I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 561 I can see at a glance that you are not...

"finally come……"

The man who claimed to be "Tokugawa Yoshino" respectfully put down the paintbrush in his hand and stood up expectantly to look at the figure on the platform.

"...I am here, waiting for your Excellency for a long time."

On the platform that rose from below and just stopped, there stood a young man with blond hair in sportswear, with his hands in his pockets, and a pretty witch with a huge bow and a pony tail.

These two people, naturally, were brought up by this sudden incarnation of the elevator platform, Araki Sosuke and Kotori Yu Mayumi.

"Where is the evildoer, I can see at a glance that you are not..."

Seeing these six horrible men with big eyes blooming like chrysanthemums, huge mouths between their necks, and a full body exuding a strong grayish breath, Sosuke Araki subconsciously raised his sandbag-sized fists to evoke the dark and thick existence in his body. , Ready to provide the service of "Enlightenment and Ascension".

"It's the power of ghosts and gods... why, there are ghosts and gods here?!"

The bird Yu Mayumi on the side also opens his bow and draws arrows, ready to go.

"...In this kind of place where no one is enshrined and the power of faith is broken, ghosts and gods should also be difficult to sustain!"

Different from ordinary resentful spirits, the reason why ghosts and gods are scarce is because they need worshippers and constant strength of faith.

It stands to reason that ghosts and gods who have been hidden in this kind of divine hiding for hundreds of years, and no one knows about them because of the death of the believer, and the dedication of the ghosts and gods will be exhausted because of the power of faith, turn into ordinary ghosts, or fall into a deep sleep.

"I, Tokugawa Yoshinen, is a child of the Kii Tokugawa family, and he was not the chief painter of the Edo shogunate."

Yaoyao bowed to the two of them, maintaining a humble bow posture. The terrifying face of Tokugawa Yoshinen turned out to be like the ancients, polite and discreet, reporting himself to his family.

"Investigation Corps...According to the speed and time you described, you should have reached the Honmaru in the center of the city..."

On the communication channel, Mai Hanyu's suggestion sounded.

"First of all, this guy is qualified to stay in Honmaru, who represents the power center. He should know the secrets of this place... We are checking the name he just mentioned..."

"Who are you? What place is here?"

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiley person, seeing the other person's respectful posture, Araki Sosuke stopped his hands and asked vigilantly.

Mai Hanyu was right. After all, the two of them came to look for something. The interior space of this Immortal Shouyuan figure was so vast that it was like finding a needle in a haystack with the broken arrow on the scroll.

Just like just now, if you don't take the "elevator" of this guy in front of you, I'm afraid the two of you don't know how long the stairs will be climbing all the way.

If the other party can provide some clues, it does not hurt to let him finish talking before providing "service".

Not to mention, in the gap between the zipper of his sports bag, the white arrow symbol on the scroll is pointing straight to the ghost who claims to be "Tokugawa Yoshino" on the opposite side.

"Here is the family tomb of the Kintokugawa clan, Senjuin."

Slowly getting up, Tokugawa Yoshinen looked like he knew everything without saying anything.

"And I, because I want to continue to pursue the pinnacle of painting art, I voluntarily stayed here, a grave guard..."

"Then... have you ever seen something like this?"

Araki Sosuke actually took out his mobile phone, turned out the simple "bowl" symbol, and showed it to the other party.

Obviously, it was inside a weird tomb surrounded by ghosts, facing ghosts of unknown origin and terrible faces, but he and Tokugawa Yoshinen talked like ordinary tourists talking to locals.

"Usages of this type are extremely common in Xianshouyuan, and there should be quite a few in nearby houses."

Tokugawa Yoshinen's six bloody eyes carefully looked at the simple symbol, and said unhurriedly.

"A lot, this is troublesome... Otherwise, let's send this Mr. Tokugawa away first, let's find it ourselves?"

Sosuke Araki scratched his head and turned to look at the bird Yu Mayumi.

"Your question, I have already answered... but I still have a question. I wonder if you can help me explain it?"

At this time, Tokugawa Yoshinen reached out and summoned the canvas on the table, and bowed again to ask questions.

"Um... what do you want to ask? We don't know much about painting and the like..."

Looking at the blank drawing paper that the other party was holding, Sosuke Araki felt a numb feeling in his heart for some reason.

"At the age of eleven, I joined Utagawa to learn Ukiyoe. At the age of 20, I became the successor of Utagawa Mushae. His painting skills are unparalleled in the world."

Tokugawa Yoshinen did not immediately ask questions, but started to talk freely.

"After the peak of "Warrior Painting", I was fascinated by the study of "No Misery Painting", trying to show the sorrowful beauty of the soul that bloomed at the last moment in the blood and pain..."

But he was a little crazy talking to himself, making the two people who didn't know anything about painting look confused.

"Tokugawa Yoshinen... Under the master of the three generations of Kuniyoshi Utagawa, the painter of the Edo Shogunate... has participated in the drawing of famous paintings such as "Lines of Tokaido" and "Suehiro Fifty-Three Times"... Famous works include "New "Shaped Thirty-Six Strange Writings", "Thirty-two Aspects of Customs", "Quei Title Hundred Writings", etc."

"If what you are saying is true, then he can be said to be a Ukiyo-e master whose manuscript is worth tens of millions of yen."

At the same time, Mai Hanyu seemed to have found information on the communication side.

"However, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who became famous when he was young, suddenly took a new path for some reason and became obsessed with the cruel and bloody scenes in "No Misery Painting"..."

"Official records show that he hanged himself at home and his cause of death was recorded as depressive manic depression... He was hailed as the'Last Ukiyo Painter in Japan'."

"Although I always call my fellow ‘crazy painter’ and ‘painter covered in blood’ as far as the line is concerned, that’s because they are jealous!"

"After "No Misery Painting" can be better than others, I have come into contact with the highest state of painting...that is the soul!"

It seems that it is rare to find someone who talks about it, and Tokugawa Yoshinen's tone has become more agitated and manic.

"Only by drawing a soul can it be called a true painting art! That is why, I am willing to pull down the broken dragon stone, stay in the eternal time of this Immortal Shouyuan, and study the way of copying the soul."

"So, I would like to ask your excellency... Who are you on earth?"

With six big bloody and cracked eyes on his face, he stared straight at Sosuke Araki, as if he had seen something intoxicating.

"No, I can naturally see at a glance that you are not a human... You should ask, what on earth are you?!"

"Huh?! What can I be if I'm not a human being?"

"Come on, it hurts you to ask such a question, with this dignified face, okay? 』

When an ancient man who had been dead for nearly two hundred years asked questions like "Are you a human", Sosuke Araki felt that his self-esteem had been hit hard.

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