branches and leaves" that stretch out like flower arrangements.

"You ghost...what do you think of people..."

Mochizuki was furious when he saw the stomach cramping things in the vase clearly.

Take the thick bones as the stem, the broken hands and feet as the branches, the blooming organs as the flowers, and the indomitable face as the fruit...

Just like Japanese flower arrangements, all parts of the human body are dismembered and trimmed casually, and joined together in an inexplicably cruel and stern "art" form.

"Die to me!!!"

No longer able to bear the murderous intent in his chest, Mochizuki waved his right arm in the air, and the huge ghost claws whizzed down from the air, blasting towards the man in the center of the platform like a missile.

With the ghost claw approaching, the man still turned his back to Wangyueche, carefully hung the pen, and drew the first line on the pale yellow drawing paper...

"What else can it be...Of course it is the object of copying and practicing."

His plain tone is like an understatement as if discussing ordinary drawing techniques with others.

"If you don't open it and take a closer look at the bones and tendons inside, how can you get a pen?"

At the same time, the "flesh potted plant" in the vase on the side wriggled out of the vase as if it were sensed, and collided with the ghost claws pressed down in the air.

"Shhh... I found some inspiration..."

Unheard of the collision that occurred above his head, the man continued to concentrate on pen writing.

With a few splashes of ink, a vague and distorted black outline of a human figure leaped on the paper, looking like a child's awkward graffiti.

"No... still wrong!!! Why?!"

As if not satisfied with the draft, the man angrily tore the canvas in front of him and spilled it under the platform.

"Yes, I slept here for too long, my head is still not awake..."

Afterwards, his entire arm slammed into his temple and stirred in the bloody giant cave.

"Yes, yes, the paint and paper used just now must be not fresh enough... Try again..."

It seemed that he had figured out something, he waved his hand slightly, and evoked something from the vase on the platform.

"Asshole, asshole... put down the person in your hands!!!"

Seeing the things in the man's hands clearly, Wangyue Che was about to split, and purple flames all over his body rose into the sky.

Because the opponent was holding the corpse of the player who fell to the bottom of the platform after being killed by that weird curse before.

Taking the roaring Mochizuki Che as air, the man skillfully removed a square piece of human skin from the back and abdomen of the corpse, and carefully stretched it on the drawing plan in front of him.

Then, the plasma in the skin pouring into the utensils on the table with the flick of his fingers, replenishing the lost "paint".

If it weren't for the bloody materials he used for painting, just by looking at this posture, others would only think that he was a serious and unhurried painter.

Witnessing the materials used to "paint" these strange Ukiyo-e prints, even if it was Mochizuki who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, his back was tingling.

"Asshole playing with life, I will get rid of you today!"

He threw out several fists in angrily, and several ghost claws appeared, and they fell like rain with the man as the center.


The flesh and blood stumps in the vase around the platform were gathered again in a strange posture and turned into a flesh and blood suture giant baby composed of several heads and stumps.

"...It is an honor for him to be able to integrate my whole body into my work."

The giant baby arched his body and protected the man under him, letting Mochizuki's ghost claws ripped apart, but couldn't get in.

"Boom... boom..."

Then, the stitched giant infant rolled over and climbed up, slamming Mochizuki into the building aside with a swiftness that did not match the size.

"Don't look down on people!"

Like a slapped ping pong ball, Mochizuki's figure bounced from the ruins of the building and slammed into the giant baby's abdomen like a bullet.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!!!"

In the low roar, the pitch black on his left arm spread upwards crazily, and instantly spread to his shoulders...

In just a moment, the purple flames lingering on his arm showed an extra gray, and it even carried the aura of ghosts and gods!

The strong left arm with the ghost hand shadow blasted the giant baby's abdomen across, bringing out a huge cylindrical hollow.

The power of the great country, 90%, and the ghost claw are summoned!


After being hit hard by this, the giant baby fell to the ground, the huge cavity in the abdomen spreading towards the whole body, and the pieces broke apart...

"Now, how do I see you hiding?"

With hot steam rising all over his body, Mochizuki, with bulging muscles and missing a wig on his head, with his bright bald head, stood up like a demon from the pile of flesh and blood that the giant baby had turned into.

", it's still wrong!!!"

At this point, the man had already penned the new "painting paper" again with new "paint", drawing out a huge black figure sitting in the air.

"It must be...too far apart... as long as you get closer, let me see clearly, you can draw it!"

Still unsatisfied, he threw the drawing paper in front of him on the ground, and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Please, please take a step forward!"

He reached out and patted the gray stone bowl in the center of the painting, and the whole space suddenly began to tremble.

"There is not enough fresh can come together..."

The man turned his head and looked directly at Mochizuki on the edge of the platform for the first time.

With his eight eyes facing each other, Mochizuki noticed that the man who had been facing away from him, under the smooth half of the moon, there were six huge eyes that bloomed like flowers.

Except for these six ferocious eyes, the opponent's face didn't have a mouth or nose.

"Join me...great's your honor!"

And the one who has been muttering something is a huge grinning mouth split in the man's throat.

"Oh? This is... Ibaraki Doji's arm... isn't it in the hands of Mito?"

His gaze fell on Mochizuki's dark arm, and the man suddenly became interested, and he stretched out his slender tongue in his throat and licked it lightly.

"This is a good copy material... just for me to practice writing..."

"How can you recognize..."

At a glance, the bottom of his right arm was broken by the opponent, and Mochizuki felt cold all over his body.

Ibaraki Dozi, also known as the "Ghost of Rashomon", is the number one warrior of Jiutundo, the ghost king of Dajiangshan.

Of course, there is also a saying among the people that Ibaraki is actually the wife of Shutono.

According to legend, during the Heiankyo period, when Gen Yoshimitsu's retainer Watanabe Tsuna came home, he walked to a bridge and saw through Ibaraki Doko who turned into a beauty to ambush, cut off his arm and dedicated it to Gen Yoshimitsu, and invited him Onmyoji Abe Seimei sealed the seal.

For nearly a thousand years, the sealed "Ibaraki Dozi's Right Arm" has changed ownership several times, and has long since turned into an existence almost like a grudge.

Finally, it fell into the hands of the Mochizuki clan, and was used by Mochizuki, who had the "blood of heaven and human."

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