"Hehehehe, it's finished...this new cross-epoch work, "Ibaraki"!"

Before sitting cross-over on the roof and drawing a case, Tokugawa Yoshinen, blinking with six huge bloody eyes on his face, let out an infatuated low smile.

On the still-inked drawing paper in his pen, there is a Jiu Tun boy with long red skin, long horns, broken clothes, "golden rod" standing in anger, and Buddha's flames soaring into the sky.

And the burly Jiudun boy with his back facing the hill, he used the thick and long "gold rod" between his legs to press down firmly under his body, but the purple flames are surging, unstrung, the muscles and muscles are entangled, and they are very small and thin. "Mochizuki Che".

This scene of Gile's naked and hand-to-hand combat of the Dajiangshan evil spirits is clearly on paper thanks to his ingenious painting skills.

"Next, I just need to take the incarnation of Na Ibaraki as the material and blend it into the painting..."


Before he finished speaking, the shaking of the building complex under Tokugawa Yoshinen's feet suddenly stopped.

When the dust settled, Jiutun Boy, three meters tall, with broken armor and exposed eight-pack abdominal muscles, appeared.

"Ouyi made me very happy, but...you lost again, Ibaraki..."

And the golden rod he used to press down extremely hard with his thick calf and locked his hands behind him was the "Wangyueche" who burned in the golden Buddha fire with many twisted limbs and resentful eyes.

"...For a thousand years, you still haven't beaten me once."

"Wangyueche"'s thick and black right arm had shrunk to the point of skinny at this moment, which was obviously very expensive.

This situation and situation are exactly the same as the paintings written by Tokugawa Yoshinen.

"Huh, it's all to blame for this kid's celestial body being too weak...not comparable to your ghost, god, and Buddha body..."

"Only this mouth is still as hard as ever... Next, it is the long-lost'Time to Punish the Loser'."

With thick fingers stroking the corners of the lips of "Wangyueche", the "upper" Jiutun boy said the words that made the opponent's trembling pupils show fear, nostalgia, shyness, unwillingness, sinking and other complex expressions: "You You should miss it too, right? It’s been a thousand years, Oeyama no Shiri asked..."

"Damn! One day, I will surely ride you under me as a winner!!!"

Lying on the ground, the purple flames all over his body were so weak that it looked like "Wangyueche" that was about to extinguish at any time, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

However, the situation is stronger than that of human beings. With his bones broken every inch, he only has the strength to speak cruelly, and he can't even move his fingers.

"Hey, it's this unyielding but sinking look, more intoxicating than good wine."

Seeing the hot expression of "Mochizuki Che" under him, Jiutun Boy's thoughts seem to have returned to a thousand years ago, scouting ghosts in the great rivers and mountains and sharing the prosperous time of the world.


Abandoned the robes, broken the beads, ruined the Buddha statue, the son of God is no longer.

Only the evil spirit Jiu Tun left, following the guidance in his heart, toward the place where the grievances are the strongest in the world.

The Brokeback Mountain ranges between humans and ghosts, and the center of the Danbo Peak is the place where Kyoto must pass from all over the world.

Here, banners are over the mountains, blood is flowing everywhere, people and ghosts fight day and night, and the battle is endless. It is a place of deep, dark, and illusion.

There are no clear rules, precepts, and elaborate etiquette.

Both people and ghosts are not the enemy of Jiu Tun Yihe.

Crushing the human heart, letting hot blood splash on his face and drunk into his throat, like the drizzle of Mount Ibuki, giving him a new lease of life.

The mountains and plains, the ghosts who enter the eyes, are all defeated, let him spur.

Even the god of mountains entrenched here can only become the cornerstone of his throne for proving to the ghosts and gods and self-proclaimed Dajiangshan ghost king.

However, over time, the once hearty killing and predation became boring.

Regardless of human beings or evil spirits, as long as the skin is torn to reveal the flesh and heart, it is generally the same as red or black.

Only the beauty with intoxicating wine, delicate skin and tender meat, and Ibaraki, who often comes to the house and gets whipped, but can only persist for three minutes at a time, can talk to alleviate their worries.


"Oh, it seems, do I have to draw an extra piece of "Private House Painting" today?"

Looking at the upcoming "Dajiangshan Daily Punishment PLAY" below, Tokugawa Yoshinen on the roof excitedly put on a new piece of human skin drawing paper and waited.

At the same time, a figure with black "double wings" appeared in his eyes from below at high speed like a Dapeng spreading its wings...

"This is……"

Tokugawa Fangnian's six eyes were too late to turn, and the figure had dragged the slender black line of resentment, flicking vertically from bottom to top, and disappeared into his line of sight.

"……So fast!"

Behind that figure, the green cave wall that was originally mapped under the faint green moss was stained with large swathes of white for some reason.

Looking closely, the ghosts and warriors he "created" were all standing in the building complex on the edge of the cave wall, their hands clasped together, glowing with fluorescence.

"Hey, just now up and down, left and right, front and back, in and out, I had a great time playing..."

The man's voice sounded abruptly above his head.

"When is..."

Slowly raising his head, Tokugawa Yoshinen's six pupils oscillated at the same time...

Above his head and his back stretched out a pair of blond men with huge "black wings" covering the sky and the sun. They were tilting their heads, holding a bald knife handle, bursting blue veins on their foreheads, and staring at him with murderous eyes.

On the hilt of the knife, the blazing black flame lingered on the invisible object, flaming up, turning into an exaggerated flame blade.

"You, you shouldn't be below, why are you above..."

The hot white flames under the other's eyes, the sculptural body, the tattoos burning like breathing, and the eighteen-meter-long black flame sword in his hand...

Tokugawa Yoshinen, who has painted countless ghosts in his life, and even Jiudun Boy can be resurrected through painting art, only feels that for the first time, he has really seen a life-desiring ghost returning from hell.

"Your Excellency, what is it?"

He stretched out his hand subconsciously, trying to touch the stone bowl on the side, but he couldn't move because of the palpitations of the predator's eye.


The rising momentum slowed down, and Araki Sosuke leaned down and fell on his toes, and landed steadily on the roof where Tokugawa Yoshinen was.

"This thing is used to manipulate this hidden god, right?"

Ignoring Tokugawa Yoshinen's intention at all, Sosuke Araki and the other side passed by. When he came to the painting, he reached out and picked up the gray stone bowl on the tabletop.

Tokugawa Yoshinen's behavior of stroking the gray stone bowl with indescribable methods has already been seen in his eyes.

Coupled with the rune guidance on the "Bamboo Drawing Scroll", it is self-evident that this thing is the "Secret Treasure of the Moon".

The moment the stone bowl was picked up, the "Bamboo Drawing Scroll" hung around his waist, like a giant lamp tube, burst out with dazzling white light.

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