"So, according to what you mean, it is the ‘sleeper’ who read the memory from those souls, instead of the other party’s initiative to ‘inform’ or show him?”

Five hundred meters outside the Chidagoya Tunnel, Mai Hanyu, sitting in the back of the van converted into a "temporary command room" with headphones on her neck, was answering the phone.

"Since Venerable Araki mentioned about his'previous life memory', the poor monk has been reading the classics and contemplating in the temple...It was not until the donor Hanyu called during the day to inform me that I suddenly realized..."

On the other end of the phone, the calm and rough voice was the presiding officer of the propaganda far away at the Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

"Whether it is'other' or'self','past life' or'present life','seeing' or'hearing', it is all appearances..."

"In the final analysis, those are all the magical powers of Venerable Araki himself."

"Supernatural powers?"

"Being able to know the past karma of oneself or sentient beings, and the reason for the present or future retribution, is called fate..."

During the day, Mai Hanyu presided over a phone call with Kobo, and routinely exchanged "research" developments, and told him about Sosuke Araki "seeing" Mayuki Hime's memory.

"Danya Qiqi Yi, Bishi Zen Liutong... Venerable Araki has the Heavenly Eye and Destiny, which is really the blessing of my Buddhism!"

Propaganda never sleeps and reads the scriptures in the temple, and finally confirmed that the situation of Araki Zongsuke is very similar to Fate Tong, one of the Buddhist "Sanming and Six Tongs".

"However, regarding the supernatural powers of Venerable Araki, it is better not to tell him for the time being, lest our shallow'final conclusion' affects his understanding of supernatural powers..."

Having said that, his tone became a little worried for some reason.

"Amitabha Buddha, with his own perception of the karma of all beings, this is a very heavy burden that people can bear...Venerable Araki is indeed a man of great compassion and compassion!"

"'Sanming and six links'? I see, it seems that I will have to arrange a full set of tests for him later..."

When Mai Hanyu raised her plump lips, she was striving for a certain research direction...

"Ms. Araki!!"

From the earphones on her neck, there was a heart-piercing cry from Yu Ma Gong.

"What's wrong... Investigate the Corps, answer me quickly!"

Mai Hanyu immediately hung up the phone, put on headphones, frowned and called out Araki Sosuke's name.

"Araki-kun, what's wrong?"

Hearing the sound through the earphones, wearing a black T-shirt with the word "Attack" and being "banned" from the beginning of the operation, the thick Hailudou also came to the rear of the car anxiously and opened the door to listen to the situation.

"Sister Hanyu... Araki-sensei fell... that's hundreds of meters high..."

On the communication channel, Mayumi Toriyuki was crying.

"I did it with you!"

Then, in the communication channel, there was only a burst of screaming stringed sounds of "Boom Boom".

Presumably, the little witch began to draw a bow frantically at a certain existence in a rage.

"Hundred meters?!"

Hearing the news, Hou Hailu Dou knelt on the ground feebly, clasped his hands together, and muttered: "Nano Amitabha, Araki-kun, don’t worry. On this day in the future, I will write a year’s teacher Kiyomi’s handwriting on time. The autographed book burned to you..."

"Don't worry about making the final conclusion... That guy is someone who can kick back when he is in "Hell"..."

Mai Hanyu comforted everyone, but her pale face and her fingers twisting the corners of her clothes betrayed her inner anxiety.

"...That's right, even if it's hell, my uncle will crawl back to show you!"

A few seconds later, in the communication channel, Sosuke Araki's reassuring voice sounded.

"Ms. Araki! I thought you..."

"Idiot sleeper...Do you know what will happen if you don't reply to the communication in time?"

Hearing his voice, everyone immediately cheered up again.

"Sorry, sorry, I was busy catching the foothold just now."

"Fortunately, Mochizuki's bald head threw me inside and landed on the roof below, otherwise I would almost become'Araki sauce'..."

Araki Sosuke's tone seemed relaxed, but the heavy breathing and intermittent voice made people sweat for him.

"Asshole, the stairs are broken, and the surrounding houses are still telescoping and rotating. Is this asking me to play a live-action plumber?"

"Wait, why is it so lively down there...Where is the enchanting evildoer, dare to pick up my pants and start me..."

Immediately, there was only the background sound of punches, kicks and various monsters roaring...

"Huh, I'm scared to death... Now I can save a book budget every year..."


Outside the car, the thick sea land bucket, who was still kneeling on the ground and had not had time to get up, suddenly heard a crisp bell ringing on the quiet road.

"...Bells, bells?"

He turned his head stiffly, and saw a woman with fluttering white clothes and long hair covering her face, squatting like a poop on the road more than ten meters away.

In the gap between the long hair that almost covers the entire face, a Ka Zilan ET with no white eyes is staring at him indifferently.


The red rope that passed between her palms since she closed her palms, with a bell still dripping blood hanging at the end, was ringing with the wind.

"You knew already."

The low and hoarse words, ignoring the distance, sounded clearly beside Hou Hailudou's ears.


For the first time in his life, kneeling on the ground and "looking infatuatedly" with such a "white and beautiful" woman, Hou Hailu Dou's throat sounded nervous and sexually excited swallowing.

In his mind, the appearance of the other party gradually overlapped with the ugly simple pen image drawn by Sosuke Araki on paper.

Araki-kun, he really has no talent for painting...

"You knew already."

Looking at him, the woman remained motionless, but the emotionless voice rang in his ears again.

"No, I don't know... I don't know anything!"

The thick Hailudou wearing a black T-shirt and the woman in white knelt and squatted, maintaining a similar height and looking at each other. From a distance, they looked like a couple in a traditional "pre-God" wedding.

"Old... old sister."

"Please call me "Maria's Wall" during the mission... and I'm busy here! "

In the carriage, Mai Hanyu, who was listening carefully to the situation, gave him an impatient look.

"You didn't hear, did the lady over there keep saying ‘you know’?"

"No, I didn't hear anything..."

Following Houhailudou's fingers, Mai Hanyu saw the weird woman who was still in a squatting posture and motionless not far away.

"Tsk...is this time? This image is exactly the same as the one painted by the Sleeper."

"Where are they exactly the same, the real thing is clearly a hundred times more terrifying!" ! ! 』

"No, what I want to ask is, in a horror film, when you encounter this situation, which one is slower to die?"

Ignoring Hou Hailudou's sincere question, Mai Hanyu curiously took the SLR camera on the side and pointed it at the motionless woman not far away.

"Compared to your doubts about making achievements, I'm even more curious if you can see her without using devices such as True Eye..."

In the SLR camera's viewing frame, except for the dark resentment that lingers on her body, the appearance of the woman is no different from what the two of them saw with the naked eye.

"We should be considered'locked', right?"

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