"En? The person on the other side seems to know us?"

"Look at this hairstyle... Could it be someone from the Kawasaki Master Temple?"

"Impossible, the group of monks at the Kawasaki Grandmaster Temple, seeing me respectfully, how dare not to use the Buddha's name or honorifics... No matter how much, save him first."

The muscular bald-headed man who was bare-chested and almost out of trousers on the opposite side was called "incoming road" across Tokugawa Yoshinen, and the "evil monk" and "miko" over here couldn't help but stare at each other.

"It seems that you can only ask your soul to integrate into my work, and then carefully explore the taste..."

Just as the three of them looked at each other, feeling the terrible pressure from the black giant arm behind Araki Sosuke, Tokugawa Yoshinen pressed his palms together and patted: "Come out all, "Hyoming 28 Sentences" and "New Form 30" "Six Monsters", "Illustrated Book of Famous Generals in Japan"..."

Countless physically mutilated and scarred samurai, as well as laughing and cursing demons and ghosts, all broke through the air without miserable paintings, and fell on the platform like rain...

The scarred Mochizuki Che, as if being in a subway car in the morning rush hour, was tightly squeezed.

"The bald head opposite...Hurry up and get away!!!"

As Araki Sosuke slapped his fist and roared, the huge black arm fell from the sky like a train to hell, heading straight towards the countless resentful spirits, samurai and ghosts on the platform...


Tokugawa Yoshinen, sitting cross-legged above, looked at the black giant fist whizzing by under his feet with interest, and suddenly exclaimed.

"How can there be such an extreme resentment in this world?"

Over the years, he has condensed grievances and human blood into liquid and splashed ink to paint. Naturally, he can sense that this giant arm seems to be a solid, extremely dense composition of grievances.

"No, this is not a grievance at all... This is another level of power... Could it be..."

With the insight of years of copying, he seemed to have noticed something terrible, stretched out his hand to pat on the gray stone bowl, and instantly disappeared on the roof with the drawing in front of him.

On the other side of the platform, watching the black giant fist approach at high speed, Wangyueche's left arm twitched frantically as a warning.

"Uhhhhh, get out..."

He exploded with the force of squeezing the subway, stepped on the bodies of a few ghosts and jumped high, leaping into the building on the side of the cave wall.

Under his feet, the huge black arm passed silently, and the platform and surrounding escalators were like spring breeze, motionless.


Then, in the shocking gazes of Mochizuki Che and Tori Mayumi, the screens flying in the sky and the paintings of "no misery", as well as hundreds of ghosts and samurai who have not yet recovered from the platform, are all there. The huge black arm ran over it from top to bottom, shattering into countless rain-like light spots.

Around the originally green platform, it seemed like daylight.

"Soul dust?! This is Buddhahood..."

Looking at the white spots of light flying in the sky and the vaguely flying stumps in that fist, Mochizuki couldn't help but wipe his eyes blinded by blood.

"The evil monk at the Kawasaki Grandmaster Temple is indeed well-deserved...and even inherits such a powerful means of transcendence!"

He, who had been fighting between the trapped beasts by the hundred warriors on the screen before, knew that although these wraiths seemed vulnerable, the ranks of the powers of ghosts and gods in their bodies were suppressed, but they were extremely restrained from ordinary spiritual power.

This Araki Sosuke was so obsessed that he didn't give the opponent a chance. He directly called out methods similar to "Shikigami" and "Incarnation", and surpassed hundreds of the same existence in the first blow!

What is sealed in the opponent's body, it must be an existence that does not lose the rank of ghosts and gods!

It seemed that even if his arm didn't backlash last time, I'm afraid that he would go all out, and the victory or defeat with this evil monk could only be 50-50.

"However, that punch doesn't seem to be physical, it only affects the spirit body..."

Analyzing the opponent's strength, Mochizuki's gaze swept across the undamaged platform, and landed on the bucket bag that was constantly sucking in soul dust around Araki Sosuke's waist.

"That's, "Taketori Scrolls"?!"

"No wonder, the old fox would generously entrust that thing to the association, it turned out to be directed at him..."

Although he was unwilling, Mochizuki had to admit that if it were not for the timely assistance of these two people, I am afraid that he would only become a painting of "No Misery" today, which would contribute to the Tibetan paintings in the Fairy Shouyuan.

At the same time, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who was not visible, reverberated in the room again: "I was able to repair these long-lost souls... I am more and more interested in your soul!"

He doesn't seem to feel distressed at all about the destruction of his "work", on the contrary, he yearns for the soul of Sosuke Araki more and more.

"Stop talking nonsense, you lunatic..."

At the same time, Araki Sosuke's left eye was shining with golden light, and the black arm on the platform elbowed his backhand and blasted towards another empty roof above.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Not to mention that the arrow symbol on the scroll on his waist pointed firmly to that direction...

Contrary to what the other two saw, in his eyes, Tokugawa Yoshinen did not "disappear", but "teleported" to the roof.

"Oh?! It seems that your Excellency not only has an iron fist that can transcend all beings... but also a pair of eyes that can penetrate the truth of the world..."

Seeing the black giant arm attacking elbow violently, Tokugawa Yoshinen showed no panic at all.

Although the punch was powerful, the speed was not fast.

In this divine yin, he who masters the formation can not only distort the space freely to avoid all artifices, but can also change the position according to his will...

"how come……"

However, facing the big black arm that was not hurried, burning dark red scriptures, he suddenly felt locked in by an inexplicable opportunity, and felt that he could not escape anyway.

Is it possible that the other party can break through the space distorted by oneself?

Looking stiffly at the black giant arm closer, Tokugawa Fangnian felt a trance, and a sea of ​​blood-red flowers appeared in front of him.

Among the numerous red flowers on the other side, a delicate figure in a kimono is standing there quietly, staring at herself.


Who is it?

Why me……

Can't remember?


Ignoring the black arms that were falling from the top, Tokugawa Yoshinen raised his arms and inserted them deeply into his temples on both sides. He kept spinning "cutting chickens and cutting chickens", stirring the pitch-black blood plasma.


In 1850, Edo.

"Yes, it's hard to imagine that this can be drawn by an eleven-year-old..."

In the old studio, the middle-aged painter with white temples looked at the disciple who was seriously painting in front of him, and nodded approvingly.

"From today, you will be the successor of my Utagawa line of'Warrior-e'!"

"Hey, your name is Fangnian, right... My name is Orange!"

After the painter left, a short figure leaned out of the crack in the door beside it.

"Tachibana also wants to learn painting from grandpa, but just because Tachibana is a woman, he doesn't agree with it all the time..."

It was a girl with a pretty face and a little bulging expression.

"Since he has passed on the painting skills of "Warrior Painting" to you, why don't you teach Tachibana painting?"

It was the first time that the boy heard that someone likes to call himself by name.

Without looking at the petite and clingy girl in front of him, he continued to write without saying a word.

"Why don't you speak...if you don't speak, just take it as you agree?"

Between the boy's cheeks, a blush appeared quietly, and he nodded slightly.

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