In addition to the broken clothes, Araki Sosuke's body was inevitably brought out by the stones with terrible bloodstains.

Although the appearance was a bit miserable, his pain nerves told him that the wounds under the dry blood stains were quietly repairing themselves.

On his broad and sturdy inverted deltoid muscles, his huge black arms swung like black wings, sweeping the densely packed ghosts from top to bottom to white light.

Regarding the immediate crisis, Araki Sosuke hadn't heard of it, his eyes fixed on the top of his head.

With the platform as the center, two groups of light and shadow, one purple and one gold, are repeatedly colliding together in the building complex, causing the entire space to vibrate like an earthquake.

And on the roof above, the Tokugawa Yoshinen who sits cross-legged and paints seriously, one of the six giant eyes, is always locked in the location of Araki Sosuke.

He seemed to realize that he could not confront Araki Sosuke head-on, so whenever the opponent approached a certain distance upwards, Tokugawa Yoshinen would control the mechanism to rotate, invert, and expand the surrounding buildings, causing Araki Sosuke to fall.

" will be finished sooner or later..."

With the collapse of the building and the continuous interference of ghosts, the space in which Araki can climb is constantly compressed, and soon he will face a situation where there is no climbing object to borrow.

"Sister Hanyu and Lu Dou, there must be nothing to do!"

The thought of Mai Hanyu and Houhailudou, two uninspired people, facing those weird white-clothed women alone, Araki Zongsuke felt a sense of being burned by fire in his heart.

"Ms. Araki, why don't I go out and try to attract Tokugawa Yoshinen's attention, you take the opportunity to climb up..."

On the channel, Yu Mayumi, who was constantly drawing bows in the longhouse barrier, tried to interfere with Tokugawa Yoshinen and shoot down the ghost next to Sosuke Araki, suggested.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to leave the barrier rashly, and it may not be effective!"

Araki Sosuke decisively rejected her aggressive proposal.

"But, so stuck, sister Hanyu and others..."

"Moreover, even if I climb up smoothly like a gecko, the sly guy might hide in other places and must unexpectedly get closer..."

Intuition tells Araki Sosuke that the solution is at hand, but he has never been able to catch the flash of that inspiration...

"There must be a way, think about it!"

Just as he was thinking about it, a roof that had just stepped on suddenly turned 360 degrees.


Seeing that the situation is not good, Araki Sosuke leaped high, and jumped towards the samurai Shikiya on the opposite side.

It seemed that he had predicted his thoughts. The only house in the distance that could be used as a foothold shrank first, leaving him with smooth walls.

"Ms. Araki!!!"

"Oops, careless..."

With one foot in the air, his entire back was down, and he fell into the endless abyss surrounded by the buildings below in the girl's exclamation.

This time, because he was far away from the cave wall, there was nothing around him that could lend him strength.

What's even more exaggerated is that dozens of ghosts actually jumped up high with his movements, and fell after his shadow in general.

"Damn it ah ah ah!!!"

In the midair, looking at the top of his head hidden by countless ghosts, Araki Sosuke seemed to be back on the night of the Bon Festival, when he was pushed up toward the gate of hell by the warrior of the Warring States period, but fell halfway through the desperate moment.

By the way, the last time I faced this situation, it seemed to be...

"Little Bird Yushi, I have a solution!!!"

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but yelled out: ", fast, shoot!!!"

"Shoo...what, what?!"

In the communication channel, a surprised and trembling reply from the girl resounded.

"I don't have the time to explain, hurry up and use your trick, what is the moon... shoot the July rain... in my hand!!!"


In the narrow long room, with the roar of Araki Sosuke, the confused-faced bird Yu Mayumi's leather black long knife hanging from her waist suddenly shook crazily...

"I see."

Tori Mayumi instinctively grasped the handle of the knife and drew out an extremely thick and huge bony arrow, which was placed on the huge bow in his hand like lightning.


This movement, she has practiced since she was a child, has long been inscribed in her bones, and she doesn't need to think about it.

"Himei Akagi, please respond to my request and guide me in the direction of Mr. Araki..."

At the moment the bow was drawn, the eight gou jade hanging on the door leaf and the green knots tied to her hair lighted up tacitly.

Maybe it's the closeness, or the more skilled relationship...

This time, she effortlessly locked in the green that she was thinking of.

"Stupid Mr. Araki, it's not Moon or something..."


As the bowstring deformed vigorously, a few drops of blood spattered from her fingertips.

"This type of secret arrow is called Yingwu!!!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

In the girl's anger, the bone arrow incarnation of Julie Yu disappeared into the long house out of thin air.

"Please...July Rain...We must catch up..."

Only the swaying bowstring and the little bird Yu Mayumi, who was almost unsteady, remained.


"Uh ah ah ah..."

"If I die, please keep a respect when collecting the body, don't cry and call me Araki sauce..."

Under the tomb of Xianshouyuan, under the faint green light shining, Araki Zongsuke fell at high speed toward the bottom of the endless abyss-like cave.

The buildings, platforms, and stairs that were receding all around became extremely slow in his eyes.

He even has free time to put on a leisurely "Tai-shaped" shape, and use his peripheral vision to survey the ground that is getting closer and closer under him.

When he and Toriyu Mayumi pushed in from that place with great pride before, they never thought that they would "revisit the old place" in such a posture.

Suddenly, the green knot on his wrist burst into bright white light.

"People, only lose when they give up fighting..."

Upon sensing something, a subtle smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth. Sosuke Araki unconsciously stretched out his right hand upwards, making an "O"-shaped virtual grip very skillfully...

"...As long as you keep fighting, you haven't lost yet!!!"

Then, a thick, long and round column appeared out of thin air smoothly, filling every inch of the space with perfect fit.

It was a shabby knife with a black leather handle!

The three magical weapons of Akagi, the demon sword, and the rain in July.

It was obviously the July rain shot from above by Tori Yu Mayumi, but he ignored the space and appeared directly in the hands of Sousuke Araki below!

"Yo roar!!!"

Holding the July Rain in his hand tightly, Araki Sosuke is like a bungee jumper who bounced from the bottom, his figure turned into a stream of light at a distance of one meter from the ground, and was "swish" taken upwards, disappearing into the darkness. middle.

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