I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 584-The Choice of Cosmic Consciousness


After exploding hundreds of meters, the warrior of the Warring States period seemed to have exhausted the last power, braked with a precise drift, and stopped steadily in the middle of the tunnel.

On the side of the cave wall, there was a string of yellow talisman paper that stopped abruptly like the finish line.


After Mai Hanyu and Houhailuto jumped off the car, the heavy locomotive fell to the ground feebly, and even the shaking of the engine became extremely weak.

"Sister, what are you doing in a daze, run..."

Hou Hailu Dou didn't dare to look back at all, and crawled, bumped and stumbled back along the sidewalk to escape for his life.

"Huh, a needless struggle."

Unlike someone wriggling on the ground awkwardly, Mai Hanyu turned around calmly and looked fearlessly in the direction she came.

What followed was the woman in white who swept across the tunnel like a tsunami and covered the entire tunnel.

"Why, I always feel that this spectacular scene seems to have been seen countless times."

There was an extremely coquettish smile on her face, as if someone else was about to be overwhelmed by this "white wave" at this moment.

"Investigation Corps, please remember... for the sake of humanity, science and truth... As a mad genius scientist, I have no regrets..."

"Hold on, we'll be here soon... You can't do anything without my consent!"

"Speaking of which, does that mean to leave us grievances and regrets? ! 』

"Tingling, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle..."

"You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you I know, you know, you know, you know, you know..."

As the "white tsunami" approached, the intensive whispers and the sound of bells instantly drowned the roar of Sosuke Araki in the communication channel.


Just as the two were about to be swallowed by the white waves approaching at high speed, a crisp camera shutter sounded in the tunnel.

In Mai Hanyu's chest, among the ravines that seemed to be able to swallow everything, a black thick cylindrical object suddenly rotated, jumped, stretched, and protruded like bloodshot.

Then, intense white light gleamed on her chest, illuminating the dark tunnel like daylight...

The moment the white light flashed, the arm that was less than three meters away from the two of them, stretched out straight like seaweed, and hung with red ropes and bells, as well as the long black waterfall hair and huge dark eyes behind them, were all visible.

The waves stopped.

After the white light disappeared, the "human-shaped tsunami" composed of countless women in white clothes, as if the pause button was pressed, still maintained the posture of choosing people and eating, and solidified in the middle of the tunnel.

"This...this is..."

"Time stop series? ! 』

Thick Hailu Dou, who was pouting his buttocks and holding his head waiting to die, turned his head in a little surprise, his eyes dull through his fingers, watching the weird scene in front of him.


Mai Hanyu, who stood up straight and had her head down, didn't even glance at the magnificent and terrifying sight in front of her.

From beginning to end, her hands have been calmly hanging on her side, without any movement.

"This must be the choice of cosmic consciousness!"

Her scorching gaze fell straight on the black cylinder swallowed by her own Mariana Trench, only protruding from a thick long round head...

"Eye of Reality-Prototype".

No, maybe it should be called now, "Eye of Reality-Prototype-Automatic Shutter Edition".

Five seconds later, at the moment when the two of them stared at the "white waves" and slowly stepped back...


The crowd of white figures moved again.


After the crisp shutter sound, Mai Hanyu flashed the flash on her chest again.

After the white light flashed, a "white wave of people" just surging forward, solidified again.

"Oh, it's pretty capable... It's no waste that I feed you so stout..."

As if she had discovered a new toy, Mai Hanyu picked up the SLR in her hand, and gently stroked the black and long lens with approval.


However, only three seconds later, the huge wave of white people began to pounce on the two people who continued to retreat again.


"Although the specific principle is not yet clear, the effect is obviously diminishing..."

This time, Mai Hanyu took the initiative to press the shutter, and once again solidified the overwhelming group of women in white who were trying to pinch.

"Hacker Lu Dou, you go first...As the director, I must shoulder the responsibility at this time!"

She simply stopped, in a face-to-face confrontation, holding the camera at the "white waves" that were about to move in front of her.

"If it is destined, let's meet again in the new world after the end of the holy war..."

"Remember to pass on my beliefs to every generation of Truth Researchers!"

With his back to the thick sea and land, Mai Hanyu's white coat is flying like fire in the night wind that penetrates the tunnel!

"Old sister..."

With this majestic posture, the crystal clear surging in the eyes of Hou Hailu Dou, followed her to a halt.

"Although your back and lines are very handsome now, just a few seconds of escape time is not enough for me to spread your beliefs anywhere..."

"Tingling, jingle, jingle..."

Just as the two "confessed their last words", the waves of white people in front of them began to surge again.

"You know...you know...you know..."

Countless hungry arms and hateful eyes behind the long hair rushed toward the two men violently.


Continuous shutter sound, under the skillful pressing of Mai Hanyu's white fingers, crazily sounded in the tunnel.

Even so, due to the declining effect of the unexplained stagnation of the "Eye of Reality", although the white waves in front of them have become the "0.2x speed version", they are still irresistibly depressed towards the two with a natural disaster-like momentum. .

"This time, it's really over...DR. PEPER is delicious, and I can't read enough books..."

Looking at those extremely hungry and thirsty hands spreading toward them in advance, they fell on their backs, completely unable to crawl afterwards, and madly sprayed the thick sea and land in the trouser legs with yellow water jets, and said that he was an otaku. The last wailing: "I really don't want to die before I use up the 10,000 boxes of tissues in the warehouse!!!"

Being blocked by the dense white-clothed woman in the dark tunnel, he couldn't help but recall that he was surrounded by people from the "Milk Tea Gang" under the Sankou Group in the narrow "Beware! Haunted House Appraisal" shop. Layered scene.

That time, if it hadn't been for Mr. Araki who came to find a job with a recruitment flyer, he and the old sister might have been "kidnapped, abused, sold to the red light district, and thrown to the Tokyo port through one-stop service."

The only difference is that this time, the old lady did not use him as a shield, but stood in front of her.

Just when Hou Hailu Dou had finished explaining his last words, his squishy brain began to think wildly, and looked back on his "rich and juicy" life in general...

"Sorry for the wait."

A tall black shadow smashed the space on the sidewalk, and before the white wave suddenly appeared, it easily lifted Mai Hanyu, who was about to be submerged, with one hand.

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