I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 585 Unlimited Eyes Works II

"Who makes the protagonist always appear at the last minute..."

Suddenly appearing between Mai Hanyu and the crowd of women in white clothes was a blond man with a blindfold hanging on his forehead, his upper body covered with tattoos, and his sculptural muscles.

At this moment, his naked upper body was covered with dried blood, the sweatpants barely covering his lower body were almost turned into cloth strips, and the sneakers under his feet were long gone...

This gray-headed face looked like a refugee who had just crawled out of the earthquake rubble.

And this man's strong arms are holding two women on the left and right.

The maiden with a slender figure, pale face and dull eyes, who seemed to have never recovered from her.

Mai Hanyu, who is full of bumps, pale in feverish expression, and even has time to hook the man's neck naturally.

"Sure enough, on the opposite side of the one percent wall, the real ending must exist..."

"The only thing I didn't expect was that while this guy was hugging me, he still dared to hold other women in his hands. 』

Indifferent to being picked up suddenly, Mai Hanyu still stared at the "white waves" in front of him, and the stalwart mind heaved violently because of relief.


Although the opponent turned his back to himself, Hou Hailudou recognized the identity of the person from the undulating muscle lines of the hill, the black Bodhisattva tattoo occupying the broad back, and the powerful arms that hugged left and right.


The two people who appeared out of thin air in the tunnels of Chidagoya rushed all the way, returning along the original road, and from the torii gate back to the tunnel, Sosuke Araki and Yu Mayumi Kotori.

In order to get back as quickly as possible, Araki Sosuke held the witch in his arms and stomped on the sneakers directly, along the spiral staircase of the tomb of Senshouyuan, like playing "If you are a man, go down a hundred floors." Don't let the strata jump down.

Up to this moment, the little bird Yu Mayumi in his arms was still spinning around and his stomach was surging because of the excitement of the journey beyond the roller coaster, and he didn't recover at all.

She finally knew how Sosuke Araki rushed down Hakone Mountain and caught the sniper over a distance of two kilometers in Toyama Park last night.

With his back to the two of them, Araki Sosuke, whose chest was slightly heaving due to gasping, turned to look at the "white wave" that was about to drown himself and the two in his arms...

"In other words, the scale of this'home service' is really spectacular."

Standing with Sosuke Araki, who is covered with tattoos, tangled muscles, and looks like a fierce dog, the weird women in white in front of him are more like persecutors.

"Not to mention that you wanted to hurt my noble creditor without consent..."

What everyone beside him couldn't notice was that from the moment he appeared in the tunnel, his golden and black pupils had been burning with white flames out of the frame.

"Dingling...you got it...dingling...you got it...dingling...you got it...dingling...you got it..."

"It's so noisy..."

The countless black-haired women who covered her face and stretched out her hands stared at her with her dark pupils, and noisy whispers and bells lingered in her ears...

Araki Sosuke immediately conditioned his reflex, raised his nostrils like muscle memory, slightly frowned, and his entire face exuded a hundred times more murderous aura in the shadow of the backlight...

"I hate it the most... Others stare at me with this look!"

Steel is the eye, the gaze is like a torch,

The eyes are sharp as iron, and the pupils are like colored glaze.

There have been more than a thousand eyes on Zeng,

Countless horizontally and horizontally, undefeated.

Not known by death, nor known by life.

It's just not a confidant.

I have suffered pain and defeated countless eyes,

He always stands on the mound of eyes, drunk alone in victory.

However, all that is left is nothingness.

Therefore, this life is meaningless.

So as I pray, "Infinite Eye System".

Then this body is destined to be born for the eyes!

A white light, centered on Araki Sosuke's eyes, blasted towards the surroundings, instantly covering everything in his line of sight.

Inherent enchantment, [UnlimitedEyesWorks].

Being penetrated by this hole, impeccable, as if countless horrible eyes burst out in an instant, the women in white clothes who formed a wave of white people in front of them, their actions solidified in an instant.

This woman in white knelt to the ground abruptly, retracted her folded hands to her chest, and drooped down her head with long black hair covering her face religiously...

Since the interior of the Chidagoya Tunnel is not wide, it weakens their quantitative advantage, so that Araki Sosuke can have a panoramic view of them at a glance, without leaving a single glance.

So now they are kneeling in four rows...


Starting from the one in the front, the white-clothed women trembled slightly, and then burst into strands of gray aura one by one.


For a moment, the inside of the tunnel seemed to have burst numerous balloons, and it was filled with a strong spirit of ghosts and spirits.

A few seconds later, the white waves of humans that originally covered the entire tunnel had already turned into gray mist and poured into Sousuke Araki's body.

"Wujiang...who else...is it okay?!"

Behind the tunnel, Ichiro Tokimoto was stunned, sitting on the back of the cocoon and rushing all the way.

"Laozi's name is Hou Hailu Dou...Please remember the name of my nephew at least once before I rushed to the street!"

Ichiro Shimoto was relieved when he heard the screams of a nephew whose name he did not remember from a distance.

The name doesn't matter, it's fine if you don't die.

"Wait, it's weird...you'll become a Buddha?!"

His gaze fell to the center of the empty tunnel and immediately solidified.

A woman in white is kneeling respectfully on the road with her hands folded, her whole body glowing with white light.

The only difference is that the long dark hair can no longer cover her face.

Under the long hair, there is a pair of big dark eyes that are different from ordinary people, a little deformed, and an unexpectedly ordinary but clean face.

The woman spoke silently and said something to Sosuke Araki, which then turned into a light spot and dissipated in the tunnel.

"Is that so? It seems that this name has brought you too much pain..."

Recovering from the other party's words, Araki Sosuke showed a look of emotion.

"Very courageous, the Sleeper..."

Mai Hanyu, who was still hooking someone's neck and resting in his arms, showed a teasing smile.

"Holding other women in your arms, and rushing over in such a hurry, do you just want to hug the left and the right?"

"Then, that, Mr. Araki, you can let me down."

The bird Yu Mayumi, who was also in the arms of Sosuke Araki, came back to his senses, and his face was flushed with transparency.

"Great, sister Hanyu and Houhai-kun are all safe and sound..."

Embarrassingly, she loosened the hands that held Araki Sosuke's neck and leaped gently to the ground before she was greatly relieved.

After seeing the horrible "white waves" that were superimposed just now, that even the spirit removers couldn't deal with, she could imagine how much pressure the two siblings, who were ordinary people, had endured during this period.

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