I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 570: Da Jiangshan Ghost King, Coming!

"Sure enough, this thing was hidden here by the Kidegawa clan..."

Seeing the skull with ferocious horns hanging on the wall of the cave, Mochizuki, who had just shot down a few ghosts, had purple flames in his eyes and a grinning smile: "Hahahahaha...Finally found it, Jiu Tun The first level of the boy!"

Excited, the scorched black on his right arm spread sharply, covering half of his chest.

Shuton Boy, the son of the Oeyama Ghost King, Ibuki Omyojin, and humans in the Heiankyo era.

It is said that, with the blood of the dragon god, he grew up in the temples of Ibuki Mountain, commanded the ghosts and built palaces in Dajiangshan.

In addition to daily drinking and drinking, he also likes to turn into handsome teenagers, abduct virgins and children, imprison them in the mountains as slaves, and eat their flesh and blood.

As Jiutun Boy was born with the blood of gods, his bravery was the pinnacle of ghosts and gods in the world, and the ghosts of his men occupied the Danbo Peak section of the Dajiang Mountains, which was difficult to defend, and even had Abe Haruaki, He Mao Guangrong, and Yuan. The court of powerful people such as Lai Guang, Zhide Mage, Ashiya Doman, etc. couldn't do anything about it for a while.

After the Great Onmyoji Abe Haruaki locked the position through divination, the "Four Heavenly Kings of Raiko" led by General Raimitsu Watanabe Tsuna, Sakata Kintoki, Bube Jitake, Urai Sadamitsu, and others, disguised as a lost traveler and presented "sacred wine". When Jiutun Boy was drunk and unable to move, his head was cut off and sealed.

"No, our Kishidkawa clan has tried our best to enshrine this one here. Naturally, we don't want him to be just a first class..."

In the eyes of everyone, Tokugawa Yoshinen solemnly lifted the skull and placed it on the neck of the huge headless body in front of him.

"Only my painting art that has been tempered and refined enough to reshape the soul, coupled with the body of ghosts and gods made by the spirit and blood of thousands of people, can it be perfectly resurrected! "

Then, he bowed to the ground 180 degrees humbly in a posture that was enough to break his waist: "Respectfully invite Dajiangshan Ghost King, Jiutun Boy, come."

As the dark red juice surged and wrapped the skull, a three-meter-tall red-haired man wearing armor and two horns on the head gradually emerged in the eyes of Mochizuki Che and Yu Mayumi.

Without warning, the man with red hair and red horns and ghost lines on his face opened his eyes.

"Good job..."

Ruo-substantial, incomparably wild ghosts and spirits, soaring into the sky from him.

"My Jiu Tun will, as the contract says, give you the Tokugawa family, eternal glory!"

His hideous blood pupils scanned the surroundings with a languid charm that made people unable to look away.

Dajiangshan ghost king, Jiutun boy, come again!

With the appearance of Jiutun Boy, a scent of wine mixed with fruit and rice diffused on the platform.

"So sweet..."

Inhaling a trace of the diffuse fragrance of wine, the nearest Mochizuki's face instantly turned red.

This is a kind of hot and sweet smell with rottenness in the sweetness, which makes people fascinated and willing to fall into it...

"This, what is this..."

He only felt that the world was spinning and it was even difficult to stand, and his original fighting spirit also collapsed.

It seems that every cell in the body is roaring frantically, as long as people can taste this thing, even if they fall into hell forever!

"Is this... God's poisonous wine?!"

What a poison this is, it is just a breath, with such terrible temptation and corrosive power!

"It seems that a living sacrifice was prepared for me? This is..."

At the same time, the three-meter-tall Jiutun boy frowned slightly, as if he had heard something that cared about.

In the blink of a blood pupil, his figure flashed, and he arrived in front of Wangyueche.

"Where did you know..."

That sturdy and irresistible arm had already been hooped around Mochizuki's neck, pressing him fiercely into the building on the side.

"...Is this the smell of spirits and spirits that I once drank?!"

Only this time, within Mochizuki's sturdy body, the bones had been shattered every inch.

"Are you a descendant of the Genji clan?"

It is said that Yuan Laiguang asked for the ghostly poisonous wine from the incarnation of the gods at the time. It is irresistible to the ghosts, but the effect is equivalent to the "death" poisonous wine.

It is by virtue of this jar of poisonous wine that the human race can retreat from the ghosts of the great rivers and mountains.

"No, no, I smell a familiar smell on you."

Just like examining a chicken and sheep waiting to be slaughtered in a market, Mochizuki's desperate face was reflected in Jiu Tun's scarlet and indifferent pupils.

According to the Tokugawa clan's classics from Hakone Mountain, the head of Shutondo is sealed in the tomb of Senjuin.

Originally Mochizuki led the team, just trying to find this thing.

Unexpectedly, this Kidegawa family not only secretly set up a divine hiding place here, but also successfully reshaped the body of a ghost and god, and resurrected the Jiudun boy!

"I happen to have something to do with this guy, so I immediately hand over my body...This is your only chance to survive!"

When Jiu Tun Boy was pinched in his hand, his bones were broken, his internal organs were exhausted, and his consciousness gradually blurred, a violent voice suddenly roared in Mochizuki's mind.

"I Ibaraki swears in the name of a great river and mountain that I will never take this opportunity to invade your body today!!!"

"Hey, that's the case, I believe you this time..."

With the last trace of strength, Mochizuki pulled at his waist.

"...Anyway, I have nothing to lose."

"Bang Dang."

The dilapidated samurai sword, which had been hung around his waist and never drawn out, fell to the ground.


"Why do you laugh?"

At the same time, Mochizuki, who was pinched by the Jiu Tun Boy, smiled crazily and twisted.

"You're not curious, how did he realize that it was a horrible wine?"

The scorched black on the right chest, with blood-red texture, silently spread to every inch of his skin.

"Because, in order to find your broken head, I have imprinted the smell of poisonous wine in my soul!"

The sharp fine teeth in the corners of the mouth, the long and narrow ear tips, the pair of purple horns on the forehead...

"A thousand years... even if there is only one head left..."

As Mochizuki's body full of purple inflammation rose to the sky, ghost characteristics similar to those of Jiutun Boy also began to appear in him.

A frenzied voice gradually overlapped with Mochizuki's original voice, and he screamed at the Jiu Tun boy in front of him that seemed to have spanned a thousand years: "I finally found you, Ibuki!"


Hearing this sound, Jiutun Boy was taken aback for a while, even his arm was burned by the purple inflammation, and there were scorched black cracks.

"I thought it was just an inferior product that inherited the power of thin blood..."

A second later, his handsome face with scarlet ghost patterns showed a meaningful smile.

"Unexpectedly, the Lord's spirit is actually in his arm, and he dare not even corrode this body?"

A face full of anger, engraved in memory, gradually overlapped with the "thin" human race in his hand.

"It's been a long time, my friend Ibaraki."

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