Looking around the empty and gradually collapsed Immortal Shouyuan, Wangyueche frowned.

"Araki Sosuke... Kotori Yu Mayumi... Did they swallow alcohol..."

At least not seeing the corpses of those two people is barely good news.

"No, it's not that simple. Although Sosuke Araki retired from the rule of Tokugawa Yoshinen, Shuton was one of the strongest ghosts and gods in the Heiankyo era..."

"Or, did they manage to escape, thus leading Jiu Tun out of this Shenyin?"

"Om... Om..."

With a mind full of questions, he pushes away the rubble hard, propped up his body, and walked in the direction of the buzzing sound among the dust.

Under the rubble, a dilapidated short sword was constantly vibrating.

It was his saber, the mustache cut.

"No matter what, I can only leave first before talking."

Just as Mochizuki picked up the moustache cut and was about to escape from this constantly collapsing space...


As he moved, he kicked something stout.

"This...this is..."

In the faint green dust, a pair of horns shining with scarlet light were lying there quietly.

Mochizuki Che seemed to see something incredible, shaking his whole body and picked up the pair of scarlet horns from the dust.

"Jiutun Boy's...horn?"

The Jiutun boy, who was more than three meters high, with golden demon fire burning all over his body, red face and red horns, with a gun and a stick, came to his mind.

"So that's the case, it's my mistake..."

Fighting against each other several times, he would never admit this pair of ghost horns wrong.

"Songsuke Araki, Mayumi Kotori, you are very strong!"

The appearance of this thing here can only explain one thing.

"Although I don't know why this thing stayed here... But, Mochizuki has inherited this love!"

The ghost god Sake Tonbo who was resurrected by the Tokugawa family has been retired by the two people from the Association of Spirit Eliminators!

"I am not qualified to waste a single opportunity..."

With a struggling expression in his eyes, Mochizuki took a deep breath and reached out to hold the mustache cut on his waist.


In the dust, two blade lights flashed, bringing up the blood.

"Uh...hahahaha, old man..."

Then, Mochizuki snarled, depressed and hurt like a beast.

"Hi... this thing... I won't leave it to you if I die... ah ah ah!"

It seemed that he was experiencing something extremely painful.


Above the tomb of Xianshouyuan.

"No, the digging is too slow. Haven't the construction machinery and the blasting device been transferred?"

More than a dozen members of the "Disaster Prevention Mobility Team" in combat uniforms are holding engineer shovel, digging in a large black pit several meters deep.

"Already on the road, it is estimated that there will be twenty minutes in place!"

"Damn it, twenty minutes... Captain Mochizuki..."

Hearing this news, a team member at the side of the pit showed an unwilling look, and the engineer shovel in his hand swung even faster...

Nearly an hour ago, due to heavy casualties, under the cover of Mochizuki Che, they withdrew to the tomb above before the wave of ghosts hit.

Since the communication with Mochizuki Che was interrupted after an explosion, after a short break and replenishment of manpower, they were ready to enter that weird space again to provide support.

However, the huge cave exposed after the opening of the stone door under the tomb, I don't know what happened, but closed again.

Even if they used micro-explosives to blow open the stone gate that served as the base of the tomb, they only got a pile of broken stones.

No matter how digging down, there is nothing else under the stone gate except for the moist and smelly mud.

It seems that the entrance to that divine hidden space has completely disappeared, severed from the outside world.

"How about it, hasn't this entrance of the gods been reopened yet?"

Amidst the sound of the engine and the closing of the door, a thin old man in a black kimono entered the tomb under the guard of several men in suits.

"Director Mochizuki..."

Seeing the visitor clearly, the leader of the Rangers bowed slightly, revealing a self-blaming expression.

"Sorry, if it were not to cover our retreat, Captain Mochizuki would not stay alone in that terrible place..."

He naturally recognized the old man in front of him.

Mochizuki's "grandpa", the head of the Mochizuki clan, and the director of the Supernatural Institute, Mochizuki Koji.

Although the Supernatural Research Institute and the Disaster Prevention Team are not on the same line, it is because of Mochizuki's relationship that they can obtain the latest spy equipment produced by the research institute in the name of "assisting experiments". And medicine.

"You don't need to blame yourself, the most urgent thing is to find and reopen that divine hiding place as soon as possible."

Mochizuki Yasushi nodded, walked tremblingly to the edge of the big pit, put on the spirit detective goggles and looked carefully.

On his calm face, he did not see the slightest worry about the "grandson" who was trapped in the hidden place.

"Director, the equipment has been set up."

Behind them, several men took out an instrument full of antennas and installed it in the center of the pit.

"Well, all of you go back first, I will try to break through the blockade of this divine hidden place."

Following his words, everyone retreated beyond the pit.

After Mochizuki took out the tablet and set various parameters, he pressed the start button.

A circle of black energy spread out around the machine, covering the entire pit ground.

The space at the bottom of the pit immediately distorted and flickered like an old film movie.

"That...that is..."

Below the deep pit that was originally only mud, a huge space with dark green and deep interior and full of slanted Edo buildings, with the distortion of black energy, flashed past everyone's eyes like a phantom.


Immediately, the machine at the bottom of the big pit came out with black smoke and went on strike.

"Although this device is still in the experimental stage, it stands to reason that it should be able to be destroyed forcibly when the entrance of the gods is accurately grasped..."

Looking at the restored big hole, Mochizuki Yasuji narrowed his eyes, obviously not very satisfied with the situation in front of him.

"Could it be that Shenyin's own spatial structure in that place is already unstable, so it can't maintain the passage?"

"Boom... boom..."

When everyone looked at the deep pit silently and disappointedly, the ground suddenly vibrated slightly.

There seems to be something terrible, about to come out of the cage.

At the edge of the tomb, a tombstone began to shake violently without warning...


The team members who had experienced the previous raid on the tomb slaves keenly aimed their guns at the tombstone and spread it out carefully.


The tombstone collapsed and shattered into one place...

The dust was uncertain, a thin, black, bone-like arm suddenly protruded from the grave below!

"Ready to fire..."

"Wait, I might as well take another look."

Just when the players were preparing to shoot a salvo, Mochizuki Koji seemed to see something and stopped them.

"Kacha, Kacha..."

Between the mud and rubble, a bare-chested, scarred, bald man, with his hands on the ground, crawled out of the tomb with difficulty.

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