I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 569: The Ultimate Work

"you know……"

Staring at Yueying Qiancao with resentful eyes, the woman in white who had flashed at high speed suddenly stood a few meters in front of him like a "downtime", allowing those arrows to pass through.

The eyes were facing each other, and the words in the ear that seemed to drive people crazy also stopped abruptly.

However, the shadow arrow that was enough to smash the ordinary wraiths passed through, but she couldn't even lift the long hair that covered her face.

"It's over, it's over, this is the last'Shadow Power'..."

Seeing this scene, Moon Shadow Qiancao, who had exhausted his methods, could only use angry eyes to stare bitterly at the woman who stood silently not far away.

Half an hour ago, he had just packed the luggage in the room and made an appointment for a moving company to come and move out of this apartment tomorrow morning.

Despite the absence of the action movie fanatic next door, the living environment has finally calmed down.

However, even if he was a weird maker, he would not want to continue to live in an apartment in the corridor of the door where someone had "eyes bursting with splatter" and the property company couldn't wash it with blood stains no matter what.

Moreover, moving away quickly after the murder occurred is the response of normal people, and it will appear abnormal if they continue to live.

Just when he finished the bath and was about to enjoy the quiet last night in this house, this strangely dressed woman in white appeared in front of him abruptly.

The shocked Moonkage Chikusa did not hesitate to transform into a shadow hiding, and at the same time condensed "weapons" of various shapes such as knives, guns, clubs, massagers, etc., to launch a counterattack.

However, just like the last time, the power of the shadow that he was proud of couldn't even touch the opponent's body.

The only difference is that this time the target is no longer the "action movie fanatic" next door, but he himself.

No matter how hard to escape in the shadows, the white-clothed woman followed behind Yuekage Chikusa like a shadow, chanting "you know" repeatedly in her mouth...

Perhaps it was the relationship between the neighbors next door that was targeted last time, and Moon Shadow Chikusa did not hear the disturbing whisper in her ears.

Now, he finally understood why the neighbor was so crazy.

Until this moment, the power of Moon Shadow Thousand Grass's shadow was exhausted, and there was nowhere to escape.

"Hmph, my Moon Shadow Qiancao has been up and down all his life and created so many weirdnesses, but I didn't expect that one day I would also die in the hands of ‘wild weird’...uuuuu..."

Yueying Qiancao, who was about to say a few "hard words" before dying, couldn't help but see tears of disappointment in her eyes as she looked at the dreadful white-clothed woman who was sluggish in front of her.

"You knew already."

The moment his eyes were wet and blurred, the figure of the woman in white flashed and appeared in front of him.

"Ah ah ah ah, I'm fighting with you!"

Under the control of the desire to survive and fear, Yueying Qiancao suddenly widened her bloodshot eyes and stared at the other side fiercely.

The hands and feet kept squeezing out the "royal dance" in the air, burning with the last light of life.

In contrast, the white-clothed woman's movements stopped abruptly, and Yueying Qiancao maintained a posture with the tip of her nose pressed against the tip of her nose, staring at him blankly with her big black eyes that penetrated behind her long flowing hair.

"Wait, once locked, there is no way to fight back or escape. This is illogical..."

Seeing this woman repeatedly switch between extreme silence and extreme movement, Moon Shadow Qiancao, who had the courage to look at each other, instinctively sensed the strangeness.

"Even if I put in the power of ghosts and gods, I can't create such an incomprehensible weirdness..."

Logically, I should be the same as the neighbor at this moment, having his neck choked, his eyes bursting, and the hallway smeared.

"She must have some rules and weaknesses... think about it... what I did just now makes her stop again..."

Scenes of memories are played back repeatedly in Moon Shadow Qiancao's mind.

The woman in white with long hair covering her face, whether she speaks or moves, seems to switch strangely between silent and moving...

"I see! It's the sight..."

A sick smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Moon Shadow Qiancao, who had always been timid, took the initiative to move her face forward, and viciously hit the woman's big dark eyes.

"As long as you keep looking at each other, you can only shut up obediently and stand fine, and you can't do anything to me!!!"

Then, he stretched the sinful hand covered with the power of shadow to the full chest of the woman in front of him...

"Sure enough, even the power of shadow can't'touch' her... Is this an illusion or is it not in the same space?"

Unsurprisingly and disappointingly, his hand passed directly through the opponent's body as if touching the air.

"At least, it should be possible to maintain this position... buy some recovery time for the power of the shadow..."

After the confirmation, Yueying Qiancao stared at the other party, walked out of the dead end step by step, and retreated to the rear.

"Of course, the premise is that she does not have a ‘backup rule’ for this situation."


What he didn't notice was that a beautiful white shadow appeared silently in the middle of the corridor not far behind him, slowly squatting...


The cemetery of Xianshouyuan, Wakayama Castle Shenyin.

Around the cave wall, in the upside-down building group that is constantly rotating like a group of machines, various ghosts and warriors with miserable appearance, like the evil spirits who want to climb out of the infernal purgatory, are densely climbing up by the surrounding buildings. NS.

"Sister Hanyu... Lu Dou... hold on..."

And not far above the group of ghosts, like a professional parkour player, climbing and moving between various buildings and terrain, is a blond man with a ferocious look.

"Asshole, get out of me!!"

From time to time, several ghosts will catch up from below and try to hold him.

But he was always swept down by a pair of huge black arms protruding from behind him into a piece of fluorescent light, drifting downward.

If others saw this scene, they might think that he was the "ghost king" who led this group of evil spirits out of purgatory.

"Little Bird Yuuji, are you okay on it?!"

This man was naturally Araki Sosuke who fell below the platform.

At this moment, he only hated that the pair of black arms behind him had no entity, and could not help "climb the tower".

"Don't worry, there is the protection of Akagi Himimei's realm. Those guys can't enter for the time being... However, Tokugawa Yoshinen seems to be holding some ceremony..."

In the communication channel, the soft and pleasant voice of Little Bird You Mayumi was his only comfort.

"Everyone, feel honored..."

Above the platform, in the air beside Tokugawa Fangnian, the dark red liquid slowly squirming has outlined a headless figure that is more than three meters high and burly.

"...Able to verify that I completed it by hand, this is the ultimate work of the Kitekawa family!"

Below the case table, a square wooden box was recruited by Tokugawa Fangnian.

The lid of the box was opened, and it was seen that inside it was a huge and terrifying skull.

What is different from ordinary people is that there are still a pair of long, narrow and terrible horns on the skull full of sharp teeth!

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