I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 571: Either Buddha or Ghost

"Asshole, if it wasn't for the knife, my uncle would have used this body..."


Before "Mochizuki Che" was finished, Jiu Tun Boy had lifted his body and threw it out like rubbish, smashing it into the broken building.

"...You who are like this now, if you dare to call that name that I have long abandoned, you should be ready to die?"

The whole body showed a weird and twisted "Mochizuki Che", rebounding at a high speed like a tennis ball being hit on the wall, and returned to Jiu Tun Boy.

It's as if he never left.

"It's useless to say more, you kind of perfidious guy, you don't deserve to call me a good friend!"

The person was still in the air, and he was unwilling to show weakness and punched the boy's face firmly with a punch...

"When you came from Mount Ibuki and won the title of ghost king from my hands, you promised to lead us to the world!"

"Obviously an appointment has been made, but I can only lose under my hands..."

"But because of coveting women and wine, I lost to a mere human, and ended up with no bones left and only a broken head!"

The power of his ghosts and gods and the lingering fists of the purple flame were so powerful that they even brought out the violent deformation of the hard cheeks of Jiutun Boy.

"...If it weren't for revenge against the human race and to regain your head, I would not hesitate to open Rashomon, drive Hyakki Yexing, and fight against the four major Onmyojis of Ping An Jing, how could I end up like this!"


The huge Jiutun Boy suddenly turned into a top, flew into the opposite mountain wall like a missile, and crushed several houses.

"Hey...that's really worth a drink."

The figure of Jiu Tun Boy slowly walked out of the collapsed rubble, his eyes became extremely sharp.

"Bah, although your fists are a lot softer than before, my body is not much better..."

He spit out bloody sputum to the side, and the gray ghosts and spirits all over his body burned into golden demon fire.

"I accept your challenge. The victory and defeat, which is owed for a thousand years, will be settled today!"

The power of the great rivers and mountains, the king of ghosts comes!

In this golden ghost fire, the circulation of the scriptures can be vaguely seen, with the chanting of the scriptures, making people want to bow down sincerely when they hear it.

Obviously it is a ferocious ghost fire, but it has the same origin and the same ancestry as Buddhism.

"Puff...hahahaha, the way of heaven is reincarnation, when you completely abandoned this body of Buddha power and devoted yourself to the way of ghosts and gods, did you ever think about what you lost and regained today?!"

Watching this scene, "Wangyue Che" laughed, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Tsk, Tokugawa's idiots... all blame the thing that nourishes this body, it has such a Buddha nature..."

Slowly spreading his palms, Jiutun Boy's blood-colored eyes reflected the golden ghost and Buddha fire burning in his palms, and the corners of his mouth curled in dissatisfaction.


Mount Ibuki, Daming Temple.

The beautiful, fair-skinned young child was sitting cross-legged in the upper part of the hall.

The pilgrims who came and went, respectfully lined up outside the temple, just to come to him, put their hands together in front of him, and pray in a low voice.

"Host, why do they worship me?"

The young boy looked at the old monk beside him inexplicably.

He doesn't understand.

Since it is said that all beings are equal, why should we decide to line up with the money of incense?

Obviously they are older and more knowledgeable adults, but they have to cry out to a child of their confusion and troubles, confess their sins, and ask themselves to recite the sutras to guide them on the path to bliss.

"Because you are the son of God given by God Ibuki, the only one who can listen to God's words."

"Is Buki Daimyoji?"

The child turned his head and looked at the statue behind him.

What appeared in his eyes was nothing more than a hideous strange stone with eight snake heads carved.

"Ibuki, it's time to chant."

The old monk on the side reminded softly.

"All aspects are vain. If you see all aspects, you will see the Tathagata..."

Whispering chanting the overtly familiar and cookie-cutter Buddhist scriptures, the young child's eyes slowly welled up with tears.

The tears of the god son made the pilgrims on the side even more emotional.

Human beings are so pitiful.

Seeing the people who kept kneeling in front of him, the young child shed tears and moistened his monk's robes.

There is no pure land of bliss at all, and I have never heard the voice of a god.

For powerful beings such as gods and Buddhas, weak humans are just like ants.

These people have lived for decades and have never cared about the life and death of the ants at their feet, but still can't figure out the simplest truth, seeking self-forgiveness in their fictional dreams.

The bell rings day after day, and the Buddhist scriptures year after year.

The years passed, the monks grew old, and the son of God remained.

Things in the market, leaving their homes, injustices, life and death...

The pilgrims went down the mountain with false consolation.

Only the changing and accumulating worries, resentments and sins of sentient beings, incarnate in evil karma, entangled in the heart of the son of God, whispering in his ear day and night.

Why is it necessary to be born as a son of God to inherit the karma of all beings?

His heart is open, faith is pure, and he is completely lost.

The crimson karmic fire burned in the heart of the god son, giving him ghost claws, sharp ears, long horns and crimson skin...

Only drinking and eating meat can temporarily extinguish this annoying flame.

After giving up the power of the Buddha, there is no more Ibuki in the world, only Jiu Tan.

These human races are really stupid.

The heart stops beating, the brain withers, the bones decay, and there is nothing to worry about...

All beings are dull, let the immortal and strongest I, come and save these poor beings.

After I fought in all directions and became strong enough that even the gods could not be ignored...

Will help you wait in the belly by the way, and ask the last sentence.


"Hmph, whether it is a Buddha or a ghost, it doesn't matter, let's do it!"

Recovering from his memory, Jiutun Boy unhurriedly spread his palms toward the empty space in front of him.

"Although this Buddha fire is indeed disgusting, it should be enough to deal with you now..."

"Stop talking nonsense, give me a shot!"

The huge impact spread in his palm.

The figure of "Wangyueche" with a purple streamer appeared in front of Jiutun Boy in hindsight.

His heavy punch happened to be held tightly in the palm of Jiu Tun Boy.

"...Good reception!"

As soon as the words of "Wangyueche" fell, Jiutun Boy's sandbag-big fist, carrying the fire of the golden demon Buddha, bombarded him intensively like raindrops.

"Mochizuki Che" was suddenly like a kite flying in a typhoon, his body was constantly twisting under the fist wind, but he couldn't escape because his fist was tightly held by the alcohol swallow.

"It's cool! See how I do this..."

In the dense and deadly punch, "Wang Yueche" showed a look of enjoyment.

Several purple flame ghost claws tear apart the void densely like rain, and squeeze it down with Jiu Tun Boy as the center.

"Oh? This trick still smells like it did back then..."

Licking the corner of his mouth greedily, Jiutun Boy continued to punch his fist, allowing these ghost claws to annihilate with the demon fire on his body.

"But for me, it's far from enough..."

"Hmph, I just can't bear it, I hurt you during foreplay."

Obviously the two men who were extremely dangerous and fought with their lives and knew each other's abilities so well, they were so happy, not evasive, and fisted to the flesh.

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