"Will you change your name or sit down and change your surname... Laozi, it's Mochizuki!!"

With this unwilling roar, Mochizuki leaped high in the surprised eyes of Araki Sosuke, and hung it on the window at Tokugawa Yoshinen's feet.

"Huh?! Mochizuki? That wig squinted and bald?! Wait..."

"Why are you still stunned, do it!!!"

"Huh, it's useless."

The dense purple ghost claws broke through the void, and passed through Tokugawa Fangnian's body without a wave, even his clothes could not be lifted.

The power of the great rivers and mountains, eight layers, seamless fall.

Suddenly, a ghost claw that slammed into the ground several meters away from Tokugawa Yoshinen, but like a dislocation and twist, it pinched Tokugawa Yoshinen in the distance, and ignited a large purple flame on him.

"Good observation..."

At this moment, he noticed that these seemingly "lost" ghost claws completely sealed off a large space around him.

"Sure enough, this guy can distort space and vision, but the effective range can't be too far... If he completely covers the entire area, he has nowhere to hide!"

Seeing that his extremely costly trick was in effect, Mochizuki, who was hanging on the eaves of the window, roared toward the opposite side: "Araki Zongsuke, what are you waiting for!!"


On the other side, Sosuke Araki stopped, put his pocket in one hand, and punched forward in a perfunctory manner...

The pitch-black giant fist that covered the sky and the sun burst out from his body, carrying burning scriptures towards Tokugawa Yoshinen who was clamped by ghost claws.

Not to mention whether this space-distorting technique was effective, the volume of this giant fist alone was far beyond the space covered by Wangyueche's purple flame ghost claws.

Seeing the terrifying giant fist that was unavoidable and attacking him, Tokugawa Fangnian felt like a voice in his heart, yelling at him frantically, "Death to death, death to death"...

"Don't be too... underestimate people!"

He was in trouble, his personality was distorted and conceited, an unwilling look flashed in his six giant eyes, and he madly turned the gray stone bowl in his hand.

"... Mr. Araki, watch out for your feet!!"

In the exclamation of Tori Mayumi, Araki Sosuke, who was still swinging his arm and punching, suddenly shattered a large building under his feet!

Unprepared, he became suspended.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

In the midair, Sousuke Araki kept his stiff posture, screaming and falling down.

The terrifying giant fist that seemed to be able to swallow everything had already arrived in front of Tokugawa Yoshinen...

But because of someone’s sudden fall, he was "not long enough," and he ran across Tokugawa Yoshinen's terrifying face unwillingly, and waved blankly.

"Damn it! Almost..."

Seeing Tokugawa Yoshinen who was looking further and further away, Sosuke Araki, who kept falling backward, showed an unwilling look.

For the first time in his life, he has always been proud of his length.

"It's finally awakened from the deep sleep, if it's over..."

Above, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who had experienced the fear of passing by with "becoming a Buddha" twice in a row, was drained by that fist and felt completely collapsed, too.

"...Why have the face to meet the ancestors?!"

If the opponent fell a second later, I am afraid that this punch has broken through the distorted space and hit him directly.

"No, we can't wait any longer, we must finish the'that painting' now!"

He held the pen and inserted it into the gray stone bowl beside him, stirring the dark red "ink" inside into a rapidly rotating vortex, taking the opportunity to move into the void...


Below, Araki Sosuke, who was full of blue veins and falling at high speed, showed an amazing core power in mid-air.

He twisted and kicked on the falling stone beside him, leaped to the eaves on the other side, and hung dangerously on it.


At the same time, the bucket bag around his waist was cut off by the sharp stones falling beside him...

The bucket sports bag with the painted bamboo scrolls rolled feebly toward the dark abyss.

"Don't think about it!!!"

Araki Sosuke, who had just climbed the roof, turned back without thinking, and grabbed the bucket in mid-air.

Then, he just fell down again...


Amidst the sound of breaking through the sky, a strong arm firmly grabbed Sousuke Araki's ankle...

"Don't move!!!"

Mochizuki, who didn't know when he jumped to the front, stretched out his hand to him.


Mochizuki grabbed Sosuke Araki with his left arm, and his dark right arm slammed into the building next to him with a fist, and then the two men's fall was almost stopped.

"You idiot...for an unbreakable grudge, do you want to die?!"

Araki Sosuke, who thought he was going to break his bones, was slowed down by his area and hung from the edge of the platform.

"Hey, it's not just a grudge..."

Looking back at Mochizuki's green bald head above, Sosuke Araki hugged the bucket bag on his chest and smiled evilly: "This thing is related to the life of a good friend of mine."


Holding the opponent's ankle, Mochizuki recalled the word, his expression a bit complicated.

It seems that the past few years I have left...

That stinky girl actually made friends.

"Speaking of which, you can't be smart enough to fly to rescue someone who just beat you a few days ago."

Seeing his right arm stuck in the wall and the blue veins bursting into his grasp of Mochizuki Che, Sousuke Araki was also a little puzzled.

"I'm acting Mochizuki, and I never need to explain it to anyone."

Mochizuki, who was wrapped in dried blood and looked extremely tragic, was shaking constantly all over, and his right hand was struggling to hang Sousuke Araki with his right hand.

"Don't think too much... I recognize your strength... and now we have a common enemy..."

With his current physical strength and injury, if it weren't for Jizhong Shengzhi to blast his right arm into the building beside him, he would have been taken by Sosuke Araki long ago.

"So, as long as it is beneficial to the task...I will do it!"

I don’t know if it’s because the guy at hand is too heavy, or because I’ve just fought so hard to lose too much power, or because it’s cursed by that ghost...

"Wait...what's going on..."

Mochizuki Che only felt that his original strength was rushing through his body quickly.

"I can't catch it anymore..."

Watching Araki Sosuke's ankles slip off his sore fingertips little by little, Mochizuki glanced at the bucket bag he was holding in his hands, exhausted his last strength, and threw Araki Sosuke to the inner wall below: "You Think of it yourself!"

"How can I think of a solution...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Being swung out like a swing, Araki Sosuke's figure suddenly slipped into the endless darkness.

"Ms. Araki!!!"

Watching this scene, Yu Mayumi, the upper bird, leaned out of the window and cried heartily.

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