"Wang... Captain Mochizuki?!"

Seeing the dusty saber around the man's waist, several team members immediately exclaimed, but hesitated.

Under the moonlight, it was not Mochizuki's arms of different thickness and black and white that stopped everyone.

But on both sides of his forehead, there are two stubby red ghost horns standing like demons, and the simple red ghost patterns that appear from time to time on the surface of his body.

Mochizuki at this time looked like an evil spirit freshly unearthed from the grave as if he was performing "Return of the Living Dead".

"Examine him all..."

Mochizuki Koji waved his hand, and several men immediately surrounded him with stretchers and instruments.

"You better... don't come here..."

A man just approached Mochizuki Che's side, intending to lift him up, suddenly flushed, smiling as if drunk, and fell to the ground softly.

"Sorry, I can't control this rushing breath for the time being..."

Around his body, there was an imperceptible sweet smell lingering around.

"Don't worry, I can't die."

Mochizuki, who was lying on the ground, struggled to prop up his body, and his eyes burned at Mochizuki, who was not far away.

"It's really flattering to actually come here in person by Patriarch Lao."

Ignoring Mochizuki's mocking words, Mochizuki Koji passed his gaze to the grave where he had crawled out.

"Don't look at it, the divine hidden place below has fallen into disrepair, unable to withstand the toss, and collapsed."

"What did you encounter in this hidden place?"

Mochizuki Yasushi sighed, his puzzled eyes fell on the crimson ghost horns above Mochizuki's head.

"As recorded in the ancient books, the Kindgawa clan hid'this thing' underneath, and left a ghost and god who likes to paint to guard the tomb..."

Mochizuki smiled grimly, and reached out to touch the pair of stubby red horns on his head: "I can't beat that ghost, I can only let the guy out of my arm."

"As for my body, it's already like this after waking up..."

"So, it's the remnant soul of Ibaraki who used'Mustache Cut' without authorization?"

Mochizuki Yasushi drooped his eyelids, and there was no expression on his wrinkled face.

"It's not that he can have anyone else, that Shenyin has already begun to collapse, if it weren't for me to run fast, I'm afraid I would stay there forever."

"Even if you released that guy, you made it look like this. The bane planted by the Kidekawa clan is really not that simple..."

"Although it is a little different from the expected way, at least I got the contents inside. 』

Looking at Mochizuki's bony-like black right arm and the pair of red horns on top of his head, Mochizuki Koji slowly turned around and strode towards the gate of the tomb, as if he believed his words.

"Go back and talk about it. It seems that the association's group of people are patrolling the tunnels below. Clean up the scene here, so don't let people discover the clues."

Looking at the trembling back, a touch of cunning and fear flashed in Wangyueche's eyes.

"By the way, before you stabilize and adapt to the new ‘organ’..."

Suddenly, Mochizuki Yasuji stopped, and turned his head to look at Mochizuki with a deep sense of meaning, causing his face to stretch slightly.

"Pause all activities and stay in the research institute for recuperation."


With a pretentiously weak promise, Mochizuki's back was already covered with cold sweat.

This old man who couldn't perceive any spiritual power in his body, and a gust of wind could blow his breath, to him, was a more terrifying existence than the ghost God Jiudun.

Because, since he and Mochizuki Ayano, and even his parents' generation, Yasuji Mochizuki has been such an old and lifeless appearance.


Saitama Prefecture, Wako City, single apartment.


In the endless darkness, the middle-aged Obasan exclaimed from the ears of Yueying Qiancao that resounded through the corridor.

"There is a pervert!!!"

Immediately, there was the "bang, bang, bang" door opening and the noisy conversation of the crowd.

It's so noisy, let people not sleep...

"Mr. Moon Shadow... are you okay... wake up..."

A vigorous shaking awakened Lunar Shadow Qiancao, who was cold and drowsily sleeping.


After sneezing and rubbing his eyes, he adjusted to the slightly dazzling dawn in front of him.

"Mr. Moon Shadow, why are you sleeping outside, do you need help calling an ambulance?"

The property management staff in suits was squatting in front of him, looking at him worriedly.

"I just received a complaint from a tenant saying that there was an exhibitionist in the corridor. I had already called the police before I came over and found that it was you..."

The property management staff happened to recognize this "naked" resident in the corridor.

After all, the household next to Yueying Qiancao had encountered a terrible murder the day before yesterday, making this bachelor apartment building one of the most famous murder houses.

If anything happens to the resident in front of him, it is estimated that the contracted property company will not be able to recover.

Behind the staff, several women dressed as OL who went to work in the morning, and middle-aged Obasan carrying a basket, were covering their blushing cheeks with their hands, scanning him with scorching eyes through their fingers. Then, it seemed that he hadn't noticed the fact that he was about to be late at all.


Moon Shadow Qiancao turned his head slowly with a dull expression, and his gaze stayed on a lonely bath towel in the corner.

Then, he stiffly lowered his head and looked at his naked body, which was bursting with holy light in the morning light...

He suddenly understood it, and the female residents around him had long and ambiguous smiles on their faces.

"That... please don't get me wrong, I am definitely not an exhibitionist or pervert..."

Encountering the "death scene of a large community" in front of him, Tsukage Chikusa followed the impulse to use the power of shadow to escape, covering his lower body, picking up the bath towel, and wrapping his body in one go...

"I just... sleepwalking... yes, I just have the bad habit of sleepwalking... hahahaha..."

Pale explained weakly, he quickly ran back to his apartment room in the eyes of everyone.


Closing the door amidst the discussion, Moon Shadow Qiancao leaned on the door as if she was relieved, reaching out her hand in fear and touching her neck.

"I'm not dead... why..."

Recalling the terrible experience last night, his brain went blank.

"Those stuff..."

The terrible sense of suffocation that was squeezed crazily by the group of women in white last night still lingered in his mind.

"Did you deliberately let me go, or couldn't digest my supernatural power and played off by yourself?"

The joy of the rest of your life dilutes the shame of social death.

As for the terrible weirdness, whether he deliberately saved his life and wanted to train himself to be a juice man who was squeezed regularly, or something else happened, I am afraid it can only be verified by time.

After experiencing all this, Moon Shadow Qiancao was deeply grateful that planning to move out today in advance was a very wise decision in every sense.

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