In the Shenyin of Xianshouyuan, gold and purple light flames intertwined into a ball, swiftly flowing between the buildings on the cave wall, bringing out a thunderous impact.

With the battle between Jiutun Boy and Wangyueche, the building continued to collapse wherever they passed.

"Unexpectedly, I was fortunate enough to prove that Ibaraki and Jiutun have violated the thousand-year battle..."

On the roof above the platform, Tokugawa Yoshinen did not know when he sat down at the desk again.

"Although it's just two remnant souls... But this situation and this scene can be drawn into the picture!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

Ignoring the invisible arrows that Xiaoniaoyuzhengong hit one after another, he lifted the paintbrush with a crazy look and started to copy the picture of "The Great War" below.

"Damn it, finally let me climb up, these bastards who steal the crotch and pull the feet..."

At the same time, a certain blond man with a gray-headed face and a bucket bag tied around his waist strenuously climbed up from the building complex below and looked at a long house surrounded by ghosts with concern: "Pooh, oh, Is the demolition going on... Xiaoniaoyou, are you okay?!"

"Ms. Araki, I'm fine, ordinary evil spirits cannot enter the realm of the gods..."

The voice of Tori Yu Mayumi rang through the communication channel.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The invisible arrow flew out of the window, turning the few ghosts that were stuck there and couldn't get in.

"But, you have to be careful, Tokugawa Yoshinen seems to have summoned the legendary Oni King Shutendo..."

"Jiutun Boy? ! Is it Caster or Assassin? How's your figure... Oh, it's a man, it's okay. 』

The pretty face of the girl peeked out from the window and looked worriedly at the golden purple flames that were constantly flowing and exploding in the building complex.

"Mochizuki Che's body also seems to have awakened an incredible existence. He is currently in a fierce battle with Jiu Tun... It's just that if they fight like this, this Shenyin may not be able to withstand the toss..."

At this moment, under the fierce battle between the two, the surrounding cave walls began to shake, and the buildings that turned into residues also fell like rain.

"I can't manage that much! The top priority is to solve the old man with chrysanthemum-eyed eyes who can only play tricks without slipping his hands, and then go out to support Sister Hanyu and the others!"

Araki Sosuke struggled to climb a roof and looked angrily at the culprit who made him almost fall into the abyss, Tokugawa Yoshinen.


As if feeling his malicious gaze, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who was drawing with a pen, snorted coldly, and reached out to touch the gray stone bowl on the table...

"Kacha Kacha..."

The building complex within 20 meters centered on Sosuke Araki shrank, rotated, and turned upside down neatly and abruptly, creating a large "vacuum zone" that cut off the possibility for him to continue climbing...

"This mean old man..."

Araki Sosuke also reacted extremely quickly. With his strong physical ability, he jumped to a roof in the distance and ran wildly in circles.

"...Do you think this is playing'If you are a man, go down a hundred floors'?!"

However, in the eyes of Toriyu Mayumi, it is as if those buildings that are constantly moving are chasing and suppressing Sosuke Araki...

"Investigation move faster..."Maria's Wall" has a new visitor coming..."

Just when Sosuke Araki was struggling to fight with these turbulent buildings, looking for an upward route, Mai Hanyu's less calm voice came from the communication channel.

"Sister Hanyu...what are you talking about, there is more than one thing?!"


Outside the Qianduo Valley Tunnel, beside the quiet road.


Behind the van, a thick sea and land with scotch tape stuck to the upper and lower eyelids, tears drained, and bloodshot eyes, staring blankly at the woman in white who is also motionless in front of her with narrowed eyes.

His eyes were immersed in endless acidity and his soul was completely drawn away. It seemed that he had suddenly realized a certain "selfless" state of meditation.

"On this day, the seekers of truth finally started the first close face-to-face battle with the source of the evil that eroded the world..."

Behind him, Mai Hanyu, who was back to back with him, had his big round eyes taped.

"...Even the ‘Evil Claw’ peeping secretly can only tremble in the hands of the source of the disaster."

Because, on the side of the road not far from her, stood a woman with long hair in white clothes who was exactly the same in front of Hou Hailu Dou.

She was playing the same "Wooden Man" game with Mai Hanyu with half of Katzlan's big eyes in the gap between her long hair.

"Hmph, the possibility that this weird will send a'clone' to the cursed individual alone, I was vaguely aware of it before..."

Unlike the "eyesight" exhausted and plunged into the abyss called "Blink will be choked to death, if you don't blink, you will be choked to death". Mai Hanyu, who has just put on the tape, stares at a distance with sexual enthusiasm. The woman in white with long hair covering her face has a sense of "competition" with each other.

Perhaps, she didn't realize that she had already won an overwhelming victory in certain areas alone.

"I really dare to say, elder sister, if you follow your theory of'publishing that name to the public to reduce the risk per capita' during the day, I am afraid that mankind is not far from extinction!"

"Moreover, instead of continuing to struggle with this weird rule, it is better to find a way to solve the desperate situation in front of you..."

"Originally I thought someone could "change shifts", so I could take the opportunity to blink, but now even you are like this..."

"Considering the large collection of signature books and countless hard disk data, should I take advantage of this and record a last word or something? 』

Listening to the words of Yuyu Wu's daily second grade, Hou Hailu Dou behind him started to mutter in despair.

Five minutes ago, when he and this woman in white clothes who suddenly appeared and had a habit of "door-to-door violent eyes" were in a stalemate...

Another white figure appeared unexpectedly in the green belt on the side of the road, flashing towards the two of them.

Had it not been for Mai Hanyu to react quickly, she would "electrically" live her with a pair of wintry eyes, I am afraid that the two of them have been brutally murdered by now...

"The rules are of course very important... Looking directly at the nature of the world hidden behind the appearance, although you may not be able to control the current situation, at least you can foresee a more tragic future..."

"More sack of feet, a more miserable future?" ! 』


Mai Hanyu fiddled with the "Eye of Reality" on her neck, and constantly "blindly patted" the "observation object" in front of her, uttering words that were unclear but made Hou Hailu Dou's heart cold.

"They are the prey, and we are the hunters! The flowers fade and die, and the name of the remaining petals is still indistinguishable...The bird who fell on the ground took pity on himself, and eagerly hoped that the wind would have a long-cherished wish..."

"Mosimosi, Uncle Shiben... You are on the way from Akihabara through the city, there are ten minutes left?"

Then, she calmly reached out and connected the phone that suddenly rang in her pocket.

"You know, my last hacker and I have been soaked in darkness to our necks, and may be completely overwhelmed by sudden waves at any time..."

"...Well, that's probably the case. If there is no contact after ten minutes, please physically destroy all the materials in the institute and tell my parents that I love them very much..."

"Sister, what are you talking about nonsense, don't use the inauspicious title of "The Last Hacker" casually!"

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