Chiba Prefecture, Hinamizawa Village.

It was late September, and Fengye, which was full of mountains and plains, still retained its emerald green color, dazzling under the sun falling in the forest.

Located at the border of Chiba Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture, this small mountain village surrounded by greenery and farmland has welcomed "uninvited guests" today.

A black business car stopped at the entrance of the village.

"Hey, the license plate says "Shinagawa"...Where did it come from? "

"Shinagawa District, of course it's in Tokyo, idiot, that's a place that my uncle will conquer in the future!"

The three young children who were frolicking on the side of the road saw the car stop and turned over like a frightened bird and hid in the green belt behind the fence. They only showed big round eyes and looked at the strange vehicle.

"Is it here? The scenery is not bad..."

In the cab, a man in a suit and leather shoes, a meticulous haircut, and looking upright, checked the navigation information on his phone, and shook his companion next to him.

"Hey, Zongjie, get up!"

" it here... let me sleep for another five minutes..."

In the passenger seat, a blond man sleeping soundly, his snoring turned into a pig cry under the shaking, struggling to wake up.

"For two consecutive nights to remove the spirits overnight, the sleep is severely lacking. The work of removing the spirits is much more tiring than the delivery of food..."

"This... is Hinamizawa Village?"

He sat up slowly, removed the "Ninja Turtle" blindfold on his face, and looked at the surroundings in confusion.

"It's still a field when I'm out of the field, it doesn't seem to be popular..."

One main driveway, two secondary arterial roads, a convenience store and surrounding farmland...

This is a small village with a panoramic view at a glance.

The two people who came here for some reason are the spirit eliminator (trainee) Sosuke Araki, code-named "Shibu Kei," and Ryoma Ryoma, a new Detective 2 in the ninth section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"If the navigation is correct, this is the place. After all, there is only one village by this name in Japan."

Before the second, Ryoma opened the door and got out of the car and stretched vigorously.

"Ah...I'm exhausted, I have to find a bubble bath when I return to Tokyo tonight..."

"In order to accompany you on this ‘secret mission’, I drove for four or five hours. The most overwhelming thing is that you just fell asleep on the road and didn’t help change hands at all! 』

Immediately, he stared contemptuously at Sosuke Araki in the car from the corner of his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, I have confirmed that the radio device is confiscated in the car and there are no outsiders here. Hurry up and tell me, come here. What are you doing?"

"Just call me without saying anything. I feel chilly on my back along the way..."

The reason why he drove all the way to this small village where birds do not lay eggs was to assist Sosuke Araki in performing a so-called "highest level of confidentiality" mission.

The related content of the mission can only be known by the spirit eliminator Sousuke Araki. The second-before agent Ryoma who came together is only responsible for being a driver and coordinating local relations.

"Well, since you have asked sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately..."

Rubbing his messy hair, Sosuke Araki tilted his mouth and smiled evilly.

"In short, this mission is about a curse of ‘knowing the name and you will die’... and the origin of a series of terrible events must start from..."

"Stop, stop! Who do you think of me?!"

Hearing Sosuke Araki's deep and terrifying tone, Erqian Ryoma, who had been listening to gossip, instantly solidified his expression on his face.

"As a professional ninth class agent, strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality and never inquire about mission information outside of my authority. This is my life creed and professional ethics engraved on my ribs!"

At a speed faster than flipping a book, he put on a cold and ruthless expression and walked away, preventing an unscrupulous young man in the car from continuing to "disclose secrets".

At the same time, hearing the sound of cars, an uncle in his 40s and a police officer in uniform walked out of the convenience store beside him.

"Hello, it's the Second Former Police Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, right? I'm Makoto Hasebe from the Hinamizawa Village who contacted you by phone before."

The police officer came to the car and respectfully saluted Erqian Ryoma who was standing on the side of the road.

"Jiaofan" is the kind of guard post that Ryoma stationed in Shinjuku for a long time before the second.

It is naturally impossible to have a police station in such a remote village. It is already good to be able to set up police officers and patrols.

"Oh, this time the matter is not trivial, please pay attention to discipline during Hase's inspection..."


After responding to the other party, Ryoma proficiently showed a calm appearance of "leadership inspection" before the second, and patted the other party's shoulder triumphantly.

"Wait a minute, you guy... When will the police department rise?!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Araki Sosuke in the car opened his eyes wide, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he pointed his finger at Erqian Ryoma outside the car with an incredible expression.

"When I was suspended for investigation, wasn't it because of a series of crimes such as embezzlement of public funds, illegal reimbursement, and private use of confiscated goods, and even the police rank of the chief inspector was about to be lost? 』

As a man who has recorded hundreds of times of counseling at the police station and frequently enters and exits the police station, Sosuke Araki still has the basic common sense of police rank.

Even the high-achieving students of Dongda who have passed the National Civil Service Class I Examination have to serve as a police department after graduation. After three months of junior cadre course study and nine months of practice in the police department, they will have the opportunity to be promoted to the police department.

Among ordinary police officers, capable on-site police officers generally have to grind to the age of 30 to 40 before they have the opportunity to be promoted to the police department.

In other words, Ryoma, who was not two years older than himself, actually achieved "curving overtaking" in the police rank before the second, and stood in front of the elites in the professional group!

"Hello, police department or something. In the special department with extremely high mortality rate and less than five years in the ninth class, is that the most basic treatment? 』

Covering his mouth, he explained to Sosuke Araki, who had destroyed his "leadership image." Ryoma looked seriously at a middle-aged man behind Constable Hase before the second.

"This is the Anato chairman of the Hinamizawa Village Self-Government Association."

"In Xia Anatotoyo, the police department was really young and promising before the second..."

Ryoma shook hands before the introduction of Officer Hase and Ji, some of the fat Anato president wiped the sweat from his face, and looked at the man in front of him with curious eyes.

"You have come from afar. If there is anything that can cooperate with the police, I will do my best."

This young police department from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is said to have come all the way to this small mountain village. What is it for?

"Well, I'm here this time, I'm just responsible for driving people..."

Just before the second, when Ryoma handed cigarettes to the two of them to set the lights on, Sosuke Araki, who looked tired, also opened the door and walked down.

"It is my colleague Araki-kun who is solely responsible for this investigation, and I ask you to cooperate with him fully."

He pointed his finger at Sosuke Araki wearing a one-eyed blindfold, and skillfully flicked a cigarette into the air...


In the dull expressions of the two, Araki Sosuke, wearing a one-eyed blindfold, golden oil heads, six-pointed stars engraved on the temples, and tattoos on his arms and neckline, opened his savage mouth and bit the air like a hound with fierceness and precision. Cigarette butt.

"In Shimaaraki Zongsuke, Ye Lu has a hard time! There are two of you today..."

After saying hello, he furiously stretched out his head to get to the lighter that Ryoma had lit before the second, and he began to vomit.

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