
The chilly bells occasionally touched Moon Shadow Qiancao's icy skin from time to time, making a crisp and sweet sound.

"You knew already……"

"You knew already……"

"You knew already……"

"You knew already……"

Under the long hair, the women who couldn't see the face clearly eroded the last trace of his will with low and hoarse voices while "serving" with their hands.

Ten minutes ago, when Moon Shadow Chikusa, whose "Shadow Power" was exhausted, locked the woman in white with her eyes, and took the opportunity to restore the CD...

Another woman in white clothes who did not know when she appeared, caught him by the neck unexpectedly from behind, directly causing him to weaken to the ground weakly.

Had it not been for a meager power of faith to protect his body, I am afraid that he would be like the neighbor last night, his eyes burst and died.

Even so, after being pinched by the two terrifying white-clothed women at the same time, Moon Shadow Qiancao also completely lost the ability to act, and could only rely on the power of faith that was slowly consumed in the body, lying on the ground to linger.

As time passed, Yueying Qiancao discovered a terrible thing.

Along with the temperature and liquid in his body, what was squeezed out by the hands of the woman in white, there is also a trace of faith...

And the dark resentment that lingered on the opponent's body, unexpectedly began to show signs of turning from black to gray.

This weirdness is actually trying to plunder the power of faith in his body, trying to become a ghost and god!

Moreover, as the power of faith fades, more and more white figures are surrounding him to provide "door-to-door service".

After the palms that were pierced by the red rope, they began to explore other gaps in his body that could be filled. On the contrary, he, who was about to collapse in spirit, became more sober.

"That's it, is it the end?"

Looking at the bright moon in the night sky and feeling the endless emptiness in her body, Moon Shadow Qiancao couldn't help laughing at herself.

Be smart, thinking that if you step into the realm of "gods", you will be able to transcend the world and step the world under your feet...

But I never thought that virtue is not worthy. Even if I have the power of faith and have no power to bind a chicken, I am only worthy of being an "experience baby" in the face of these truly evil existences.


With the increase in the number of "services", the "costs" that need to be paid for this imperial multi-person service will naturally become more expensive.

"...I really don't have a drop left."

With a trembling wailing, the weak power of faith in Yueying Qiancao was about to run out.

Next, what awaits him, must be the fate of "burst" of eyeballs.

No one would have thought that the weird maker IBM700 and the "Hell Revolution" who opened the door of hell and shrouded Tokyo in darkness would be surprised by an inexplicable person on the corridors of such poor and old bachelor apartments. Wild and weird, use this aggrieved way to end a life of sin.

"Well, that's it."

He suddenly felt that this comedic ending seemed pretty good.

At least, it's cheap to die under such a superb technique.

This was the last thought when Moon Shadow Qiancao's consciousness disappeared and his eyes began to congestion slowly.


"Sorry... Investigation Corps... Maria's Wall... can't hold it..."

The speed of the galloping warrior warriors inside the Thousand Valley Tunnel is rapidly declining.

Seeing a large group of white figures with long hair covering their faces constantly flashing in the rearview mirror, the expression on Mai Hanyu's face became solemn, like the commander of a starship about to be destroyed.

"The number of enemies has exceeded our expectations..."

Behind him, the human wall called "Despair" made up of white figures completely cut off the space where the warrior warriors who couldn't jump turned around and broke through.

It was only a matter of time to move on and be caught up by the group of women in white clothes behind.

"Sister Hanyu... if you can't hold it, you have to hold it...we'll be here soon!"

On the communication channel, Araki Sosuke's panicked voice came.

"Sister Hanyu... have you seen the rune paper I stuck along the tunnel wall? Go to the last rune paper, and the torii is there!"

Perhaps because of the closer distance, after entering the tunnel, even the sound of communication is much clearer.

"After going in and out so many times, of course I will remember the position of every G spot...but..."

Hearing the reminder of Tori Yu Mayumi, Mai Hanyu had a touch of helplessness in her eyes.

That position, from where I am now, it will take about twenty seconds to reach it.

Twenty seconds, it sounds trivial, but the white human wall that is getting closer behind her does not even plan to give her this time.

"The Sleeper... At this moment, I have an important question that I must ask you..."


"If this time can be passed safely..."

As soon as the conversation turned, Mai Hanyu suddenly switched to a brisk tone and asked an unexpected question: "Will you marry me?"

"Knot... asshole!!!"

Faced with her sudden "send proposition", Araki Zongsuke in the communication channel froze for a while, and suddenly roared: "This is the time. FLAG!!!"

"Tsk, have you been discovered? Your answer time is about ten seconds..."

Mai Hanyu chuckled and spoke with a calm tone as before.

"After the hacker Lu Dou's eyes bloom like fireworks, I will follow...at least before he died, let me hear something that makes people happy..."

"Damn it, why, as a virgin and a dead house, I must die in such a dark place with sour eyes blooming!" ! ! 』

"The answer is... Then you can listen to me."

Ignoring the cry of the thick sea and land in the background, Sosuke Araki interrupted Mai Hanyu's words with a low voice.

"Anyway...you have to hold on to me...if you leave like Kopei..."

"...I will marry Yuuji Kotori in situ...and the wedding will be held in front of your grave!"

"Ah?! But, but I still..."

Amidst the exclamation of Yu Tori Mayumi, he gave the answer that instantly silenced the communication channel.

"There are also warriors in the Sengoku period... If you guys dare to lose the chain at a critical moment... just wait to be sold out and sold to the recycling bin!!!"

"You really dare to say, the sleeper..."

The despair in Mai Hanyu's eyes was suddenly ignited into fiery anger.

"This answer makes me not reconciled at all, it's so cheap for you!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

As if feeling someone's "threat", the warrior of the Warring States Period, whose body was dimmed by the lava fire, let out a crazy roar, speeding up again as if returning to the light.

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