Although it hasn't been a few days since I became a spirit remover, the number of spirit bodies that Araki Sosuke has become a Buddha has probably surpassed the number of spirit removers in a lifetime.

It was the first time that the resentful spirit with this terrible grimace questioned his identity as a "born man".

"If you don't change your name while sitting down, you won't change your surname, so it's a lonely hunky man who is slain!"

"The one next to me is the unparalleled maiden of Akagi Shrine, Akagi Meow Miaochan! 』

"That, Mr. Araki, you don't need to introduce me specifically. 』

So he immediately introduced himself pretending to be handsome and insincere.

Since the "real name" is of great significance in the transcendental world, the spirit remover will at most report the code name when performing the task to avoid the possibility of incurring unnecessary curses.

"Spirit Eliminator? No, it's impossible..."

"Although you don't have any spiritual power and resentment in your body, it looks like ordinary people... But no matter what your identity is, the only thing I can be sure of is..."

Hearing Sosuke Araki's answer, Tokugawa Yoshinen seemed to have suffered a great insult, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"Your Excellency...absolutely...impossible...human!"

After speaking confidently, Tokugawa Yoshinen turned around and picked up his pen and waved vigorously in the air: "Your Excellency is unwilling to tell, it must be that my sincerity is not enough..."


Amidst the exclamation of Toriyu Mayumi, the flesh and blood-stitched giant baby in the corner of the platform was smashed to the ground by Mochizuki Che, wriggling again...

The original charred residue slowly flowed into the huge vase next to it, congested and plumped again, and turned into the jaw-dropping "blood and flesh flower arrangement" before.

"In order to temper the techniques of "Warrior Painting" to the extreme, I have eaten and stayed in various schools day and night to observe, and even live anatomy of the bones, muscles, internal organs and blood vessels of hundreds of warriors of various schools in order to achieve the goal of The copying effect of'inside out'."

The paintings without misery that were originally hung on the stairs rose up like colorful butterflies, spinning around Tokugawa Yoshinen as the center.

"In order to draw the most natural and pure "Untragic Painting", I have repeatedly rushed to the battlefield where the corpses are all over the field and the blood is flowing on the spot to sketch, and earnestly copied the various dead bodies and the process of their daily decay... "

With his robe flying, Tokugawa Yoshinen floated up with the desk under him and swept onto a huge roof above, like a painter giving a speech at the opening ceremony of a private painting exhibition, condescendingly showing his creative process. The unknown "hard journey".

"But I don't know, it's hard to paint a person, and it's hard to paint a bone, knowing the person, knowing the face and not knowing the heart..."

"These'practices' can only allow me to climb to the pinnacle of skills, but it is difficult to step into the palace of art...because I have not yet been able to give the work a real soul!"

"Through countless attempts, I found that in the most painful and desperate moment, the soul will bloom with the most beautiful brilliance! And that moment is the real soul I need in my work..."

"Please appreciate it, I use human skin as a canvas, human blood as paint, and human bones as pen. Let the soul repeatedly experience the most painful, fearful, desperate, and helpless moments in the painting, and bloom the deepest light of the soul. , And then merge with the'painting' made by the body to create works that truly shock the soul!"

At the same time, a corner of the platform was originally closed with several ornate screens of rectangular cubes, and then they floated into the air and connected in a row, showing the two people with various paintings on them.

"... Such Ukiyo-e made of flesh and soul, how can the broken oil paintings of Yi Di compare with the photos taken by the cold machine?!"

As the screen flew up, Mochizuki, who had turned into a blood man below, was entangled with the samurai.

"Oh, I almost forgot..."

Tokugawa Yoshinen glanced at the "tragic scene" exposed under the screen with the expression "I forgot to find the food in the pot a month after it was steamed".

"Your Excellency came right in time to prove the birth of another new work..."

At this moment, only five of the hundred samurai in the screen were still standing.

The skull, limbs, and internal organs were torn apart all over the floor.

But Mochizuki, who caused all this, is not better...

Three sharp blades are piercing through his abdomen and are firmly stuck between his ribs.

The remaining few samurai with scars and mutilated limbs are doing all they can to fix his body firmly on the ground, and let the last samurai with a sword cut off his head.

This scene, which resembles a life-and-death battle on the battlefield and is about to end in beheading, can be described as "there is no misery in the world" displayed in front of everyone.

"How, after agreeing with the arduous journey of creating these great works, I am here to ask the last question sincerely..."

"Your Excellency, what the hell is it?"

In mid-air, Tokugawa Yoshinen bowed deeply to the shocked, pale, and disgusting two people: "Why, after analyzing thousands of bodies and souls, it can penetrate people's hearts at a glance, even the witch next to you I can see my love clearly..."

"...Even the fuzzy outline of your soul can't draw even a single stroke?!"


Hearing the other party's words, Toriyu Mayumi suddenly covered her mouth and whispered, her face flushed red.

"Agree...what a shit!"

At this moment, Araki Sosuke, who had recovered from these bloody and miserable paintings, was already furious and had no intention of answering the other party's crazy questions.

"Using this cruel method to draw those disgusting paintings..."

Thinking of the paintings without misery, they were all living beings drawn after being drawn blood and skinned and their souls repeatedly tortured. An angry white light appeared in his eyes.

"You are a scumbag who disregards human life, you are not even worthy of becoming a Buddha!"

Behind Araki Zongsuke, the huge black arm that was more than ten meters long suddenly soared into the sky.

The flames on the scriptures on the surface of the giant arms were also blazing because of his anger, like a flame dragon entrenched in the air.

"Ms. Araki, there are still living people over there! Save people first..."

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Dragging an invisible arrow with a crying ending sound, it came out from the fingertips of Tori Mayumi, and shot down the samurai sword that almost cut Mochizuki's neck.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mochizuki Che, who was covered in blood and fleshy skin, burst out with a powerful force, broke free from the restraints of the samurai, caught the samurai sword in mid-air, and slashed back...

The few samurai closest to each other were immediately cut in half.

"The evil monk of Kawasaki Daishiji, the shrine maiden of Akagi Shrine?!"

When he was breathing, Mochizuki could see clearly the two "acquaintances" who were on the platform at the corner of him and Tokugawa Fangnian.

"That's... that guy's shikigami?"

Immediately, Mochizuki's gaze fell behind Araki Zongsuke, on the huge black arm that soared into the sky like a dragon.

At this time, he released the shackles, and the wound on his body was scorched by the purple flame, stopping the blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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